

MC Re-Incarnated into multiple Disney Universes. Simple right?

GiveMeMulah · Movies
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11 Chs

Welcoming Party

The scenery started getting more familiar to Adam as he was getting closer to his father's estate. It seemed like the closer he got the the worse, the worse the feeling of 'butterflies in his stomach' got.

It was midday so Adam expected to find his father working the fields, but to his surprise they were all empty.

In the distance he could see the doors of the village he spent his childhood in closed, which seemed quite odd. The wall that was always surrounding the village is no longer wood, it is now stone.

It looked more like a military base than anything else, which got Adam wondering why his dad changed it like this. He quickly discarded this thought as he was getting closer to the town doors.


The tall double doors opened up slowly without Adam having to say anything, leaving him dumbfounded at what was going on.

Past the doors the villagers were all grouped up with his dad in the centre, every single one of them smiling widely in his direction.

"WELCOME BACK ADAM!!" They all shouted in unison.

Adam was taken aback for a moment before giving also giving them a smile and slowly got off his horse.

"It's good to be home guys..." He said as he slowly walked forward.

His father did the same and once they stood face to face they shook hands and hugged, for a brief moment.

"Enough with all of this emotional crap, I've waited more than ten years for my son's return.... so hurry up and begin the party you guys!"

Everyone cheered in response and walked over to Adam, congratulating him and catching up. The young women of the village were especially fond of talking to him, inviting him to a drink or a dance.

He didn't let this moment of peace and happiness go so easily, and accepted every invitation. The older generation laughed at the scene, remembering the days when they were also young and in love.

The night was filled with singing, dancing and drinking. His father had also selected the very best wine from his cellar to be used for this occasion. This didn't sadden him in any way, on the contrary- it was the perfect moment to enjoy such good liquor.

Adam was surprised at how many invitations he received to move to a more 'secluded area', some of them coming from married women.

He didn't feel like it was the right occasion to accept any of them, especially since most of the girls were virgins and he would have to take responsibility.

As the night went on Adam got lost in the momentum of the crowd and began singing, causing an immediate silence. The aura around him changed drastically and the audience were stuck in a seductive trance.

Only when he finished did he notice that everyone else was staring at him, but too tipsy to feel embarrassed.

"That was bloody amazing!"

His father shouted and everyone escaped the spell, clapping and cheering for him to sing again.

"I'm sorry guys but I'm done for the night, the journey was long and I'm quite exhausted."

As he was leaving some girls thought that they could use this opportunity to leave with him, Adam did look tipsy after all.

They were stopped however before they could reach him by the rest of the girls, who thought that Adam needs to rest and they'll have the opportunity to get close to him another day.

His father didn't let him go home by himself and supported Adam by the shoulder, carrying him all the way back home. It's not like he'll party at his son's welcoming party without the main guest.

The next morning Adam woke up later than dawn, for the first time in 13 years. His dad wasn't home and is currently most likely working the fields, only taking a day off for the reunion.

Since he was hung over from last night Adam went outside to wash his face with some cold water from the well.

"Phew... that feels better." Adam exclaimed after refreshing himself.

Everyone in the village worked for his father and so all the men were working the fields, the reason to why the village was so silent right now.

"Why don't you entertain us until his lordship comes back?"

"I-I'm sorry, but..."

"What? We protect you people and get nothing in return?"

Adam heard this conversation coming from the centre of the village, making him head over there immediately.

What he saw were three common foot soldiers surrounding a young girl, who couldn't be older than sixteen.

"It's alright honey... no one has to find out. You'll only be paying us back for our service after all."

The one who seemed to have a bigger rank than the other two tried to put his hand inside the girls shirt, before he was stopped by a vice like grip.

"State your rank, soldier."

The man he grabbed tried to pull his hand away but couldn't, until Adam let go which resulted in the soldier falling on his backside.

"You cur! I'll have your head-"


Adam kicked the soldier as hard as he could in the face, causing for blood to fly from his mouth.


The other two soldiers were about to intervene but froze at Adam's shout, making them re-evaluate their opponent.

This was when they noticed a ring on Adam's right hand which almost made them piss themselves on the spot, both of them dropping on one knee.

"We beg for your forgiveness sire!" They shouted in unison, their superior confused at this behaviour until he also saw the ring.

A silver ring with an eagle head being the main decoration, the eagles eyes were red ruby and the number 2 in Roman numerals was carved onto the ring. These rings are given to only Members of the elite Rangers, impossible to replicate or steal.

"C-captain sire... I'm a measly Captain."

"Answer me then, what are you doing in this village, 'captain'?"

A crowd started to form around Adam soon as they heard his shout, relieved that someone came to the girl's rescue.

"We are only collecting the monthly quota set by the Queen, sire. We can only collect it directly from the lord of this land."

Adam nodded with a frown on his face. *Since when did the Queen enforce monthly taxes? Is that why the nearby villages are so poor?* He thought to himself.

"Follow me, I'll get you the money. How much is it?"

"T-the usual 20 silver sire."

Not such a huge price, but impossible to pay monthly for some nobles. His father was only a baron of course, but his assets and wealth did not match his small rank.

Adam led them back home and once they received the money they bowed one more time to Adam and rushed back to their horses.

*Guess that this country really is going downhill...* Adam thought to himself while watching the retreating figures of the three soldiers.