
Divine Banishment

When Zyxel was ripped out of Hell and thrown into the Earthly Realm in the modern day, he went into a rage. Fleeing from an Angel who was hunting him. But to survive on Earth, first he would need to find a Sanctuary. Instead, he discovered a human with a strange aura about her. What was it about this girl that made him so drawn to her? Being the daughter of a Priest, Trinity grew up her whole life being religious. She believed in God and always strived to do what was right. So when a certain Demon came into her life, it made her begin to question everything that she knew to be true. Could it possibly be that everything might not be as "black and white" as it appears? Can she accept him for what he is, despite everything she had been taught to believe? When these two meet, both of their lives will be changed forever. And the veil between truth and lies will begin to unravel. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Discord: https://discord.gg/FUczSTp9f6 (A small verification check is required upon joining, as well as agreeing to the server Rules; before you will be able to interact with the rest of the Discord server) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo. All rights to the photo belong to the original Artist.

NovaLuna · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Humanities Flaws

Amara landed gracefully on the balcony railing. The clouds in the sky once again began rolling and changing as they returned back to what they once were. The rain ceased and the sun shone through the clouds once more.

As she hopped down, she noticed him reaching out for the girl. A smirk went across her face as she slammed her foot into the back of his head, causing his face to smash down into the stone floor.

Immediately after, a swift kick to his abdomen sent him flying into the room.

Zyxel tumbled and rolled across the floor before finally coming to a halt. His breathing was ragged as he struggled to catch his breath.

He pried open his eyes to force himself to look at Amara. "You infused your angelic energy into those lightning strikes!" he accused her.

Amara smirked and laughed. She climbed on top of him as she dug her nails into his chest with one hand. With the other hand, she grabbed him by the hair as she forced his head up to look her in the eye.

"You really are predictable, you know! Why did you risk it all for her? You had me at the disadvantage. You had me completely immobilized, yet you hesitated to kill me, all because of this girl? You've grown soft and weak! Humanity can always be replaced, there will be another girl if that was what you wished." She laughed as she paused in her speech.

"Yet you still couldn't find it within you to kill me, if it meant her dying! That's where you messed up, and it's what I knew you would choose!" Amara smiled a wicked grin as she forced his head backwards, slamming it hard into the stone floor once more. Pieces of stone began to chip in the floor from the impact.

"Why?" Zyxel asked. "Why are you choosing to do all this?"

"'Why'?!" Amara sneered his question back at him in outrage. Her face contorted in anger. She slammed a clenched fist down hard upon his bare chest. "How dare you even ask me why! Do you even know what it felt like to be banished to the Void for three thousand years? Do you know what it felt like to starve of hunger, until nothing was left of your body? The pain and anguish we suffered!"

Zyxel gave a small chuckle, but his body immediately clenched up from the pain of her angelic energy that was still coursing through his body. "Yet in the end, it was your own kind who planned this, because the rest of you couldn't leave well enough alone. To see the plan through to the end."

Amara's face was filled with anger at this comment.

She brought the wooden necklace back out of her pocket. Lifting her other hand off his chest, she traced her finger over the pendant, a blue light of energy could be seen entering into the wooden necklace that he had carved.

Zyxel groaned. He knew exactly what she was doing, and he needed to get away from her. But Amara still had his body pinned to the floor.

"Our attempts to fix humanity didn't work, and yours didn't do any better, dear brother. Except to completely distort and disfigure your own kind. Can't you see that your plan to heal humanity was the most flawed of them all? Humanity will never be fixed in this regard. They are a disease that needs to be eradicated and started over again, if we are to weed out the flawed gene."

"It would have worked!" Zyxel retorted back. "If this disfiguration is what I have to suffer, then I accept that fate. We all eventually accepted it, in the end. Because we knew that what we were doing was necessary. Why can't you see that this will work? It just needs more time!"

"No, it won't." Amara replied back with a blank expression across her face. "That is why I have to do this. For my own people!"

Using the pointed tip of the demon wing pendant, she stabbed him in the chest. The angelic energy that now filled within, allowed the pendant to pierce cleanly into his flesh with ease. Black blood oozed out of his wound, as Amara made a face of disgust.

"Ugh! Even your blood has been tainted! Do you not even care what you have done to yourselves?"

She dragged the pendant across his chest, and then down toward his stomach. The angelic energy infused pendant sliced through his scales like butter, quickly becoming drenched and stained black with his blood.

Zyxel cried out in agony at the pain caused by the angelic item that was piercing into his flesh. His black blood boiled at the wound opening, as it began working to seal the wound closed.

Amara grinned maliciously as she watched the sliced wound heal in front of her eyes. "Looks like I can have some fun with you!" She said as she sliced into his chest once more with the necklace, causing him to scream out in agony.

"What are you trying to accomplish with all of this, Zara?" Zyxel asked through clenched teeth. "Are you hoping to release all of your fellow gods and angels? You know what will happen if you destroy the Void before it is ready to do so! Why couldn't you just stick to the plan?!"

Amara withdrew the necklace, and stabbed it deep into his chest yet again. Her eyes blazed with a bright blue, as fury rose within her. "Because we never had a say in this!" Amara screamed at him.

She brought the necklace up to his face as she began carving the demon winged tip across his cheek. The tone in her voice was like venom as she spoke again.

"This was all Lucifer and Lucian's doing, and those other traitorous gods and angels who blindly followed their command! They will all get what is coming to them! Just you wait and see!" Anger and rage danced wildly in her eyes as she spoke.

Zyxel spat at Amara. "At least they knew that this was worth trying. They willingly suffered along all of you, the same torment. Because they knew without a doubt, that this would have worked. But the rest of you couldn't leave well enough alone and let us do what needed to be done!"

"Now, it's your turn to see how you like being locked up!" Amara replied back, her face void of emotion.

Zyxel struggled against Amara, but the searing pain that coursed through him from being cut repeatedly by the angelic pendant, kept him weakened. It took everything within him just to keep a clear and level-headed mind.

"I won't let you do this, Zara!" Zyxel cried out, as his body fought against the convulsions caused by the angelic energy. "I won't let you destroy the Void before it's time to do so. You're only gonna doom humanity if you follow through with your goal."

"I'm trying to save humanity!" Amara screamed back at him. "Plus, getting a little bit of revenge on what was done to us all these years, is an added bonus. Soon, you and all of your kind will know what it felt like to be banished to the Void. Soon, all of you will know the pain that we suffered all of these years."

Zyxel reached for the necklace to tear it from her grasp, but she quickly pulled it back and held it out of his reach.

She couldn't help but laugh at his feeble attempts.

"Do you really think that we weren't going to suffer in our own way once this is finished?" Zyxel growled at her. "When Lucifer and the other gods and angels approached us with their proposal, we knew what the outcome would eventually occur."

He stared her in the eye, so she could see the truth of his words. "Once the flawed gene has been fixed, soon the sins of humanity will begin to dwindle down on its own. We will be forced through withdrawals once the last of the souls in the hellfire have been reborn. Don't think that any of this was ever going to be one sided."

Zyxel growled at her in anger. "You spent three thousand years in the Void, and the moment you escaped, you still choose to feed on human virtues. How long do you think it will take us to overcome our addiction to humanities sin once the flaw is destroyed? The brief amount of time you have suffered, will be nothing that we will be forced to go through. You got the light end of the deal."

Amara hesitated for a brief moment after hearing these words, but she quickly shoved them from her mind. Regardless of whether his words were true or not, didn't change the fact that they had suffered for thousands of years, and never had a choice in the matter.

"This changes nothing!" she said. "I made a promise to free my people, and I intend to keep it."

She leaned in low as she ran a hand against his chest, and hissed into his ear. "I've already got a vessel all set up and sealed, just waiting for you! And I will be prepping more to follow soon after! This will give us ample enough time to prep the spell needed to transfer the Void over, trapping demonic energy inside instead of angelic energy. Once each of your vessels dies, you will be banished, and you can suffer how I suffered for the past three thousand years!"

Zyxel looked over at Trinity still lying sound asleep on the bed. He shook his head, pleading with Amara not to do this to her.

Amara laughed at his reaction. "Oh, I get it! You think that I'm going to seal you away inside of your little pet, don't you?" She dug the demon wing tip of the necklace into his right side of his rib cage and sliced down his side. "While she would have been the prime candidate for you, previously. Her current condition won't guarantee her survival long enough for our goals to be achieved."

She traced his lip with one of her fingernails. "I know how much you would have wanted to be inside her!" Amara laughed viciously, and Zyxel growled at her twisted comment that she was insinuating.

"You'll just have to make due with second best instead!" Amara finished.

She sat up straight as she glared at him with a wicked grin. With both hands pressed firmly over his upper arms, keeping him pinned down on the floor, she began chanting in the divine language, to seal him inside of her chosen vessel.

" ꖎ╎リꖌ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ↸ᒷᒲ𝙹リ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓵ⍑𝙹ᓭᒷリ ⍑⚍ᒲᔑリ "

"No!" Zyxel screamed. He looked at his sister as he struggled to escape her grasp, pleading at her with his eyes. "Don't do this, Zara!"

Amara just smiled at his desperate plea. She was enjoying every moment of this.

" ⎓𝙹∷ᓵᒷ↸ ↸ᒷᒲ𝙹リ╎ᓵ !¡𝙹ᓭᓭᒷᓭᓭ╎𝙹リ

ℸ ̣ ⚍∷リ ⍑╎ᒲ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᒲ╎ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ᓭᒷᒷꖌ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓵ⍑𝙹ᓭᒷリ "

"Please, don't!" Zyxel begged through a whisper as he prepared to fight against the spell.

" ᓭ𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ|| ᒲᔑ|| ᓭ⍑ᔑ∷ᒷ ᔑᓭ ᒲ╎リ↸ ᔑリ↸ ʖ𝙹↸|| "

A crash landed over Amara's head as broken pieces of a clay pot and soil cascaded down. Furious, she climbed up, only to be met with someone leaping on top of her back. Arms wrapping her forehead and throat. Followed immediately by a searing pain, tingling, and numbness throughout her body.

"Get off me!" She screamed at Trinity.

Amara stretched out her wings, and flung her body trying to knock her off.

The necklace fell from her grasp, and Zyxel was quick to grab it.

Trinity held on desperately for dear life. Her legs were wrapped around Amara's waist, underneath her wings, and both of her arms were wrapped around her neck and head. She was using the protection spell to her advantage. If Amara felt pain when she touched Trinity, then she would force her to feel pain. Anything, to give Zyxel enough time to escape.

"Run Zyxel! Get out of here!" Trinity shouted at him. But as he forced himself to sit up, she could see sadness and helplessness reflected in his eyes.

"Why you little-!" Amara roared in anger, as she was still struggling to pull Trinity off of her. "How dare you defy me!"

"Zyxel, quick. Fly away while I have her distracted. I can't keep hold of her for much longer. Go!" She looked him dead in his eyes, pleading with him to escape. "I'll find you!" she whispered.

Zyxel lowered his head down, looking defeated. He glanced back up to meet her in the eye. "I'm sorry!" he whispered back. "There's nothing I can do." He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he fought against a sudden surge of energy that shot through his system.

Amara started laughing as she finally managed to fling Trinity off of her. She flexed her arms and fingers back and forth as she rolled her neck as she worked to bring feeling back into her body. "You're too late, Trinity. The spell has already been cast. He can only fight it for so long."

She shook her head slowly as she observed Trinity. "It's too bad. Even after everything, you're still faithful to him. I thought I'd purged that loyalty to him, out of you. Seems his influence has tainted you too deep. Such a pity."

Trinity raced over to Zyxel. Her eyes examined his body, pleading that her words were false.

"Zyxel..." She whispered as she reached out and pulled him into her arms. She shook her head, refusing to believe it. "No! This can't be happening! I finally found you again, after all this time. Zyxel, I know how to save you before! Why did you choose to stay away for so long? I could have helped you."

Her eyes pleaded with him to fight whatever it is that Amara cast over him.

Amara stood tall, knowing she had won. It didn't matter what happened here. Let them have their moment. She grinned in anticipation, watching the scene play out before her.

Zyxel smiled at Trinity's comment. She was so full of life and hope. If only what she had said could be true. But he knew there was no way to heal their link, not without the help of an angel or a god creating a new spell. And Amara wasn't one to be trusted with something like this.

"I'm sorry, Trinity." He whispered silently, as he shoved an item into her hand. "Take this, and don't let her have it. It was always meant for you, originally."

Trinity looked down at the black, blood stained necklace. She could tell this was an item he had carved. There was no mistaking it as being from anyone else. 'Was this what he had tried to give me a few days ago?' she wondered.

She gave a small nod. "I won't let her take it!"

He reached up as he held his red palm gingerly against her cheek. His eyes widened in surprise as a smile appeared. "I can't believe it's taken me this long to notice what it is that I kept sensing from you, which made you so special. It took me finally opening myself up to my hunger to realize it."

He grazed his thumb across her cheek, as his eyes danced with excitement and joy. "Trinity you're-"

His voice cut out as his body began dematerializing into a smoky red mist, just like she had seen once before when they first met. Only this time, he wasn't in control of it due to Amara's spell forcing his possession.

"Where'd you send him?" Trinity demanded as she turned to face Amara.

Amara walked to the door of her room. "I sent him to his new body where he will remain." she answered dryly.

Turning to look back around the room, she faced Trinity. "You're looking better, and you're not broadcasting your emotions anymore. What changed?" she questioned her.

Trinity smirked and gave a light chuckle at her question before she ran towards the door, ignoring Amara's question completely. She didn't have time to deal with her right now. At the moment, all that mattered was finding where she sent Zyxel.

She heard several screams as she ran down the stone steps. She accelerated her speed and raced down towards the first floor where the screams were coming from. As she rounded around the corner, she could see several people who were gathered around someone who was lying on the floor.

Stephen came rushing up to Trinity as he noticed her coming near. He wrapped her body in his arms as he shielded her eyes from the sight that lay before her. "Don't go any closer, Trinity! The demon... he..." His voice caught in his throat, as he couldn't bring himself to say the words.

"What happened?" Trinity demanded as she looked up and stared into his eyes, but Stephen just shook his head.

Trinity pushed Stephen away as she ran to see who Amara forced Zyxel to possess.

There on the floor, laid her father. "No!" Trinity screamed aloud. Anger raged within her for what Amara did.

"Amara, help him, please!" Stephen asked, beside her.

Trinity turned around to see Amara rounding the corner into the room. "You!" she shouted. "You did this!"

Amara spread both of her arms out wide.

" ᓭꖎᒷᒷ!¡ " she spoke, as everyone in the room collapsed into a sleep. Everyone except for Amara and Trinity.

Trinity clenched her hand tight around the necklace that Zyxel had given her.

Walking closer to Trinity, Amara smiled her classic warm smile at her. She reached up and traced a fingernail down Trinity's cheek, causing Trinity to shudder and take a step back away from her.

"I don't know exactly what healed you, or how. Was it the healing energy I transferred into you? I do admit that even I had my doubts about if that would work, as the energy needs my guidance on where to direct it inside the body. Something that I was unable to do. So tell me, what is it that changed?" Amara asked out of curiosity.

Trinity remained silent, but she did move to block Amara's path from her father.

Amara waved her hand in dismissal. "No matter. Now that he is out of the picture, I intend to study you. You can either choose to work with me willingly, or by force. The choice is yours." Amara spoke calmly.

Trinity shook her head as she stood in front of her father in a defensive stance. "I will not help you, Amara. Not after what you've done. Nor will I allow you to get near my father, and I will find a way to save Zyxel from what you have done to him. Mark my words! This isn't over, so don't even think for a second that you've won."

Trinity held her head up high in defiance. She had no clue how she would accomplish this, but she was determined to find a way. She would bring Zyxel back, and free her father at the same time. Only then would she be able to set in motion the plan that Lucifer gave her, to return Amara back to the Void.

Amara grinned mischievously. She walked right up beside Trinity and spoke while avoiding eye contact and staring straight ahead of her. "You only say this now, because you are under the impression that Zyxel can still protect you from me. You know, that little protection spell of his only worked for as long as he was flesh and blood."

Trinity froze as the meaning behind Amara's words sunk in. She glanced over at Amara, not knowing what to expect.

Sensing Trinity's panicked thoughts, Amara's grin grew wider as she turned to face Trinity. She grabbed both of her wrists. "Yes, Trinity! It will no longer cause me agonizing pain if I touch you, nor are your thoughts protected from me any longer!" She spoke slowly.

Trinity could feel an energy flowing out from her, the same as she had felt back when Lucifer had fed from her back inside the Void. Fear reflected in her eyes as she realized the truth of Amara's words.

However, as Amara began feeding from Trinity, her expression quickly changed to one of pure shock.

Amara's eyes grew wide, and she quickly let go of Trinity's wrists as she backed away in astonishment. "That's not possible!"

Her eyes shifted back and forth in panic as she stared at Trinity. She felt torn between confusion, excitement, and betrayal. She took a step towards Trinity once more, she had to know for sure if it was true.

Immediately she went to grab Trinity's arm as Trinity moved to pull away, but she wasn't fast enough. Amara grabbed hold of her and her eyes danced with joy, as she took yet another step closer towards Trinity. This time a genuine smile lit up across her face. "You do not possess the flawed gene!" she whispered. "You're pure!"


[End of Book 1]

This series is not over yet! I hope that everyone who has enjoyed the book so far, chooses to keep the story inside of their Library while I plan my story plot for Book 2! More chapters will be coming soon!


Books I am currently writing:

- The Forbidden Luna

- Divine Banishment

I hope you all enjoyed Book 1 of Divine Banishment! Let me know in the Chapter Comments what you think of the book so far! Any ideas that you would like to see in Book 2, or any future chapters!

If you would like to join the Discord channel, the Link is available on the story homepage! Hope to see you there!

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