
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

09. Twins

" Yes!! I am is finally in another world!!" Alex roared.

" It's a good thing I bought language translation skill from the shop. But it is too pricey. The system must have deliberately increased the price because I needed it." Alex said.

" Now let's look around and ask the people about the quest location. I have only one hour to reach to quest position. If I am late then I will fail the quest." Alex said with worried tone.

Alex asked multiple people where he was. But for reason all girls and women were blushing. Then Alex remembered that because he was excited for coming to another world, he came with a proper outfit which looked a bit stylish but also comfortable for battle. And he also didn't wear a blindfold. Though it was a bit dark because night was approaching it didn't cause any effect in Alex's face. It got enhanced because of his white hair and bright blue eyes which shining like gems.

Alex was really very beautiful and handsome. After some time, he found that he was in the capital of the country - Lugnica.

And he knew in which world he was in. He was in the world of Re:Zero.

But the problem was that he haven't the anime except the first two episodes.

'I'm screwed.' Alex thought.


( Before 2 hours )

Alex was in his room. He was preparing everything that would help him in another world. He bought a language translation skill, and some high class medical potions. His regeneration is good but just for emergency he carried some high level potions. Then he found that only one hour left. Then a notification window appeared.

[ Ding! Quest details : Save Rem and Ram in one hour. ]

" Rem and Ram. Who are they? They must be the twins. And the quest is to be completed in a hour. It means I don't have time to sightseeing. Sigh. Life is not easy."


'I remember now that I have save those two girls with blue and red hair in Re:Zero anime blogs. Shit. I have never seen the anime but many pics of these two characters were in trend. Specially of the blue haired one. If I remember properly, then my otaku friend in net had said they lived in a forest which has last oni tribe's village. I have to search for the village.' Alex ran off after thinking.


Meanwhile inside a forest....

In a village where last oni tribe used to live is attacked by an organisation called Witch Cult.

Witch Cult is an organisation that allegedly worships Witch of Envy. It is led by Sin Archbishops. Organisation motives always changes with time. And this time are to wage war against Oni tribe.

Oni Tribe is one the mightiest race among all humanoid races. Their body structure and mana potency gave Oni peerless combat strength. But due to elitist mindset, in order to preserve pride and purity they live in mountains or forests isolated. There are population is very low due to their elitist thinking. They don't look much different from humans except one feature. And that is their horns on top of head. When they are in danger, the horn rises and absorbs mana from atmosphere at rapid amount and greatly increases combat and magical capabilities.

And currently there is war going between Witch Cult and Oni tribe.

" Burn the houses. Slaughter them." The followers of Witch Cult rushed inside fanatically.

Though Witch Cult attacked in night which caught Oni tribe with surprise but Oni tribe wasn't going down without a fight.

" Show them the strength of Oni. Show them our pride." Oni chief declared.

Both sides with their belief's clashed.


Alex asks the people in whole capital and finds out that Oni village is hidden and isolated from cities. With no proper location he can't pinpoint a place where the village is. He then searches the forests which are near water bodies in hope of finding the village.

Oni village is burning with bright flames. All houses are burning and is slowly turning into ashes.

Oni are stronger than the Cult in individual power but the numbers of cult were overwhelming. And cult members are fully fanatic. They don't feel pain. They believe in their beliefs a bit too much.

Even if leg or hand is chopped off they are still fighting cheering their beliefs.

Truly, cult members are like zombies. Not feeling pain, not afraid of death. Truly they are zombies.

And slowly one by one all onis are getting killed. And inside the village two girls are holding each other while crying. Pink haired girl is holding other girl in order to protect her. While the blue haired girl is crying and is relying on other girl. These girls are the twins Ram and her twin younger sister Rem.

They are currently hiding where their parents told them to.

But a member of Witch cult discovered them. He attacked the twins.

Ram in order to protect her sister engaged in fight with the enemy.

Alex is annoyed. No matter how he searched he can't seem to find the village.

'Why these oni live in a weird place?' Alex angrily thought.

But then he saw black smoke coming from far away. Alex got rushed toward the direction of the smoke in hope of making in time to save the twins.

' I have quickly to save them. Let's hope I am not late.' Alex thought and increased his speed.

As he goes nearer he founds some people in black robes burning the village. For some reason it triggered something inside Alex.

But controlling all of his anger, he rushed passed them and then saw a pink hared girl fighting with a black robed person to protect the blue haired girl.

He noticed that girl's condition is not good. After a few minutes, she will lose. He quickly ran tree to tree and jumped towards the black robed guy.

Quickly taking out Kusanagi sword he takes stance in air.

" Thunder breathing - 1st form : Thunderclap and Flash."


In a flash he decapitated the guy in a lightning speed.

" So which one of you wished to save you?"