

Vasiluus Romaneșku was a son of the war hero , he is expected to follow through his father and brothers , thus serving on the military . But his goals are more selfish : he wants to die . Yet on his battles , he shall encounter characters that shall shape his life amidst this war .

Zarashiel · War
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2 Chs

The war that we wage ..

Within the thick of the clamor and the persistent walk of tanks through the bridges over the muddied trenches, voices nearly suffocated by the cacophony of war apparatus and the far off echoes of looming struggle. They walk behind the mechanical behemoths, their white robes recolored with the earth's distress, rifles thrown over their shoulders, and the chill of the morning caught within the hides around their necks.

"Would you see at that? The might of our country, rolling through the veins of the soil itself!"

"Affirmative, and at its heart, the standard of our resolve. God favor Maryanash."

"Each wheel that turns, every step we take... it's a verse within the sonnet of our survival, isn't it?"

"Undoubtedly. But let's not disregard, all individuals kick the bucket , in war or peace."

"If we had one chance to turn the tide of war , this is it."

Those are the voices that are spoken as the tanks roll on, the hail of white cornered by red, green, blue and yellow , within the center , a dark horse coated on a shield of light ruddy with a brilliant crown and a ruddy cross on . This the hail of our Maryanash.

As the thunder of tanks resounds underneath, the sky gets to be a arrange for a expressive dance of steel-clad figures, their shapes sketched out against the scenery of clouds tinged with the tones of day break. These are the Knights of Maryanash, their iron-clad bodies embellished with the emblem of their steadfastness, jetpacks impelling them forward with a beauty that gives a false representation of the weight of their combat hardware.

A Knight , his voice suppressed by the visor of his steerage, talked through the radio. "To the skies, brothers! Our wings are the harbingers of Maryanash's avenging anger!"

"We are the gatekeepers of the Council's will, the sentinels of order in the midst of the chaos of war."

"Let them tremble at the locate of our plunge, for where we take off, triumph takes after like a shadow."

"On the off chance that we battle harder , unquestionably this hostile might succed ."

"So many heads to hunt."

With the sky as their battlefield and the weight of their nation's trusts upon their shoulders, the Knights of Maryanash take off into the shred, their voices a refrain of assurance in the midst of the ensemble of war. Each flight, each shot,each swing, a confirmation to their faithful devotion to the cause they serve , for liberty.

In the midst of the chaos of the unfurling war zone, the Knights of Maryanash discover themselves confronting a tricky foe, their resolve tried as foe air ship darken the sky and unfriendly Knights near in on their position. Within the heart of the storm, Captain Amarósz Tervețu's voice cuts through the clamor, his orders a reference point of clarity in the midst of the mist of war. "Knights, to me! Free arrangement, plan to lock in the adversary! "

"Yes, Captain! Let them come!"

As the adversary Knights draw close as they slid from their Pelicans, the Knights of Maryanash made their stand against the tide of war, their weapons balanced to strike with deadly precision. Within the cauldron of fight, they are not simply warriors, but the gatekeepers of their homeland's honor, prepared to guard it against all who would dare to threaten its sway. Be that as it may , honor may be a lie , a lesson they should before long learn. 

As the sun breaches the horizon, painting the sky with hues of crimson and gold, the stage is set for a clash of titans in the heavens above. The Knights of Maryanash, their armor gleaming in the morning light, take to the skies with a thunderous roar of jetpacks, their weapons poised for the symphony of warfare about to unfold. They prepared their coordinates to take every advantage they can get in this fight .

"Knights, form ranks! Melee units to the front, ranged units to the rear!" Captain Tervețu commanded .


" Let none escape our sight!"

As the enemy Knights of the Senatory of Ardatia close in, the clash of steel and the crackle of gunfire fill the air, a deadly ballet of death and defiance. Melee units engage in brutal skirmishes, blades clashing and sparks flying, while ranged units rain down a hail of bullets and fiery retribution from above.

As the enemy Knights boosted their jetpacks to charge the Maryanashi Knights with their swords , intense swordplay took place . An Ardatian , stabs and charges , the Maryanashi evades and slashes the neck of the Ardatian .

"Burn!"as a Knight aims and fires his flamethrower on Knights unfortunate enough to be near the firing range .

"For Maryanash!" says a sniper , moving at the skies and aiming through the scope , hitting 3 enemy Knights .

As the battle rages on, the sky becomes a canvas splattered with the colors of war: the red of blood spilled in defiance, the orange of flames licking at the heavens, the silver of swords clashing in a deadly embrace. Amidst the chaos, the Knights of Maryanash stand firm, their courage unwavering, their determination unyielding, as they fight to defend their homeland against all who would dare to threaten its freedom.

As the battle unfolds, the aerial dance between the Knights of Maryanash and their adversaries reaches a crescendo of chaos and fury. Amidst the whirling melee and the crackling gunfire, Captain Tervetsa's voice cuts through the din like a clarion call, guiding his warriors through the storm of combat.

Captain Tervețu shouts through his radio inside his helmet ."Hold the line, Knights! Our resolve is our shield, our valor our sword! Together, we shall emerge victorious!"

"For honor, for glory! Let none escape our righteous wrath!"

"With every bullet, we can still win this war! For Maryanash!"

Amidst the chaos, the Knights of Maryanash execute their maneuvers with a precision born of training and camaraderie. Some engage in fierce dogfights, their jetpacks roaring as they weave through enemy formations, while others rain down a relentless barrage of gunfire from above, their weapons singing the song of victory.

" Thy skills are a waste of an agressive cause .Yield now, or meet your end!"

"Burn, you bastards!"

As the battle rages on, the fate of Maryanash hangs in the balance, each clash of steel and thunder of gunfire a testament to the unwavering courage and indomitable spirit of its defenders. In the crucible of war, amidst the chaos and carnage, the Knights of Maryanash stand as beacons of hope, their valor lighting the way to a brighter dawn. Victory is within reach .

As the chaos of battle rages on, Captain Tervețu's gaze falls upon the unfolding disaster below, his heart heavy with the weight of impending defeat. Despite the valiant efforts of his Knights, the tide of war has turned against them, the enemy's relentless assault claiming victory on the ground. The soldiers carrying the flag of Maryanashi are retreating en masse , their tanks tanks knocked out and the enemy soldier's , pursuing them , bayonets fixed .

"Knights, disengage! Withdraw from the battlefield, we cannot hold this ground any longer."

"But Captain, what about those below? We cannot abandon them to their fate!"

"Our duty is to protect Maryanash, and that means preserving our forces to fight another day. We cannot save them all."

As the Knights begin their fighting retreat, Lieutenant Țuruniasz Arvil steps forward, his expression resolute despite the chaos surrounding them.

Lieutenant Arvil flew near his Captain , carrying his sword and pistol"Captain, let me lead a rearguard. We'll buy the others time to escape, hold back the enemy as long as we can."

"I cannot risk more lives, Arvil. We've already lost too many."

"We are Knights of Maryanash, Captain. It is our duty to protect, to sacrifice if need be. Let us do our duty, for our homeland, for our comrades below."

For a long moment, silence hangs heavy between them, the weight of their decision pressing down like a leaden cloak. Finally, Tervețu nods, a silent acknowledgment of Arvil's steadfast resolve.

"Very well, Lieutenant. Lead your men with honor. May your courage be our beacon in the darkness.You shall remembered as a hero for millions of years."

As Arvil and his chosen Knights prepare to face the enemy's onslaught, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of the sacrifice ahead, they steel themselves for the final stand. For in the crucible of war, it is not only victory that defines a warrior's legacy, but the courage to face defeat with dignity and valor.

As the sun dips low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the battlefield, Lieutenant Tsurunias Arvil and his five chosen Knights stand as a bastion of defiance amidst the encroaching darkness. Before them, the enemy Ardatian Knights advance, their gleaming armor reflecting the dying light, their weapons poised for the final clash.

"Brothers, today we make our stand! For Maryanash, for honor, for glory! Let none pass!"

"We may be outnumbered, but our resolve is unbreakable! Let them come, we shall meet them blade to blade!Let them crush their heads into mountains, unbreakable mountains."

"For every fallen comrade, for every inch of sacred soil! We fight!"

With a mighty cry, the Ardatian Knights charge forward, their thunderous footsteps shaking the earth beneath their feet. But Arvil and his Knights stand firm, their hearts aflame with the fire of defiance, their weapons gleaming with the promise of vengeance.

"For Maryanash!"

With a thunderous clash of steel, the two forces collide, the air thick with the sound of ringing blades and the cries of warriors locked in mortal combat. Arvil and his Knights fight with a fury born of desperation, each blow struck a testament to their unwavering resolve.

"Burn, you dogs of Ardatis! Feel the wrath of Maryanash's fury!"

"With every bullet, we carve their numbers thin! For every fallen comrade, a hundred foes shall pay!"

Despite the overwhelming odds, Arvil and his Knights fight on, their determination unyielding, their courage unbreakable. With every swing of their swords, every burst of gunfire, they carve a path of defiance through the ranks of their enemies, refusing to yield even in the face of certain death.

"Hold fast, brothers! We are the shield that guards Maryanash's honor, the sword that cleaves through the darkness! Onward, to victory or death!"

"They... they just keep coming... We can't hold much longer..."

"Stay strong, brothers! We fight on, to the last breath!"the lone lieutenant tried to rise morale on his men that chose to stay with him.

But even the bravest hearts can only withstand so much, such as the tragedy of war.

"Arvil... I... I'm sorry..."

"No... No, stay with me, brother! Hold on!"

But it is too late, and with a final, agonized gasp, the fallen Knight breathes his last, his lifeblood staining the earth beneath him as he fell from the skies.

"We can't... we can't save them all..."

As the weight of their losses bears down upon them, Arvil and his remaining Knights fight on, their hearts heavy with sorrow yet their spirits unbroken. But as the enemy's numbers swell and their attacks grow more ferocious, the inevitable becomes undeniable.

Lieutenant Arvil realizes the situation they are in"I... I'm sorry, my brothers... I've led you to your deaths...".

"No... No regrets, Captain... We fought with honor..."

And with those words, the last of Arvil's Knights fall, their bodies lying still upon the blood-soaked ground, their sacrifice a forlorn valor.

Lieutenant Arvil knelt beside his fallen comrades, his voice barely a whisper "Forgive me, my friends... I will carry your memory with me always...Glory ...to Maryanash!"

As the battle rages on around him, Arvil bows his head in silent tribute to the fallen, knowing that the same fate was soon to be bestowed upon him .

It was not meant to be.