
Dimensional Merc

Our MC is a Dimensional Merc, hired by different world to correct what they can't. Just read the first chap for the rest, you'll get the idea. Viewer discretion is advised due to 18+ content, use of strong language, Cliché parts, Graphic Violence, Sexual and cringe content. I have given all the warnings now, if you don't like these, please skip and continue on the path of life, don't waste your, as well as my time in here. . . . I do not own any character shown in this FF except the MC. Any name, face or description of any living or non-living person, animal or thing was not intended ams was purely coincidental. I also do not own the cover photo for this fanfic, don't sue me later

Lemon_Supplier · Others
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10 Chs

Chapter-9 : Whoa, Shits About To Hit The Fan

I woke up as I looked at her sleeping visage.

I got up without disturbing her as I went towards the bathroom to clean myself up while getting a refreshing bath.

After a few shower songs, I was out, just wearing my shorts as I went towards the kitchen, to prepare a nice breakfast, and there was nothing better than grilled fish with sour sauce for breakfast.

While I was still grilling the fish, Annie came from my back as she hugged me tightly, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I turned around, lifted her and gave her a kiss as I said "You still smell of the last night, it would be better if you go clean yourself up"

Her face turned a cute shade of red as she practically jumped off and ran towards the bath bathroom, the lights in the house flickering due to her emotions.

I smiled as I turned back to grilling the fish that had been marinating since yesterday.

The breakfast was ready as I closed the lid to keep the food hot as I went back to the room and cleaned it in 28 seconds.

Well, that's the time it takes to clean a room at subsonic speeds, this would have came handy if I was back on earth and could clean the room before warden could even reach my room.

We enjoyed the 'little' breakfast as she talked about how she was excited to be selected for the Seven. I didn't object or obstruct her decision of joining the seven in any way, she was more than ready for what could come for her.

I drove my latest model of Benz S-class as I dropped her back to her home, and contemplated on my next moves while coming back.

It had been close to a year since I started teaching haki to my men.

Annie's relationship with me had only gotten better over the months. After a few months, she became pretty open to me about everything.

About how she was 'born' with superpowers, how she had powers to absorb electricity, generate light, create photon blasts, how she was much stronger than a normal person.

She thought I would be mad at her for hiding the fact, but I just smiled and told her about how I wasn't ordinary either.

I told her the same story I fed my men during their 'orientation', I had showed her my haki and covering my lightning powers as physical manifestation of my conquerer haki.

She was pretty shocked at first, it was a little hard for her digest the fact that she had received her powers in a lab rather than being born 'gifted' by Jesus.

The crap Vaught had fed the nation for decades.

Which strained her relationship with her mother for quite a while, but after a time period of 4-5 months, and all the secrets out of the bag, they returned to normal.

She also had been pretty busy for the last few months due to her final term exams, she had to complete her studies after all.

Her exams had ended a week back and she was finally free from everything as she came over to meet me daily, leading to our wonderful night yesterday.

Our relationship was known to her mother, who at first rejected me, but after seeing my status and wealth, agreed instantly. Some people never change I guess, well good for me as these kind of people are most easy to control.

I had been teaching her the six arts and haki, and sure enough, she was a co-protagonist level talented and learned everything much faster.

Add on the fact that she had great conditioning and training, along with her higher base attributes, it was not that surprising.

Another thing I had discovered was that you couldn't learn haki, no matter what, unless I awakened it inside you or you were a descendant of someone who used haki.

This was good as no matter if you know how to train for haki, you won't be able to use it. And as for 6 powers, until you knew the exact method of training and conditioning, you would only destroy your body.

Your fingers will be reduced to mangled mess, your tendons and muscles will snap under the pressure and skin will turn less flexible and stretchy making you like a turtle in a shell.

That's why you need the absolutely correct method to learn these, and even then you won't be able to recreate the method due to everyones body being different. 6 powers are basically tailor made for everyone, you can't copy it, and even if you can, you won't be able to use it's full potential.

As I said she was progressing very fast, and matched the level of my men who had been training for a year, in just a few months.

Fast forward to now, she was equal to coby in observation and armament haki after the 2 years time skip , somewhere between basic and intermediate level.

As I said earlier, I didn't obstruct her dream of becoming a superhero, I knew she can bash everyone in the seven except homelander, and if he ever even tries to lay a hand on her, I would just teleport over there without him even realising that, my haki can sense him from far away, and with the kind of aura he had, it wasn't that hard to search for him.

I know she would leave the seven after realising their true nature, but I can just enjoy till then, and she can also act as an inside spy in the seven.

Her audition was completed, and she was drafted into the seven already, her outfit was still how she designed it, and I liked this one, I just made a few enhancements on it, adding bulletproof material, same that was used in John wick, along with giving 4 thumb sized cells that contained enough electricity to light a building for an hour.

And before you ask, I made them with my lightning powers.

Plus using haki with that armor fabric with haki on yourself decreases the damage received exponentially.

That's why all the uniforms and battle suits of my men were made out of it, along with composite armor plates around important areas, I had to say, they looked pretty cool. {A/N : cover of the ff}

As for me, I just wear normal clothes, my haki is on 24/7 and except my skin, it is already imbued into my muscles, tendons, inner organs, tissues and blood, I use it on skin only when I go for a fight, but seeing this world, I doubt that would happen.

On the other hand, The events of the series would start anytime now, and the shit will hit the fan soon, good thing I was the only one with the umbrella.

I kept a close eye on both Hughie and his girlfriend, Robin. Waiting for anything to happen.

I wouldn't try to save her, it's just the part of the deal, those who were supposed to die, will die, my job was to kill the one who were not supposed to die.

My dumb ass tried to save ace in One piece world, only for him to die an even gruesome death not much time after, it would be a mercy for her to die the way she died in the series, without knowing anything and without experiencing any pain.

My interference would render her a much more painful death, therefore, I had decided not to stop any deaths in any world, and let the story go with the flow.

I went towards electronics shop where Hughie worked as a salesman, to see him face to face for the first time.

Well, I already knew everything about him, more than he knew about himself, but still it was exciting seeing the one of the main characters of the series.

I went in like normal as he asked "Thanks for coming here, how can I help you?"

"A friend of mine recommended this shop to me, I want to buy some high quality gaming headphones and a gaming keyboard" I said as I looked at him closely, analysing his aura, it was pretty similar to how Annie's was, just a lot more prominent, he was the protagonist after all.

"Well we have......... How much is your budget sir??" he continued as he asked me at the end

"Well, show me the best you have, I don't have a limit particularly"

His eyes shined like he had seen his redemption as he bought me the most premium things this shop had to offer.

I listened to the headphones while also trying the keyboard, they both were pretty good, I can use the keyboard as tertiary input while I needed new headphones, my previous ones were smoked after I was killed in a match multiple times.

"Alright, I'll take them both" I said as his smiled and proceeded to pack the things.

"You bill is $1419.75 along with a 40% discount voucher upto $100 if you shop at this store next time" he said as he printed out a bill, stapled it to card like thing and passed it to me.

I took out my wallet as I passed him fifteen $100 notes, took my stuff and left saying "Keep the change"

I wasn't just standing idle in the store there, you see, you have to plan pretty ahead of what your enemy can imagine in their wildest of dream, I placed multiple infrared thermal cameras, high quality 4K cameras along with very high quality mics in the store.

I would record the bitch out of that mother trucker semi-transparent.

My budget on spy cameras had increased recently, I wanted to get as many high quality proofs against Vaught and The Seven as possible, these would only be more good.

I put the stuff that I bought in the back of the car as I left driving my car while I smiling, things were finally getting interesting