
Dimensional Travel Space to movie, anime, novel and more

This is my first work so be patient with me English is not my main language so sorry for the grammatical error. I just made my Pat so if you want to support me be my guest p*****n.**m/Zelcherz I don't have advanced chapter so that Pat is for general support when I have time to make advance chapter I will tell you

Zelcherz · Others
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Chapter 2. Gantz 2

A/N Kei Kishimoto is 15 in the original work but in my story, she is 18 so some suggestive actions could be done and Reika Shimohira would be a college student around 20

Alexander pov Dec 16, 2003

Today might be the day I have been going to the station every day since entering this world, but I haven't had luck, but today the conditions might be different, I feel it so I arrive at the station a little earlier and waited for Kurono and possible Kato to arrive.

After 15 minutes Kurono came down the stairs of the station and 10 minutes later Kato was there, I was excited and nervous after all I'll 'die' today if the condition are met.

So while I was thinking about what will happen the scene from the plot began. I was looking at how Kurono got down the platform but the drunk man was very heavy I help with my telekinesis so that I have a valid excuse to help them so I went down too.

"Let me help you," I said to Kurono and Kato while making the man heavier so that I could pretend until the train arrives so when I felt the rails tremble I stopped my powers and get the drunkard out.

"We have to run until the trains slow down" Kato shouted so Kurono and myself follow him then we hear the announcement that this was an express train.

"Look for a hole or something" I shouted so that they lost velocity after all you can't pay attention to things when you are running.

"There is ....." I couldn't hear what Kurono was trying to tell but after a moment we were inside a room with others guys and a big black ball.


Gantz room

"Oh there are 3 more people," a man in a suit said.

Kurono and Katovwere panting while I was looking around the room checking if they were changes in the plot like more or fewer persons but the scene in from of me was the same as the manga.

While I was musing the man I think his name was Yamada was talking about what happened to us, Kurono and Kato responded and began looking around the room while I decided to sit in front of Gantz after all if Kishimoto arrives I won't let Kurono get lucky having a n*ked girl appears on his lap.

After a while, Yamada proposed to introduce ourselves he began and after the guys 'introduced' themselves he turns to me.

"Do you speak Japanese? if yes could you introduce yourself" Yamada asked me

"Alexander Wick, 20 years old, traveler," I say.

After that Kato and Kurono began to talk I was waiting while scanning the other guys with my telekinesis (really this power is convenient), after a while, Yamada say that we were on a tv program and I was trying not to laugh, then something began to appear in front of me, the silhouette of a n*de woman appears leaning on me.

This was Kei Kishimoto the first heroine in the manga, I have to say she is beautiful, and Kurono was practically drooling over her. I took off a backpack that I carried and my jacket and put it over her, that might have gotten her out of the trance she was in.

"Where Am I?" she asked while laying on the floor but before I could answer one of the 'yakuza' to her to the entrance.

"Don't bother us" the bast*rd said and Kato look like he wanted to intervene but I beat him to it, I went to where he and Kishimoto were and punch the bast*rd, he went down but before he could get up I punch him again but then a song began the bast*rd use that time to go to the room with the others, the dog that appears at that time in the manga was stopped by my powers so I took my shirt leaving only an undershirt and kneel to Kishimoto.

"Are you alright?" she was afraid but nodded.

"Good, take my shirt to wear, by the way, my name is Alexander Wick," I said to her while looking concerned about her.

"Kishimoto Kei, where are we?" she asked while putting on my shirt.

"I don't know but that song comes from the room maybe something is beginning let's take a look," I said to her extending my hand to her, she took it but stay behind me.

After coming into the room the ball was displaying the onion alien's mission, while the others were talking about what the h*all was happening Kurono was looking around the ball when suddenly the ball opened showing a naked man inside and a rack of weapons and suitcases coming out. I told Kishimoto to stay beside the door and went to examine the ball I first went to the weapons and took one then I went to the suitcases and took the one with the name of Kishimoto, and after that, I went to Kishimoto.

"Take it has some kind of outfit this could be yours, after all, it has your name," I told her she took it but then the yakuza with the white suit called the one that attack Kishimoto as his head was disappearing and after a while, all trace of him was lost.

"I have a bad feeling change quickly," I told Kishimoto, who to change then I look back and the others were disappearing too, I when and took my suitcase and waited for my turn. After all of them left Kurono began to strip and Kishimoto can back but I was disappearing like the others.

"Let's hope I can see you again," I said to her while I disappeared my vision changed and I was looking at a street after my body finished the transfer as I saw Kurono's head appear he was halfway changed so we didn't have to look at him naked, and after him came Kishimoto she was wearing the suit. When she saw me she came to me and give me my shirt back.

"Thanks," she said to me

"No problem," I said

After all that she came close to me and open her mouth to say something but a shout from Yamada interrupted her.

"TEN MILLION YEN" Yamada shouted

"I told you not to shout it," Nishi said then began to tell us how this was all a tv show where all of us were scouted to participate for a 10 million prize and how we were hypnotized. Kurono didn't look convinced but nishi could fool him for a bit with the state of mind that he probably was after almost dying, after that everyone except Kato, Kurono, Kishimoto, the politician, and myself left to look for the 'alien'.

"This is silly, I'm going home," the politician said and went to the way his home was I believe

"What do you think Kei?" Kato asked Kurono but before he could respond I said.

"That Nishi guy was lying," I said

"How do you know?" Kurono asked skeptically

"Because the idea that someone could convince me to be part of a show for just 10 million yen is ridiculous after all my net worth is probably 1000 times (while I believe is more after all I didn't check my account in this world but 10 million yen were like 75,000 dollars so I at least was worth 75 million dollars) that so you tell me would do this 'tv show' for just that amount if you have my money," I said to them, they were stunned.

"But why didn't you tell us something?" Kato asked me somewhat angry that I didn't expose Nishi.

"Three reasons; 1. I don't know you so why should I help you as I don't know you for all I know you could be a psychotic killer, 2 I don't have sufficient info about our situation, and 3 That guy Nishi is dangerous I can feel it" I said to them and my 3rd reason is true after all without the suit Nishi could kill me with a lucky shot.

That floored Kato and Kurono.

"We should follow them until we know our current situation," I said to them and went in the direction the others went, Kishimoto follow me and the other 2 could only relent after thinking about what I said.

We were near when the onion alien came from above I took aim at him and use the upper trigger to lock into the head of the alien. After all, if I could kill steal, and get rid of the others by making the other Alien kill and obtain the points is good.

Then Kato help the Alien get up but the others came and he ran so we followed them.

"I'll go ahead Kishimoto, Kurono, Kato, take your time," I said while accelerating without revealing my true abilities after some minutes I arrive when they shoot the alien limbs Kato arrive next to me, he should have been following me to stop the guys but they didn't listen so them one of them took aim at the head of the alien but before he could I press the second trigger killing the alien as It was still locked by my gun.

After that papa Alien came and kill the ones that 'killed' his son while he did that I backed off to have better chances without using my power after the alien killed the others and turned to Kato but before the alien could kill him the yakuza with the white suit shoot him then I aim my gun a shot the Alien kill him.

"Why did you do that" Kato asked me

I look at him like he was an idiot.

"Woah not even a thanks for saving my life now I can go back to my family" that affected Kato as he look ashamed

"Don't let your guard down there could be more of those aliens" I said to Kato while I could see Kurono and Kishimoto approaching us.

"Don't worry the mission was completed" Nishi's voice sounded around us, then he appear out of nowhere.

"What the hell?" Kurono exclaimed.

"So you know about our situation" I stated

"Can you tell us what you know about this place?"I asked Nishi

"Sure but you'll have to wait until we return to the room, then you are free to leave," Nishi said

"We can leave?" Kato and Kurono asked

But before they can continue to ask more questions Nishi began to disappear.

"See you later," Nishi said.

After that all the others began to disappear then it was my turn. When we were in the room Nishi was beside the ball

"Well Gantz will start handing points," Nishi said

"Gantz?" Kato asked

"Yes Gantz," Nishi said

"You name it that?" Kurono asked.

"No, it has always been called that" Nishi responded

"By...?" kurono asked

"I don't know... Someone else" Nishi said

After that, the portrait of everyone began to appear on the screen:






*whine* the dog left from the front of the ball depressed.




"....." Kishimoto blushed





"....." Kato

"That's cold" Kurono

"It's trying to be funny, I guess," Kishimoto said.





"tch" Nishi




"Staring at t*ts ... make you hard," Nishi said amused.






"That guy was worth 10 points" Nishi muttered shocked, he didn't notice that I kill both aliens after all we aren't supposed to know that the guns from Gantz have a lock target function.

after that, the screen turned off.

"Huh? Is that it?" Kurono asked nobody. then Nishi turns around to leave, but I say to him.

"Didn't you say that you would explain what you know about this place?" I ask Nishi.

"Fine, I'll tell you what I know and answer some of your questions agree?" Nishi said while I nodded.

"Well I arrive here 1 year ago, that ball brought people who should be dead and when those people died, more were brought in to replace them, the ball give us missions to hunt aliens and gather points, I've seen dozens come and go, there've been times that were more spectacular than this one, but I've survived," Nishi said with a euphoric tone while walking to the ball.

"Hey Gantz, show them who has died, stop slacking," said Nishi, putting a finger on the naked man's ear.

Then the screen turns on again showing a list.

"Are they showing, take a look at the bottom" Nishi said, and at the end of the list there were the portraits of the other four.

"That's who died this time, among the ones I've seen they were a pretty sorry bunch," Nishi said while looking at Kurono and me.

"But you're different, without being told, you just seemed to know how important the suit is, and you could press the trigger when the time came, that's why you survived," Nishi said to Kurono and me.

"If you had told everyone in the beginning more of them would have survived but you choose to lie and tell them nothing, Why didn't you tell us?" Kato asked but before Nishi could respond I said.

"Because he did not know us therefore he has no responsibility towards us," I said to them which stopped everyone.

"Kato, It's like the situation on why I didn't call his 'tv show' lie, only apart from the first reason the main reason could be the points, after all, looking at his expression when I scored 10 points that amount of points isn't easy to gather so why not use the people that come here as bait and minimized the risk he takes in his mind he should think something along those lines after all if my survival was in play I would do it," I said to them, Nishi looked shocked, Kato looked like he wanted to argue and Kurono and Kishimoto were thinking over my words

"Kato before you speak, I have to tell you those people were nothing to me and people are waiting for me outside this place, and if they survived and I find them trustworthy I would form a team with them after all better to have someone to look your back for you that have many that could backstab you at any time," I said to him.

"Woah Gantz picked someone great this time you might be able to leave this place quickly," Nishi said to me.

"Them let me ask some questions what is the suit? and you said that Gantz brought people who should be dead what did you mean? and Are we alive?" I ask him.

"The suit is a wonderful thing it can make you extremely stronger just by you willing it and protects you from all damage, then, first of all, we are alive but we did die so my theory is that Gantz copy us before our dead and put that copy here while our true selves die but Gantz is not perfect as I hear that one time a guy came here but when he went home his original was still alive," Nishi said while pressing the controller and making himself invisible.

"You shouldn't tell anybody about Gantz if you don't wanna die, Gantz will call us when there is another mission," then we heard the door opening so we went to look and the door indeed was open.

"Look that we can go home," I told them.

"Well we had to get you some clothes, after all, I don't think you wanna go if that suit you, well you could use my jacket, after all, I still have something in my backpack for me..." I said while pausing to look at them with a look of realization.

"That's it my backpack," I said while going inside Gantz's room where my backpack was, after I moment I came back taking out some packages.

"I was buying some clothes and souvenirs for my family before I met Kato and Kurono while the majority was at the station I have come here" I give Kishimoto the clothes and she went to change.

I didn't tell her that I prepared those clothes for this moment, after all, I wanted Kishimoto, It may be that she is really beautiful but it doesn't matter even if the relationship doesn't progress in the lovers' direction, after all my girls told me that I could bring others outside if they could help me with the plan, and Kishimoto at least have some psychological resilience as seen in the manga, she recovered rather quickly when she discovered that her original body was still alive and she didn't have where to live, she might not be a good fighter but that can be taught.

And I wasn't planning to take only girls out(A/N and no there won't be any kind of BL or any kind of that stuff while I respect what people read, do, and think I don't like that kind of thing so if you don't like it go read other stories) so even if I pay more as I would bring out friends that agree to leave as there are several females, males, and creatures characters that have good abilities to not try to bring them out and some of them wouldn't be against going to ditra space.

After a moment Kishimoto came out the clothes were a little big but with the suit under them she could prevent accidents that could happen, and then we went down.

"Well my apartment it's near here we could go there and I will take you home," I said to the three

"No that's not necessary we can take a taxi," Kishimoto said making a passing taxi a sign to stop.

"Well take this," I said writing my apartment's direction and giving it to them.

"It's my home direction if you need help don't worry and contact me," I said to them

"Thanks," the three said.

After that the taxi left, so I went in the direction of the apartment while thinking.

'The bars and the resurrection ticket I had inside the backpack disappeared so they could have fallen in the accident or Gantz couldn't copy them, but if it's the second why?' I was thinking about some experiments that I did to determine how powerful the technology of Gantz was after all if it could copy the bars at least on the technology side they would be about the same as ditra space but seen that the bars disappear and I was pretty sure that Gantz may not even detect the bars as the balls are connected to the mastermind and those bars could arouse their interest as the bars are not something from this world currently and the mastermind would even intercept me in the transfer, the ticket didn't bother me as that was bound to me so I could summon it something that I would do later.

When I arrive at my apartment first I went to sleep tomorrow I would do some tests on the suit I brought out of the room.