

MC Re-Incarnated into multiple Disney Universes. Simple right?

GiveMeMulah · Movies
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11 Chs

Back to the capital

The week long holiday went by in a flash and every day was spent with Adam helping out with the field works. During their lunch breaks the farmers would gather and ask for Adam to sing them a song, which he did so with pleasure.

On the last day at lunchtime, while Adam was singing, a highly decorated carriage was travelling in their direction- the carriage was escorted by mounted Huntsmen. Everyone else's attention was still on Adam and so they didn't notice the carriage until the singing came to a stop.

The reason for why Ada stopped was because the carriage opened and out of it stepped none other than the Queen.

*Don't tell me that she heard me singing...* Adam noticed that the Queen was looking at him with the same expression the villagers have when he sings.

"Your majesty!" Adam said to alert everyone else and snap them out of their daze.

The farmers all got on one knee and were worried that they might have offended the notorious Queen, and were ready to be struck down by her soldiers any moment.

"I was getting worried that you might have forgotten about our deal, and since I had nothing else planned I decided to take a little trip to the countryside."

"I wouldn't dare, your majesty."

"I know, I know.... it was only a little joke. No need to go back and pack your stuff, a room with all of your necessities had been arranged for you in the palace. Now follow me in the carriage."

Adam looked at his clothes, which were dirty and ripped and gave the Queen a confused look.

"Your majesty, my current appearance-"

"Did I stutter Adam?" She cut him off with an impatient tone.

The soldiers who were escorting the Queen frowned and looked at each other- the Queen has not travelled with someone else by carriage since the king died.

"You did not stutter, your majesty."

"Good, now hurry up."

Adam gulped, nodded goodbye to his father and friends and joined the Queen inside the carriage. It was quite spacious inside and to Adam's luck the seats were facing each other so he wouldn't sit next to the Queen.

After a few minutes of travelling Adam noticed that the entire time the Queen was just staring at him. He was thinking of a way to break this awkward silence between them until she beat him to it.

"You're to become my personal guard from now on, meaning that you will now take orders from me and me only. Is that understood?"

"Yes your maje-"

"In private you don't have to call me that."

Adam choked internally, thinking his next steps with caution.

"Ummm, yes madam?"

"Call me Grimhilde, madam makes me sound old. Do I look old to you Adam?"

"No, not at all. You are very beautiful... Grimhilde." He said with a shaky smile.

The Queen smiled, visibly pleased with his reply.

"I heard you singing in the fields Adam... you've got quite a delightful voice. Can you sing for me as well?" She asked as if he had a choice.

"It would be my pleasure, your maje-...Grimhilde." Replied Adam and started off with a slow, peaceful melody to fit the carriage ride.

After he finished singing the Queen had an expression that Adam thought she could never make- she smiled. Not her usual smile, filled with wickedness and evil.

No, this smile was completely different but for some reason it worried Adam. He isn't isn't so naive as to not know what kind of smile the Queen was wearing- she was falling in love with him or his singing, wether she admits it or not.

"Sing another one Adam, but this time sing a fast song."

Adam listened and followed through and this time the Queen was tapping her fingers in rhythm with the song.

"Oh, looks like we've already arrived. No doubt that it was you who made the journey shorter. Also, don't worry about becoming an entertainer since I'll only ever ask you to sing for me and me only." She said once the carriage came to a halt.

Adam nodded with a forced smile, not sure wether to be happy with the development of events so far.

"Oh right, do you remember my step-daughter? You met her when you were quite young, so I don't really expect you to remember her. Anyways, she developed a habit of sneaking out as she grew older.

I am very against this kind of behaviour as it puts her at risk, so one of your tasks is to make sure she doesn't get out of the palace." The Queen said as they were getting out of the carriage.

*Because it puts her at risk... she lied so damn well I nearly believed her* Adam thought to himself and nodded at the Queen's order.

"Good, now go and get changed out of those filthy clothes. You're starting today after all."