
DIRTY SECRET AH: my bad haters

BOOK 1 BOOK 2 SECRET's out ah *side note: No it's not just smut, it has a plot. The name has another meaning. You dirty-minded people! some scenes will be dark* *ongoing editing* Meet Wu Jie Tyna; the third-born daughter of Chaos darkness. Also known as lady darkness. During the ongoing chaos war, Tyna had experienced her first death and was later reborn in her second life, due to her failure as the 100th legion General. In that life, on Gai (sometimes Gaia), known as Earth to many, Tyna had lived the first six years of her life suffering, the latter half because she had - due to the fact of releasing her inner monster after a betray- Became something that took the life force from those who, 'died for her' in order to survive. Sadly one-night drunk, Tyna fell in the wharf and was therefore eaten by... Ah... Sharks. Third life: Wu Jie Tyna, had been transmigrated as an ah... A child. In a world newly populated by humans and other fantastical creatures, the world is harsh where if one is not powerful enough or at least has a backer strong enough death will welcome them with open arms. --- Tyna somewhat both lucky and Unlucky have heeded to the words her mother had bestowed the previous body's owner; In the world, people focus on something that to us was trivial. Of course, we live in society as those below us, but our circles? Our circles were small, we lived far above them, and treated these lowly ones nothing more than cannon fodder. Your beliefs? Who cares, Your system? Freedom? It was broken long before it was even created, all of you were nothing more to us than playthings. Haha haha, how stupid it is nothing more but an illusion for those high above us out of reach to be entertained. That was before in the greed of the top families we fell, we suffered and as if nature itself found our ways disgusting our hidden island was sunk and we had to leave our safe haven, to live among those... We had looked down upon.' 'if that is so mom, then we are different' 'of course, those from the east, said they were the motherland but we knew otherwise. Those who were our slaves are now our equal' 'we may have lost our home and have become outnumbered but it is fine, each family will marry their sons to the daughters.' 'the society is patriarch' 'it will not and have not affected the families, as long as our blood is not tainted then we shall continue to prosper in this barbaric society'. --- ongoing editing Original work no translation Please rate, comment, and vote thanks all

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On the first day of school, after I had been transported through the teleporter to the entrance, my mother and the Wu couple had stood together to see me off.

My mother blended into the background as a dutiful servant while Mr. and Mrs. Wu treated me as if I was their daughter.

Even though I felt the hug from the woman was on the tight side, it was nothing compared to my mother's, who had almost drowned me with kisses and had fractured a rib. Even if the healing process was fast, that had to hurt.

The saying "love you to death" was a true thing with this woman.

Seriously, how many times had I been close to death because of her?

If I didn't know better, I would think she wanted to kill me.

The arrival was exactly fifteen kilometers from the registration building. Therefore, for the clueless new students, a hover car waited; one for each student. I could not help but to secretly admire the posh life. Yup, this was the life for the ultra-rich.

Seated and secured, it drove me to the registration hall.

The building, of medium height, rose into view ahead. 

The exterior looked to be made of white granite, while two massive glass doors dominated the entrance; this gave it an intimidating look. I inhaled to keep myself as calm as possible.

Since I was low on vitality already, it was not possible to overreact, so I made myself relax fully. Holding my bookbag, I smiled and entered.

"Sigh … how adorable," I heard someone said nearby. This person is not referring to me, right? 

They better not be referring to me. Like – who is adorable?! My anger burgeoned, but I remembered my predicament, so I forced myself to be calm. 

Like a prayer I chanted, "Calm, calm, calm, calm!" 


My eyes slanted. I hope that this will not be my life!

Even if I am cute, people will learn to stay away!

Entering the building, I approached the free booth where a woman sat.

Her violet-coloured hair was styled in a loose bun. The almond-shaped, slanted green eyes watched me, widening slightly. Right now, I was slightly darker than her, a light caramel tone; my eyes, shaped similar to her own, were larger in comparison, complimenting my diamond-shaped face.

"Family name,"

"Wu Jie,"

'"First name,"




"OK, Wu Jie Tyna, thirty-five years of age, this states you are from V city, is that correct?" 


"You have received all the rules and regulations and have studied them?" 

"I have,"

"OK, please note in the school once you have been officially accepted, your name will be pronounced and spelt as follows: "Tyna" first name. "Jie" middle. "Wu" family. Please present your hand." I nodded and obeyed, presenting my left hand.

"This wristband will be with you for life. If damaged you will have to pay the official price totalled at five ruby diamonds. Your identification and approval to frequent regulated areas throughout the school and currency are on this wrist band. It is also water and heatproof. Thank you; please have a good first day of school."

"Thank you," I replied, and left, passing another girl, who watched me exit. At that time I didn't really notice her because a female employee stepped forward and led me away.

"I will scan you for your measurements and create your uniforms. On the premises, the uniform is to be worn at all times out of your rooms. Failure to do so will result in punishment."

"Yes ma'am."

We walked about two minutes down a hallway, which was entirely grey in colour, before entering through a pale silver door. The room itself was small, only big enough to comfortably fit around twelve people with about half a meter of space for each person.

Scanners were on the left, while directly in front of me was a halo screen that was presently blank.

"Step forward, stay still so that you can be scanned."

I did as I was told, keeping still. A minute later I was finished and was handed a brass ring.

"Your storage ring for all school materials, uniforms, books, writing equipment. If the ring is damaged, lost or stolen it will self destruct and will be replaced once. With a sample of your gene, it has been bonded to you until the allotted time has expired. If the ring is handled by anyone without the gene recognition, the ring will self destruct,"

OK, well, then I need to make sure to take those vials before time runs out.

Ah, the blowback from this ring might cause me extreme harm if I fail.

"Thank you," I replied. The woman stared at me a while longer before turning away.

"Alright, please have a good day. Outside, a student representative will direct you to the major faculties around the school." 

"Thank you, once again."

"As a teacher, it is my duty." 

She turned away while I exited. Looking around, I was greeted by a red-headed girl who seemed to be a year older than I was.

Her uniform was a total of a black top, silver skirt and tie, silver shoes and black socks, a ribbon of black and silver. Her hair was secured in twin buns with a ribbon around each in a pretty bow.

Her eyes were blue and her skin smooth and pale. A little taller than me by about four inches, I grimaced slightly. Why is it than I am short?

I hope this body gets taller.

"Hello, I am student Winneth, of the fifth year,"

"Hello, I am student Wu Jie, enrolled student." 

"Nice to meet you, enrolled student Wu. If you may, please step into the changing room and don your uniform so we can proceed further."


I obeyed, followed where she pointed, stepping forward into the closet spaced room.

What I was told by my mother was that this world is for the survival of the fittest.

Everyone was aware that to enter the school officially, one must first pass the test.