
Divided by Law; Bond by Love

Two sides of a coin which could never mix because of the great contrast in their lives. “For all my hate and what I have lost, my revenge shall be a dish best served cold.” Doe, an accomplished black-hat hacker, with a vengeance mission against everyone white-skinned. On her path of revenge, she strives to keep her secrets and emotions intact but fate had other plans for her and love found its way again into her cold heart when her lover, by the law, must hunt her! Jim, a police detective who hates his job, comes across an interesting black lady in one of his escapes, and later she becomes the start of good things for him.  Soon, he gets an irresistible offer of cracking a case to gain his long-desired freedom. What he didn’t expect was the cherry on top?  She was his crime and freedom. Yet, stole his heart and broke the law!

sir_impeccable · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Breach of Contract

Earlier on.

A black motorcycle parked ustbsome steps away from the Black SUV. The ride on it having a. Red jacket and a black trouser.

He paused, inhaling the air as he brought out a pack of cigarettes.

Then he lit it up, puffing a bit as he watched the drama from Jim and Jonas right before try got into the SUV and drove off.

With them gone, he could make out the two ladies who were behind them. From the markings of the vehicle they came with, he could tell that it was a chartered ride. His eyes widened just about as his curiosity peeled up. There was one of the lady who he was interested in.

And so, he brought his phone out. Failing a number instantly.

The number was picked up after a second ring. He inhaled, placing the stick into his mouth and then closed his eyes.

"Boss… can you imagine? I just saw that… Yes. I know. I just saw Amber. You believe that Amber is one who is frolicking in that rich neighborhood? Yes, yes. Please send some guys over. I think we can teach her some lessons." The bike man said and then disconnected the call, a satisfied grin on his face.



Amber's heart was in her mouth. She asked, slowly, taking after the lead that the new man had set for her.

Once they were outside, she inhaled, licking her lips as she stared into the eyes of three more guys. All of them smiling sinisterly at her.

"Uh… what is happening here?" She asked, nervously, looking form one to the other.

"Ah, come in, Amber. You would want to hurt our feelings here, would you?" The man with the red jacket said as he puffed his almost done cigarette.

The other men by his side had sinister grins on their face. The one to his left had a black Mohawk, a black ride rjacket and a ripped black jeans. The other one had a piercing in his left nostril, bulged up muscles and a white Tshirt on. While he had a pair of stonewashed jeans and beards underneath his jaws.

"She thinks that she changed her location know that she has a clean slate." The buffed up guy said to them. And they laughed.

Amber sighed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

"I know what I said, guys. I know. And I know that I have to stick to my end of the deal." Amber said to them. "You don't have to make a scene here." she said.

"Bitch, you wanna tell us how to act over our right? Ah! Which rich dude has you housed in eh?" The buffed guy said as he mocked her, using a middle finger to point at her.

The others lighted, nudging the fellow who had just spoken.

"You don't want us to make a scene, then You come with us. It's really that simple, you know. No scene and we can do that. Else…" The man with the red jacket said, looking past her to the inside of the see through glass door of the store.

"Or your rich bitch in there can take the fall for you."

"There is no need for that." Amber said, putting up both hands in the air. "I will come. Just don't act funny."

"Certainly not. Boss wants his 50grand. If you pumping your way with some black rich kid, then who are we to disturb you? We just want you… come on, complete it, Felix…" The red jacketed man urged the other man who had yet to speak.

"Gah! We just want you to pay up. And we would be gone." He said.

And with that, Amber walked away from the entrance of the door, making her way with them. They moved some steps to the motorcycle which had been parked there from earlier. A black jalopy right behind the motorcycle.

Huddling into a circle around the hole, the three men stared at Her. Two of them folding their hands while the red jacketed one rubbed his jaws, patting his other free hand against his thigh.

"Hurry up! We are waiting." The red jacketed one.

"I don't have 50grand." Amber said, her voice shaking. "I came here because I wanted some respite. I didn't expect you guys to be here." She said, looking back to the door as she gesticulated.

"No, you didn't expect us to be here, Amber. You came here because you knew that this would be the last place we would check. But lucky, oh, lucky me. I did find you here. Did I not? We found you." The man said as he walked up a little, pacing his hands against the motorcycle while staring coldly Amber.

"You ran away. That's not in the deal. That's a Breach of contract." He continued.

"And we have been good to you, Amber. We have. Have you what you needed, helped you through the highs and all. Why you have to cheat on us?" The man asked her.

"Haha!" The buffed up one laughed shortly. He shook his head and then patted his chest. "This one thinks that boss would let her go just like that. Even after she spat in his face for all the favors he helped her with."

"I can't believe your guts, Bitch." Felix blurted out. "You broke out trust in fair beauties like you. Come on."

"Look, I said I would get it to you. And I mean to get it to you. So, you guys should calm your asses down." Amber said.

"Oh! Hi," the Red jacketed one said, a sneer to his words. "You don't run the show. So the sooner you get us the money, the better do that black chick you have the hots for."

"What? That's bullshit! You don't have anything on her. Why are you dragging in?" Amber queried, her eyebrows kitting closely as she fumed up instantly.

"Ah! You broke the rules when you hit the road." The red jacket guy said as she drew close. "Honestly, if we never found you, you would have lived free from us. You think you would have ever have come back to pay? No!" He cracked a smirk. "But we found you. And you broke the rules, so we break your bitch." He scoffed.

"Heck! We could come in to her house and violate you both and even rob the hell out of your place if we want. Boss just wants to give you the dignity of a good customer. But, clock's ticking." The buffed up guy said as he turned around to jump into the jalopy.

The motorcycle revved up, the halopy kicked into ignition. And soon, Amber was left alone, her eye mistening as she stared into space.

"Amber? What are you doing here? I looked for you inside!" Doe called, causing Amber to quickly clean up her eyes as she turned around, a forced smile on her face.

"I just wanted fresh air." She lied. "Are we done here?"

What did Amber do? This is sus!

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