
DIRTY SECRET AH: my bad haters

BOOK 1 BOOK 2 SECRET's out ah *side note: No it's not just smut, it has a plot. The name has another meaning. You dirty-minded people! some scenes will be dark* *ongoing editing* Meet Wu Jie Tyna; the third-born daughter of Chaos darkness. Also known as lady darkness. During the ongoing chaos war, Tyna had experienced her first death and was later reborn in her second life, due to her failure as the 100th legion General. In that life, on Gai (sometimes Gaia), known as Earth to many, Tyna had lived the first six years of her life suffering, the latter half because she had - due to the fact of releasing her inner monster after a betray- Became something that took the life force from those who, 'died for her' in order to survive. Sadly one-night drunk, Tyna fell in the wharf and was therefore eaten by... Ah... Sharks. Third life: Wu Jie Tyna, had been transmigrated as an ah... A child. In a world newly populated by humans and other fantastical creatures, the world is harsh where if one is not powerful enough or at least has a backer strong enough death will welcome them with open arms. --- Tyna somewhat both lucky and Unlucky have heeded to the words her mother had bestowed the previous body's owner; In the world, people focus on something that to us was trivial. Of course, we live in society as those below us, but our circles? Our circles were small, we lived far above them, and treated these lowly ones nothing more than cannon fodder. Your beliefs? Who cares, Your system? Freedom? It was broken long before it was even created, all of you were nothing more to us than playthings. Haha haha, how stupid it is nothing more but an illusion for those high above us out of reach to be entertained. That was before in the greed of the top families we fell, we suffered and as if nature itself found our ways disgusting our hidden island was sunk and we had to leave our safe haven, to live among those... We had looked down upon.' 'if that is so mom, then we are different' 'of course, those from the east, said they were the motherland but we knew otherwise. Those who were our slaves are now our equal' 'we may have lost our home and have become outnumbered but it is fine, each family will marry their sons to the daughters.' 'the society is patriarch' 'it will not and have not affected the families, as long as our blood is not tainted then we shall continue to prosper in this barbaric society'. --- ongoing editing Original work no translation Please rate, comment, and vote thanks all

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A wave of my hand; my uniform materialized inside the changing room, hung up on the wall, as if by magic.

This is something I'd never get used to. How great is this?

Taking off my clothes and placing them in the ring, I then dressed, keeping on my under suit.

Finished, I stepped from the room and smiled at the older girl.

If what I thought is right, this girl is five years older, yet her height seemed to be a vast difference to mine. I suppose its genes –  no, my mother was tall and, from what she had mentioned, my dads were as well; one being seven and a half feet, another seven one, and the other seven three or something like that to her six-foot-nine. I'm probably a mutation or something, I suppose. Sigh, this is truly depressing.

The older girl looked around thirteen with slightly preteen features while, though I seem to look twelve, my features seem around eight and my body, ten – confusing, I know, but it is what it is. Sure, all women love to look younger, but that's for those who are twenty-five and older, well... looked twenty-five.

I'm already thirty-five!

"Is everything alright, enrolled student Wu?"

"Yes, student Winneth."

"Alright, let us proceed forward."

Exiting the building, I wanted to huff and puff. Of course, the few years home, I practised walking around, but this is too much.

This school was the size of my island Barbados – how am I to walk the entire thing? I'd sweat and pass out from exhaustion.

<Host has dropped to 40% vitality. Materials needed reach max level of 100%>

What the hell! It seems I will always have one foot in the grave. The max I had ever been was 70% and, even then, it was seven years ago.

<The vials cut your vitality by 20%.>

Inwardly, I cursed.

"Currently, we have one hundred and five students in total (Author's note, just to let you guys know: they were more students, but they were killed off during the various tests), a faculty employing two hundred and thirty lecturers, with an indefinite amount of guards around the schools for protection. This school is among the top five elite schools, ranked third among the elites. This will teach us both endurance and survival, ensuring that we know how to protect ourselves for the next step of our life…"

Her speech was pretty much what I had already known, but it was still nice to hear as she pointed out the various places to study, dormitory, swim halls, training grounds and whatnot.

I kept a landmark in mind where each important building was located, so I could easily recollect their location.

My sense of direction was terrible... So yeah.

"The school has four terms; each term has twenty weeks. For the first five, they will teach us basics, following this the level will increase two weeks before the final exams. Occurring on the nineteenth week, we will have self-study. The first term will not have free time, but the second term will, just before entering the third. Students will be given ten days of freedom, including an opportunity to visit family and purchase supplies."

I kept silent, looking around. The school was filled with silver grass; on this world, the grass had three colours: silver, red, and green.

The most common is red, then green, followed by this silver, which proved how wealthy this school was.

The trees were scattered but huge, towering high and providing natural shelter. Most were peach blossom trees emitting a wonderful subtle scent whenever you got close.

The colours varied between lime green and orange.

"This is the medical bay; Any injuries can be healed or bones regrown as long as you had a breath, unless it is a corroding one."

I nodded to the female. This medical bay was like the several pods back home. The Wu family had four in total in a secured room for the sick along with beds, even though, in comparison, this room was several times larger with six separate medical teams and eight different public rooms. Of course, the top students would be treated differently.

For a moment I turned my head to glimpse the room I could not quite see and knew, even though it wasn't mentioned, that it was in fact the medical area for those students.

"Anything else pressing, don't forget to contact me via comm message or comm call. I want to extend my greetings, enrolled student Wu Jie, for being accepted into our school and I hope you survive until graduation."

I did not bother to show a reaction; the survival of the fittest again here. Instead, I thanked her and gave a small nod, presenting my wristband for her to scan.

"Thank you, Student Winneth, for your help,"

After we exchanged our contacts, we went our separate ways.

Remembering the landmark about two kilometres back where the female dorms were located, I walked back, passing many students.

"A new student! So cute!"

"I hope she survives…"

"Sigh, it would be a tragedy if she died."

A set of students gathered together, discussing me as I passed.

No courtesy, sighs, this was just like Barbados – those people would talk about you in front of your face without care.

Quickening my stride, I hurried on; thankfully, I reached my destination in fifteen minutes.

I noted the number displayed on the school, then with a simple gesture on the wristband pulled up my school information.


<AGE:35 >

<LOCATION: section temp <temporary residence> (duration 1 day)>

<ROOM:20 >

Closing the screen, I then entered the building "Temp" and noted the room numbers. Finally, finding where I was supposed to be, I scanned my wristband and released a sigh.