
Dimensional Tavern In Sabaody Archipelago [OnePiece Fanfic]

Ron find himself in sabaody archipelago with a multidimensional tavern that can invite many diffrent character from many stories, he got a system and reward from it from every tavern visitor and he will do anything to attract visitor and make money I translate and edit this. original title 海贼:万界酒馆开在香波地群岛 Author: Face As Frosty As Snow Since this came from china alot of character that appear will come from many chinese tv,book,and movie but there is other character that you will likely recognize More chapter in my P@treon : https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 29 A Promise To A Late Friend

It wasn't so much a fight between Rayleigh and Garp; rather, it resembled a cathartic release. The two engaged in a hand-to-hand exchange, without weapons, where each punch landed with a bit of sting but no real harm. Observing from within the tavern, Ron paid them little mind. As they were outside the establishment, their physical brawl posed no threat to the tavern.

After a period of exertion, both Rayleigh and Garp seemed somewhat fatigued. They eventually walked back into the tavern, paying no particular attention to each other.

Following a prolonged silence, Garp broke it with a suggestion, "Have a nice glass of wine. He pays the bill," pointing at Rayleigh beside him.

Ron acknowledged, fetching a bottle of wine from the cabinet and handing it over. "This is the wine that Rayleigh often drinks. Mr. Garp should also like it."

Garp filled his wine glass, took a sip, and a sudden burst of appreciation flickered in his eyes. This wine, distinct from spirits he had consumed before, lacked the spiciness or irritation, offering a soft and smooth experience that conveyed a sense of time and longevity.

"This wine is good. Rayleigh, you still enjoy it so much," Garp teased with a smile.

Rayleigh snorted dismissively, saying, "Don't talk to me yet. Are you going to watch Ace get caught?"

The question seemed to strike a nerve, and Garp's expression turned sour. It was as if this inquiry had pierced through the old man's spirit. After a prolonged silence, Garp spoke slowly, "The Five Elders just issued an order today, asking Akainu and me to work together to capture Ace."

"But this kid still followed Roger's old path after all. Why can't he follow my advice?"

In addition to the love a grandfather has for his grandson, Garp also feels a commitment to his late best friend. However, this commitment is burdensome.

"Suggestion?" Rayleigh chuckled. "I think you suggested it with your fists, right?"

"Not only were the two grandsons i raised became pirates, but even my only son, Dragon, became the leader of the revolutionary army and the most wanted criminal by the World Government. Maybe my love fist wasn't deep enough, or else they wouldn't defy me like this," Garp commented while drinking wine. "Didn't my father teach me this way back then?"

Listening silently, Ron suddenly wore a perplexed expression. So, using fists as a means of education is a family tradition? Disobedience leads to a good beating? No wonder Luffy's resilience is so tenacious; perhaps, it's all rooted in their penchant for physical confrontation.

"I remember you used your slipper to fight dragons. Tsk, there are shoe marks on his face," Rayleigh said, curious.

Garp, with a hint of disgust, explained, "The World Government doesn't like me and deducts my salary every year. Moreover, those damned Celestial Dragons charge exorbitant prices for the Celestial Gold, causing prices to skyrocket. To cut costs, we're left with no choice but to use our fists." He swung his arms, adding, "Slippers are more convenient."

As the two chatted, Ron felt like he had stumbled upon something extraordinary. Could it be that the dragon's face, rather than a tattoo, was a slipper mark left by Garp? Ron dismissed the idea, acknowledging that this was the leader of the revolutionary army and the world's most wanted criminal. Just as Ron was about to inquire further, the system's beep sounded in his mind.

[Ding, customer Garp has finished talking.]

[Ding, the person the customer is talking about: Monkey.D. Dragon will be visiting the tavern soon.]

[Garp: Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Marine Six Styles.... Host can choose one of the abilities.]

Ron responded, "Choose an armor color."

[Ding, it is detected that Garp's Armament Haki is slightly stronger than Host's existing Armament Haki. Is it integrated?]

Without hesitation, Ron replied, "Fuse."

With those words, a surge of power swept through his body, tempering every inch of skin and every bone. For a moment, Ron felt as if he could break Kaido's head with a single punch. It wasn't an illusion; Garp's Armament Haki seemed to superimpose itself on Ron's original ability.

At that moment, the tavern door swung open, and a man with slicked-back red hair and sunglasses entered. It turned out to be the director of the Marine Criminal Investigation Bureau, Marine Vice Admiral: Dark Horse (Tensei)!

However, luck was not on Tensei's side. He stepped on something soft, looked down, and found the sleeping black cat.

"Meow!!!" The black cat immediately exploded, but Tensei ignored it and spoke in a deep voice, "Mr. Garp, we found traces of Ace and hope you can get there as soon as possible. If Ace escapes again, I won't be able to explain it."

Garp waved his hand impatiently, "Tensei, don't lecture me about morals. I've been fighting all my life, and now I can't enjoy it anymore?!"

Tensei's face darkened, about to respond, when suddenly, the black cat at the door stepped back and kicked suddenly. Its sharp claws swept across Dark Horse's cheek, leaving behind a trail of scarlet blood.

Garp and Rayleigh exchanged puzzled glances, both wondering: "???"