
Dissimilar Supergirl

Supergirl finds herself ensnared in a web of deception and manipulation orchestrated by one of Superman's arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor. Captured and rendered powerless by an energy field designed to neutralize her abilities, Supergirl confronts Lex, only to reveal his ultimate plan: to break her spirit and bend her to his will. With cold determination, he enlists the help of a villain skilled in the art of hypnosis, ordering them to manipulate Supergirl's mind and make her his and listen to his order. * * * Note : DC Universe: EARTH XXXXX *** Author's note : I do not own DC or any of its characters other than my own variation of the said characters. This fanfiction is also on scribblehub.

marvel_away · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 2: Captivity

"You're a coward, Lex," Supergirl spat, her voice laced with contempt as she struggled against the energy field that ensnared her . "Using deception and manipulation to trap me. That's not how a true warrior fights."

Lex merely chuckled, a smug expression crossing his face as he folded his arms across his chest. "Oh, Supergirl, you always were so naive. In this world, it's not about honor or noble intentions. It's about survival of the fittest, about doing whatever it takes to achieve your goals."

Supergirl's jaw clenched, her fists tightening at her sides as she fought to keep her anger in check. "There's always another way, Lex. A way that doesn't involve sacrificing your integrity or resorting to cowardly tactics."

Lex scoffed, shaking his head in amusement. "Integrity won't protect you from the harsh realities of this world, Supergirl. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and if you're not willing to get your hands dirty, you'll never come out on top."

Supergirl's eyes blazed with determination as she took a step forward, her gaze locked onto Lex's. "I'll never stoop to your level, Lex. I'll never compromise my values or betray the trust of the people I've sworn to protect."

Lex's smirk widened, his eyes glinting with malice as he regarded Supergirl with disdain. "Oh, how noble of you, Supergirl. But mark my words, your righteousness will be your downfall and when that day will be today. You'll wish you had listened to reason."

Before Supergirl could respond more, a sudden commotion erupted behind her as Lex's henchmen emerged from the shadows, their sinister grins sending a chill down her spine. Clad in dark suits, their eyes gleamed with malice as they closed in on her.

With swift efficiency born of practiced malevolence, they moved to restrain Supergirl, their hands gripping her arms tightly with an iron grip that spoke of ruthless determination. Despite her valiant struggles, their combined strength proved overwhelming as they dragged her towards a nearby chair, its cold metal frame glinting ominously in the dim light of the warehouse.

Each step echoed with the weight of her impending captivity, a stark reminder of the dire situation she found herself in. The air crackled with tension as Supergirl's heart pounded with defiance, her mind racing for a way to break free from the clutches of her captors and confront Lex Luthor once more as she was strapped on the chair.

"No!" Supergirl protested, struggling against her captors with all her might. "Let me go, you cowards!"

But her efforts were in vain as she was forced into the chair, her limbs secured with thick restraints that left her powerless and immobile. Helpless rage boiled within her as she watched Lex approach, his expression one of triumph as he stood before her.

As Lex stepped closer to Supergirl, who was strapped and trying to formulate a plan, his gaze piercing as he spoke with conviction. "You see, Supergirl, the world is not as black and white as you believe it to be. Sometimes, in order to achieve greatness, one must be willing to make sacrifices, to make the hard decisions that others shy away from."

Supergirl shook her head while trying to free herself and looking at her captor with a resolute expression. "I refuse to believe that, Lex. There's always a way to do what's right without compromising your morals."

Lex's eyes narrowed, his voice taking on a steely edge. "And yet, here you are, trapped and powerless before me. Tell me, Supergirl, how will you protect the people of National City now? How will you defend them against the threats that lurk in the shadows?"

"You see, Supergirl," Lex taunted more, his voice dripping with malice. "In the end, it's not strength or bravery that matters. It's power. And right now, I hold all the power."

Supergirl's fists clenched as she glared defiantly at Lex, refusing to let him see her fear. "You may have won this battle, Lex. But the war is far from over. And when the time comes, I'll be ready to fight back with everything I have."

Lex's lip curled into a disdainful sneer. "Ah, the unwavering optimism of youth. How charming. But I'm afraid your determination won't be enough to save you this time, Supergirl. You're trapped, at my mercy, and there's nothing you can do to change that."

Supergirl's jaw tightened, her hands already balled into fists as she fought against the despair that threatened to consume her. "I'll find a way, Lex. I'll never give up, no matter what you throw at me."

With a cruel smile, Lex leaned in close, his breath hot against her ear. "We'll see about that, Supergirl. We'll see."