
Dimensional Tavern In Sabaody Archipelago [OnePiece Fanfic]

Ron find himself in sabaody archipelago with a multidimensional tavern that can invite many diffrent character from many stories, he got a system and reward from it from every tavern visitor and he will do anything to attract visitor and make money I translate and edit this. original title 海贼:万界酒馆开在香波地群岛 Author: Face As Frosty As Snow Since this came from china alot of character that appear will come from many chinese tv,book,and movie but there is other character that you will likely recognize More chapter in my P@treon : https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 28: Leave Some Money And Lust Aside To Prevent Being Out Of Tune With The World.

Shihouin Yoruichi possesses a high ponytail, picturesque eyebrows, and brown skin. While her demeanor may not be as gentle as that of an ordinary woman, her golden eyes and handsome facial features give her a more "handsome" than traditionally "beautiful" appearance. However, at this particular moment, Shihouin Yoruichi finds herself without any clothing.

"Quite the intriguing place, Wanjie Tavern," she remarked, sitting cross-legged on the bar, her golden pupils filled with curiosity. She pondered the nature of this world, which seemed relatively weak, considering even a Hollow's Menos Grande could swiftly dispatch most of the strong individuals in this realm.

Suddenly, a hoarse, magnetic voice resonated in the tavern, tinged with a hint of teeth gritting, "Wait a moment. That rascal not only wants to sterilize me but also has thoughts of breeding me. I'll kill him!!"

Shihouin Yoruichi, though, found such remarks inappropriate when directed at a lady and wondered, "Do you think I, Shihouin Yoruichi, am shameless? But... what caused the sudden transformation in the tavern just now?"

She sensed a spreading Reiatsu, accompanied by an irresistible force. Puzzled, she questioned, "It's obviously not the same world, so why can that man know me by my name?"

A perplexed expression crossed Shihouin Yoruichi's face, and a question mark lingered in her thoughts. If Ron could witness her now, he would likely appreciate her dark skin, long legs, and overall impressive physique.


In the early morning, the tavern opened as usual. Ron sat at a table, having his breakfast and perusing the freshly delivered newspaper. The only distinction from the norm was the addition of a black cat in his arms.

Initially, Shihouin Yoruichi resisted.

Ron's technique for playing with cats was exceptional. He skillfully twisted and closed his hands gently around Shihouin Yoruichi, employing a combination of rubbing and picking that targeted both the heart from the top and the body from the bottom. Shihouin Yoruichi found herself lying in Ron's arms with a flushed face, succumbing to his set of fingering techniques.

Today's newspapers, as usual, were filled with a mix of half-truths and sensational headlines.

[Kizaru Marine Admiral spends a fortune recharging the card of famous shop in a red light district with millions!]

[Big news: Kaido, Whitebeard, and Shank. Three of the Four Emperors are sailing towards the Sabaody Archipelago together!]

As Ron was about to close the newspaper, another headline caught his attention.

[According to reliable news, the world's singer, Uta, will hold a concert at Sabaody Archipelago soon!]

"Uta?" Ron murmured thoughtfully. The red-haired daughter with the Paramecia ability to control sound.

"Her fruit is interesting," he added.

Ron pondered the potential of Uta using her fruit to attract 70% of the world's population into her musical realm.

Just then, a distinctive "crunch" sound interrupted his thoughts as Rayleigh pushed the door open and entered. He grinned, holding a heavy money bag, and shared his recent luck.

"I was really lucky yesterday," Rayleigh laughed. "Not only did I rob a rich man, but I also won big at the casino."

However, his laughter ceased abruptly as he took in the brand new appearance of the tavern.

"What's the situation? Why did the tavern change overnight?" Rayleigh asked in disbelief.

"It was decorated last night," Ron replied, though he could sense Rayleigh's skepticism. Nevertheless, Rayleigh didn't press further, settling at the bar.

Despite the many mysteries surrounding Ron, Rayleigh was more focused on news about Ace.

"How was the battle yesterday?" Ron redirected the conversation, handing over a bottle of wine. The chaos in Sabaody Archipelago was directly related to the tavern business, attracting more powerful patrons the more tumultuous the situation.

Rayleigh seemed oblivious to Ron's allusion, and after taking a sip of wine, he chuckled, "What battle?"

Ron couldn't help but slap his own face in frustration. "Old man, you're hopeless. I'm asking about the Marines' movements."

Rayleigh, undeterred, poked his neck and retorted, "You know nothing. I'm keeping three points for money and lust, so as not to be out of tune with the world!" With that, the old man's head drooped again.

Frustrated by Ace's sudden disappearance the day before, Rayleigh could only channel his anger toward an innocent rich man. Just as the atmosphere became tense, the door of the tavern swung open.

Entering was a tall, robust old man with tan skin, sporting a hat shaped like a dog's head. Beneath his cloak of justice, he wore a white suit, radiating an inexplicable sense of security to those in his presence. However, the image was slightly undermined by his habit of constantly munching on senbei.

"Rayleigh?" The old man appeared taken aback upon seeing Rayleigh at the bar.

"Garp... Long time no see," Rayleigh's eyes widened, resisting the urge to flee. The impulse to run was undeniable.

More than 20 years ago, this Marine had chased the entire Roger Pirates all over the world. Even after several encounters, they almost equated the Roger Pirates to a desperate situation. Despite Rayleigh's retirement, the memory of Garp's iron fist lingered.

The newcomer was none other than the Marine hero and current Marine Vice Admiral: Monkey D. Garp.

"Bwahahaha... It's been a long time, more than twenty years, I suppose?" Garp smiled and took a seat at the bar. The tension in the room was palpable.

Changing the subject, Garp spoke in a deep voice, "How is my grandson Ace doing now?"

Upon hearing these words, Rayleigh's expression darkened. "The captain's son is now your grandson."

"This old man is really good."

As he spoke, a potent aura of hostility permeated every corner of the tavern. The memory of the incident erased Rayleigh's fear of Garp, replacing it with an overwhelming urge to retaliate.

"Ahem... I can explain this," Garp said somewhat embarrassedly.

Before the words had fully left his mouth, Rayleigh, acting entirely on instinct, struck with a powerful blow. There was a muted sound, and Garp's body was propelled out of the tavern, followed swiftly by Rayleigh.

Rayleigh's arm landed squarely on Garp's neck, sending him crashing to the ground. "Don't blame me, I'm also very heartbroken," Rayleigh lamented as he continued his barrage. "This is all for the captain!"

Initially wanting to hold back, Garp found himself compelled to retaliate against a rain of punches. In a counterattack, he landed a punch to Rayleigh's stomach. "Ace was entrusted to this old man by Roger himself!" Garp declared, rising slowly with a hint of defiance.

Clutching his stomach in pain, Rayleigh responded with a deep voice, "Now Whitebeard and the captain are your sons. Believe it or not, I will raise the banner again and face you alongside Whitebeard?"

A bitter smile played on Garp's lips. "Forget it, don't bother. Let's go back to the bar. You know the truth."

Rayleigh nodded in satisfaction, turning towards the tavern. However, in the next moment, Garp's voice echoed from behind. "This old man will be your father!"

Simultaneously, Garp's powerful right arm locked firmly onto Rayleigh's neck, and his left arm delivered a vicious kidney shot. Struggling and cursing loudly, Rayleigh exclaimed, "Old man, spare me the talk about martial arts!"