
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

10. Hero

( Rem POV )

Me and my big sister were born in oni tribe. And as twins both of us were born with one horn. And in tribe where individual strength is over everything else we were going to excuted due to the tribe's pride of being strongest demi humans.

But on the time of execution, my sister showed potential by protecting both of us and we were spared.

My sister is good in everything. I tried everything I could do. I tried to use magic but I couldn't do it. I always stayed in the shadow of my big sister.

If I can't do magic, then I should improve myself in other aspects. So, I tried to cooking and other household chorus. But still I couldn't surpass my sister.

My sister still supported me in everything. She always protected me and loved me. And I could feel it due to our connection we have as twins.

I admired my sister more than anybody and tried to be like her, but I knew that it was impossible.

I tried and tried, but it was out of my league.

And I accepted being behind my sister.

And that's how my life used to move. But a night arrived which completely changed my life.

I was eating with my parents and sister but suddenly saw a group of black robed people attacked our village. In order to save us our parents told us to hide inside the house. Mother and Father with other oni's were summoned by chief to intercept the group of enemies. But the robed people were strong and their number was overwhelming. And they didn't seem to care about their own death. Like brainwashed people.

I was scared. And my sister who understood my feeling hugged me.

Time slowly passed, and we heard cries of our parents. And before we knew all tribe people were killed. Then a robed man found us! He attacked us. But my sister in order to protect me was fighting with the enemy.

At first she was intercepting all the attacks but slowly the enemy overpowered my sis.

I couldn't do anything to help my sister. I am not good in anything.

And then the enemy slashed my sister's horn which she was using to fight as a last resort. When I saw that for some reason I felt happy. But after that guilt covered my heart.

' Your sister in order to save you, lost her horn but you feel happy?'

I was full of guilt and wanted to help but I couldn't do anything. Only I could pray for someone to save us. From the bottom of my heart I wished someone to save us.

Then I heard a sound. And I saw a figure in air. A boy with white hair and beautiful blue eyes. Due to night, his white hair and blue hair was shining bright. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Then he took a katana out of nowhere and got to a stance. Then I heard a breathing sound. And in a flash he decapitated the enemy. Then he turned towards us.

" So which one of you wished to save you?"

He really appeared. I prayed from my heart and he really appeared. A hero.


" So which one of you wished to save you?" Alex asked. Both of the sister were looking at him. Rem was looking with admiration while Ram was a bit wary. I noticed and understood her wariness towards me. In middle of battle who would trust a stranger?

" Listen within one of you..." As Alex was going to explain someone attacked him. He quickly without even turning back slashed his Kusanagi sword in air. A slash made up of wind slashed the enemy in two pieces.

Then he saw with his observation Haki and roughly counted the enemies.

' 1023 enemies. It looks like I have to wait for a bit to explain the twins.' Alex thought.

" After cleaning the enemies we will talk." Alex said and rushed towards the group of robed people. In order to quickly finish it, he activated Conqueror Haki. It seemed that the air stopped. Intense pressure of King could be felt everywhere.

But the robed figures were still moving.

' Conqueror Haki don't work? Maybe because their will strong to worship or they don't have will. Truly fanatics. Though it might not faint them but their movements became sluggish.'

" Mana zone - Elemental Magic : Wind's Rampage."

The full group of people was covered with a green mana domain. Alex sword which controls wind is absolutely powerful in this state. He slashed and ten of them were slayed with the one stroke. The mana zone and Kusanagi sword evolved wind magic to another level. In a normal slash ten people were slaughtered. And Alex began his rampage. From all directions wind slashes rained upon the cult.

Because of mana zone there was no scope of hiding for them. In mana zone, a magician can attack from any direction. Plus, Kusanagi sword can control the winds.

In five minutes the cult was completely slaughtered. And there was not even a drop of blood on Alex's clothes.

After he killed them, he returned towards the twins. Both of them were shocked. The cult which gave Oni tribe hard time and killed all of them was slaughtered in mere five minutes!!

Ram was injured but when she saw Alex coming towards them she raised her alertness to highest level. She knew if Alex wants to kill them then it was very easy. But she has a duty to protect her sister. She can't back down even if the enemy is stronger than her.

Alex saw her and somehow see himself in her. When he was devil, he also was like this. Never backing down even if enemy is stronger than him. But he sought strength for revenge at start and Ram sought strength to protect from start.

With a smile he came near Ram and patted her on head.

" You are good older sister trying to protect your sister. But it is better to take rest if you don't want to worry your sister."

Alex said with a smile and flicked her head.

Ram's eyes widened a bit and lowered her guard. She nodded to Alex.

" You two take these potions and drink them. Your most of the injuries will be healed." Alex said while handing over two high potions.

Ram and Rem believed him and took the potions. Their body recovered but Ram was still hornless.

' It seems potions only heal injuries. Regeneration is not possible.' Alex thought.

Then he instructed both of them to rest and they will talk tomorrow morning.


" So you understand ?" Alex asked after explaining everything.

" So, Mr. Saviour came here because Rem wished for someone to save us." Ram replied.

Alex nodded.

In the morning after waking of Ram and Rem, Alex explained them that he came because somebody wished for him. Then he confirmed it with Rem and told them he is from another world. Ram and Rem were shocked but understood at last.

" Now, before you I go back I will grant a wish to you both. Tell me what you wish for?" Alex asked.

According to quest he completed everything except granting the wish. The 2nd objective was fulfill their wish. After that he will return.

He saw both the twins blushing and discussing something. Then both of them nodded at each other and then looked at him.

" So, both of you have decided your wish?" Alex asked them.

Both of them nodded.

" So what is it?" Alex asked.

" Our wish is ...."