
Dimensional Travel Space to movie, anime, novel and more

This is my first work so be patient with me English is not my main language so sorry for the grammatical error. I just made my Pat so if you want to support me be my guest p*****n.**m/Zelcherz I don't have advanced chapter so that Pat is for general support when I have time to make advance chapter I will tell you

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Chapter 5. Limitless 3

Mc pov

1 hr. later, In mc house 3:30 pm May 25,2003

After arriving to my home I when to the living room to sit down as I was still excited that my gamble worked. Taking out the bag with the pills I hesitate a moment and decide to take a pill after getting out of this world I could treat the side effects that this drug could to me.

It took effect after some time and the effect was better than I could have imagined, All the knowledge that I had via the chip was now really mine I could remember everything and use it as I want it, I could make anything I want and I was sure that I could recreate the drug with the tools I have in my hands.

Then I realized what kind of drug I have ingested and became paled as a ghost; 2 years that was the estimated time that I gave myself if I take a pill once a day I could extend that time 2 more years if I take it in intervals of 2 or 3 days after all the human brain was prepared to work in these conditions with a body to take that overexertion the food that I bought before would give me another 4 years and that's because I didn't realize what kind of consumption I would need after taking the drug. after all the principal problem with the drug was that as the brain was overworking, It demands energy to continue without accidents(like a plane that needs fuel to go for A to B but you forced it to go to C you will be lucky if it doesn't crash), the food I exchange was the fuel with the quality that the brain needed without taking the toll on my body.

And another thing the drug was already perfect what you could do it's reduce the effects so that you don't burn out after all the grade of benefits you could recieved are in the long term after all normally you would learn more knowledge before you could apply it. Or modify the process on how your body could produce the chemicals that the brain needs.

'I have to began to work if I want to live let's go to the lab' I went to my room and went to the suitcase by the bed, this was the portable lab that I bought before my entry to this world. It was like the suitcase of scamander from harry potter world.

'First I have to take do a blood test' I mused I had been doing a blood test every 5 days since to I have arrived to this world so the sample was taken very quickly, the machines in this lab were even better than the ones in my old world and I will only have to wait 10 minutes to have the results so after I put the the sample on the machine I when to other machine this one would check a pill to analyze what are the compounds that make it after I had the pills contents I could try to duplicate but that would take time even with all my knowledge so done everything I could at the moment I began to recall all the medical knowledge that I have so a enter a trance like situation.

5 hours later 8:30 pm May 25,2003

I was lost in my mind when my a siren broke up my concentration, it was the machine that was analyzing the pill I really put the highest volume that machine has so that I didn't ignore it as apparently I did with the blood testing machine. I when to the monitor of my laptop after all it was connected with all the machines here and read the report well the blood test is normal so the changes are not immediate then I when to the pills but I was hungry I was try to read the report first but that would have to wait but first I took another blood sample after all sometime had passed and this hunger is really not normal.

After I put the sample in the machine and I took a food bar from my space ring then I began to eat, after the first bar I was still hungry so I took out another one but even that wasn't enough; It was after I ate the 3rd one that my hunger was calmed. I was really surprised after all a bar was enough go through the day without eating after all the bar contains all the nutrients necessary to the human body without wasting anything.

So after I here the blood sample machine I immediately went to read the report, I was astonish of the results after all many the parameters were tenths below the previous results so that was proof that the brain take more resources from the body than what it could be replenished. so thas why people end dying I the toll on the body is extreme.

Then I read the pill content report, after finished reading I was impressed how those components could make the drug as they are basic ones but well I already have two possible combinations and I have the ingredients so I began to work.

1 hour later 9:30 pm May 25,2003

While working I thought of 5 more combinations but with the machines is this lab I only could make 4 combinations so I put the machines to work I went out the lab with my laptop after all even with those machines it would take all the night to finish.

I went to check how I was doing in the stock market after all I would need money to buy more material for the drug as the 100kg that I have would be gone in no time. In the last 3 months I have made 30 millions but I was doing it too slow for my liking.

But now with the drug I could improve the speed of how to make money. after that I call one of my subordinates that check of the companies that I own and told her to adquire chemical compounds for one of the laboratories that I own. After the call I was thinking about the memories that I received from Erick Williams(His identity in Limitless) I really realize how it was possible that no ditravers had obtained knowledge of works , that would have been wrote without ditra inside some others worlds,It was really simple the entertainment industry in the limitless world was really different than the one in my past life

It began to differ after 1975 like in ditra world(the homeworld in this life), so my hypothesis is that many tried to obtain clues for others world but they differ so much that It could be a different world all together or even was a wrong name after all the worlds on ditra space only have a name a year(that ditravers don't why, as seen that sometime the year inside those worlds is different) so many migth not trust in this clues after all it could activate restrictions of the worlds it they enter if the limit exceeds the world.

So now I knew how to make money faster, but first let's sleep.