
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

16. King

Sun Leo Valentine. The 17th King of Laventine. A person with great qualities of King. He was the one who personally discovered Alex capabilities. Despite Alex's status he cared for him and gave him noble title.

" Who came inside? I told to not disturb me." King spoke with a annoyed voice.

King Sun is a person with great political knowledge which is one of the most important quality for a ruler. As a ruler, he has huge amount of work. But he is lazy to extreme. Most of the time he would sneak to enjoy with his family. But work can't be avoided everytime. So, in some days he works day night to complete piled up work. And today is one of those days.

" Looks like great king has to read and write in these days." Alex said in a sarcastic tone.

King hearing this familiar tone glanced towards the voice. Just seeing the face of Alex teasing him annoyed him.

" What can I say? As a great king I have do this for my precious kingdom. I am not like a brat who doesn't do anything and have title for name." King makes a comeback.

"Grrr..." Alex grinned angrily. Both Alex and King are glaring each other. Then both of them burst into laugh.

" Hahahaha!!"

Wiping his tears out of his eyes, King asked," So, brat why are you here?"

" Don't tell me you don't know." Alex asked in a disbelief tone. After all he saw the invitation and because of Imperial status he came even though he was unwilling. And now the king says he don't know. Slowly anger was boiling inside him.

" Oye! Stop! Stop! Don't get angry." King quickly said after watching Alex's reaction.

" The thing is my daughter Flora is missing you. She haven't seen you for long time. So, I thought of inviting you." King said.

"....." Alex sat on the chair.

" Okay. I know you very much." Alex sighed.

King loves his family too much. And Alex knows it very well. That's why he didn't said anything to king's excuse.

" Wait for a bit. I just have a bit of work. After that I will talk to you for a bit." King said.

" Butler!"

A old man with full black suit came and bowed down to saw his greetings.

" Yes, your majesty."

" Guide Duke Lockheart to meeting room. And bring him refreshments." King ordered.

" Yes, your majesty." Butler bowed down once again. He came in front of Alex.

" Please follow me Duke Lockheart." Butler bowed and said.

Alex nodded and followed him. All the maids were glancing towards him with a blush. Alex who was seeing there reactions through observation Haki sighed. Everywhere the reaction of people was same even he was getting tired by it.

Alex sat on the sofa in meeting room. While he was resting a bit closing his eyes, Ram and Rem came.

" So, did you both are okay?" Alex asked.

" Yes, Master." Ram replied.

" Yes, master we also learned new dishes." Rem replied with a smile.

Both twins were talking with themselves about the recipes they got to learn here.

' It looks like they are happy to come here. I was always worried about them.' Alex thought.

Alex was worried about Ram and Rem as both of them were in unknown world with him. Both of them left their original world to come with him which made him a bit guilty.

" Sorry, both of you. You had to come with me to an another world." Alex patted both of them.

" No, master. It was our wish." Ram said.

" Yes, master. You don't have to worry about us." Rem said.

Alex only smiled after hearing Ram and Rem. But still he knew their feeling.

" Okay. If you are saying then there is nothing to worry about. But I will take you once in a while to your home." Alex said.

Ram and Rem brightened after hearing Alex. As he was chatting with Ram and Rem, the butler came and said," Duke Lockheart, The Majesty is arriving."

At his announcement, both twins straightened themselves, while Alex also stood up to respect the king. Though Alex's relationship with King was of Uncle and Nephew but in formal places he used to act like a proper noble to not disrespect the King and also to keep his prestige of being a noble.

The king came and he glanced at Alex but he noticed his maids was stunned. Alex was always alone and never used to rely his work on somebody. He noticed Alex's maids was was a bit surprised.

He grinned as he found a new material to tease Alex. The butler left both of them to have private talk.

Alex bowed and then sat down casually. King didn't mind it as he also withdrew his king's mode to casual mode.

" So, our lonely lamb finally found someone." King said with a grin.

" Hey! Don't say I was lonely to began with!" Alex argued.

" But isn't that true. You were always were busy fighting, training and other whatever work. And when I asked you make some friends around your age, you just used to say I am busy." King replied.

"Grrr.." As Alex couldn't refute what King said he was fuming with rage.

Seeing his state King was laughing loudly inside his mind. And Ram and Rem were also chuckling.

Then the king suddenly remembered the task he had given to Alex.

" So did you find someone?" King asked.

When King Sun heard that Alex was going to attend academy, he gave Alex a task of finding all wrongdoings happening in academy to prevent losing commoners from academy.

During inspections, the students act like proper students but every place has an other face. Many commoners who fail in adapting academy chose to dropout which causes problem for army. As nobles only attend academy for name, commoners are the most who join in army or other defense forces of country.

If commoners dropout, it causes an unbalance in forces for having less new recruits. Also this way can be used to suppress the other noble houses from gaining power.

King told Alex to find and resolve these problems.

" I have seen all the problems. Though it will take some time I can do it." Alex replied.

The most biggest problem was that low ranked commoners are bullied. Though low ranked is not good but in army and other forces all students above D rank can be recruited.

Students having E ranked can work a bit and can easily reach D rank. But due to being bullied most of them dropout from academy. High ranked commoners having the A or B rank ignore other commoners to mingle with the nobles.

So, in order to break their fickle pride, Alex thought of training a low ranked commoner to high rank in order defeat all of them. And he found the perfect piece - Ross Beltross. Though Alex was using him, he really liked the boy who didn't gave up and pushed himself to get stronger. Even if he wasn't given the task, he would still teach Ross.

King who heard the answer nodded happily. Then he became more serious which made the atmosphere more tense. Then he asked," You are coming to ball, right?"

Alex was going to reply no but as he saw King's face he knew it was not his choice in this matter. With no other option he agreed which made King happy. His daughter requested him to bring big brother Alex to her birthday party, so he used everything to persuade Alex to come. He used imperial ball as an excuse to bring him to palace and then pressured him to agree to attend ball.

Alex who knew the King's methods thought,' King's love for daughter is too scary!!"