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This is my first work so be patient with me English is not my main language so sorry for the grammatical error. I just made my Pat so if you want to support me be my guest p*****n.**m/Zelcherz I don't have advanced chapter so that Pat is for general support when I have time to make advance chapter I will tell you

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How brain work and why I'll use NZT this way

I have read a comment about why the use of the 100% could a seizure, I normally wouldn't talk more about it as is fiction but I'm trying of taking a logical solution in my story and this could help me explain something that I will use later but could be strange to you reader.

the seizure part is true only partially and I'll explain why

the next text is a transcription of a video that is in Spanish that is called ¿Que pasaria Si Los Humanos Usaran el 100% de sus Cerebro? by Wachmojo español

so if you know Spanish you can watch it on yout*be. but I'll add inputs where I'll explain the NZT and the caloric bar and why it uses works in my story so you should read it.


Probably you have heard that humans can only access 10% of their brain while the rest of our cognitive capacity remains untapped but this is a myth.

Actually in a day humans can use 100% of their brain but rarely do we access all of its capabilities simultaneously.

The brain is a powerful beast consuming more energy than anything else in the human body(here the caloric bar[I need a better name so if someone could help] will play its part) hence efficiency is crucial to prevent tiredness or exhaustion(this part explain what happen in the movie when using NZT) to avoid wasting resources the brain prioritizes certain regions that the user tends to give in to more


The brain as a whole is a vast interconnected network with hundreds of possible connections that enable a wide range of behaviors.

But as humans form routines, the brain begins to prioritize specific neurological pathways to increase productivity; while other regions work more sporadically, although this method conserves energy while performing daily tasks, overconfidence leads to decreased flexibility and the formation of good or bad habits.

Habits can be difficult and annoying to break, but a brain is an ever-adaptable tool that with a little effort can effectively learn a new trick or two; however, even if the 10% myth is false the general idea that humans do not live up to their potential is true.

Neuroplasticity is a popular buzzword in brain research circles, it describes the ability of the brain to rewire itself, and form new neural connections which allow us to learn new things; from an evolutionary standpoint, this helps the brain to compensate for any regions it may have lost functionality due to disease or injury.

However, this process does not occur automatically and requires neurons to be repeatedly stimulated(NZT does this) by performing activities which in turn enable new pathways to be strengthened thus stimulating a wider range of connections by trying new things or repeating old ones.

Established skills can improve your neuroplasticity resulting in faster learning and greater flexibility in practice towards perfection, it's more than an old tale since repeated performance correlates with higher neurological connectivity.

For example, a professional guitarist learns new riffs faster than an amateur because their brain devotes much larger sections to hand movements than an average person but if going through the same patterns is the most practical what would be the point of using 100% of the brain?

Well while there is no super drug capable of unlocking someone's latent potential(NZT will do this in the story and the caloric bar will give the energy that it needs to do it without collapsing) using all regions of the brain should lead to a style of a vastly improved life.

The brain is divided into left and right hemispheres showing asymmetrical control over the body while writing a right-handed student would use the left side of his brain and vice versa recent studies show that a person's preferred hand has more to do with his backbone than with any neurological development.

But body coordination can be improved by performing exercises that require the brain to switch from one hemisphere to another that being said the division of the brain explains many more differences than simple movement.

The right hemisphere is linked to creativity intuition and thought holistic while the left side deals with logic, reasoning, and scientific ability a statistician and artist prioritize their left and right hemispheres respectively; this side of his brain could establish dominance but even the creative hemisphere of a mathematician will never be out of commission, so they tend to stick to what they know, people prefer to use a well-oiled machine instead of a less reliable alternative.

The brain works in waves and depending on the situation one hemisphere will take charge and approach a task with a different attitude, if the right side wins the person will opt for a more holistic point of view and focus on the whole instead of the individual parts, alternatively a left-sided analytical approach tries to understand the whole by closely examining separate ingredients or smaller details, the two hemispheres working together but how much faster can the brain switch between analytical and holistic thinking; the more complex, creative, and probably more effective the thinker will be.

Truly the last thing anyone should want is for the brain to fire 100% of its neurons at the same time, as overstimulation would likely cause a seizure if you are striving to unlock your full cognitive potential some experts consider brain synchronization(NZT will help here) to be most importantly, most situations involve a logical and emotional element but humans tend to focus on each other.

When both hemispheres are on an equal footing a new world of thought is possible, while one perceives a complete picture without neglecting any specific component, with both halves complementing each other humans should see an increase in self-awareness and active behavior allowing breaking habits and forging alternative neural patterns, in short, should make it easier to learn things.


this is an interlude

Well the video continues explaining with the brain how the age period of a person affects how the brain absorbs and processes so I will omit this If you want to know I will post it later depending on the response of this chapter



A well-balanced brain unlocks super learning which allows extraneous concepts to be detected at a faster rate and problems to be analyzed from a wide range of perspectives, by definition innovation requires new connections to be formed between neurons but that is only likely when a human is tapping into 100% of their network, another benefit of a synchronized brain is reduced anxiety and fear.

In itself, stress is not intrinsically bad and acts as a notification that danger is or could be brewing, but when a situation arises that seems to offer no way out, stress gives way to anxiety; an emotion that can be paralyzing.

However increased awareness due to brain synchronization would open up more potential avenues that can be drawn to find solutions, which should reduce fear, which is negatively correlated with our understanding of the world around us; therefore a person who uses 100%(that maybe what Vernon was trying to explain) of his brain efficiently must be calmer and more relaxed(As Eddie showed in the movie).

So saying all this that's what I'm basing myself on to explain how NZT works if my story.