
Dimensional Journey From To-Love-Ru

A soul reincarnated in the world of to love ru as Gid Lucione Deviluke, after having been as a soul, in a chaotic and mysterious space, where time does not exist, worlds are also born and destroyed every second. Note: I only write in Spanish. This is translated from google translator. Para los que quieran leerlo en español solo busquen "Viaje Dimensional Desde To-Love-Ru". The cover and the characters are not mine. Credits to their respective authors.

BlockNejime · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Gravity room

Soon another morning came.

Gis was lying on his bed, while hugging a cute naked girl who was wearing bunny ears.

Yesterday Gid had eaten Piyon, although he only wanted to tease her at first she had gotten very heated and got carried away.

When it had come to night, Gid carried the unconscious Piyon up to his room and slept beside her.

And as for the bunny ears, Gid really liked it so during the "intense exercise" with Piyon he made him keep it, which for some reason made him go crazy during the action.


With a groan, the girl in his arms began to slowly open her eyes.

When Piyon's eyes widened, the first thing that came into view was Gid's handsome face.

Dazed, Piyon started to get nervous, only to soon remember what had happened.

"And, I, I ..." Not knowing what to say Piyon, she could only stutter trying to express something to Gid in panic.

Seeing this reaction from Piyon, for the first time since meeting her, Gid couldn't help but smile wickedly.

"You seem like you have a lot of energy, should we start another round tomorrow?" Gid said, as she grabbed Piyon's butt and put it on top of her.

"W, wait, Gid! I can't go on, really !! " Piyon said in Panic, seeing that Gid had the intention of continuing last night, she herself was scared of Gid's ability to never tire and now she could understand why he had so many women and none were complaining.

"Really?" Gid said with pity seeing Piyon not wanting to continue.

Seeing Gid stop, Piyon sighed in relief.

"About yesterday you have to take responsibility!" Piyon said with a pout, remembering bitterly that yesterday they were only talking about Runes only so that the next moment they would end up in this situation, although she had no complaints since she had not resisted at any time, rather she expected this to happen, but she got mad at the thought of Gid's harem.

Although after experiencing yesterday, I no longer had any complaints.

"Of course!" Gid said with a smile, then they both got up, even though it was Piyon's first time, she was a hunter after all, pain was something that recovered quickly.

After that, I quickly passed a whole month.

Gid was now preparing a room, with Runes that could increase the gravity of the room indefinitely.

Putting so many Runes in a room was not a matter of doing it in a few days, so with Piyon's help, they were able to complete it in a month.

Because the relationship between them had been established, Piyon decided to stay and live with Gid, anyway, his residence was very large and there were many rooms, so after going to collect his belongings he returned here and spent many "nights nice "with Gid and the girls.

Just when Gid and Piyon had finished putting the Runes in the room and testing it, which worked by putting an electric reactor inside a wall to provide power to the Gravity Runes that was easier said than done as they would have to connect everything. with runes instead of wires like modern science, Biscuit had come to tell Gid some interesting news.

"Gid, President Netero asked me to be the supervisor to teach Nen to a boy named Gon Freecs" Biscuit said with a strange expression, since she had been Gid's supervisor she had never taught others again since she always rejected the request that They did him, but this time it is different since Netero himself asked him, which was not good to reject him as the president of the entire hunters association.

Hearing what Biscuit said, Gid couldn't help but be stunned, because according to what he remembers he was not the only hunter living in the Sky Coliseum, so he did not understand why Netero asked them that, but then he remembered that Gon was the son of a Zodiac, maybe that's why I paid much more attention than usual and Biscuit was the best instructor one could have, so it was normal if you thought about it.

Because Biscuit did not teach Nen to anyone else after he was with Gid and the others, Wing had not become her disciple, so Gid does not know if he became a hunter and if he learned from someone else, of all Anyway, it wasn't important to him.

"But why is this name familiar to me?" Biscuit said in doubt before Gid responds.

"He's Ging's son, so it's normal that he sounds familiar to you," Gid said after hearing Biscuit's question.

Hearing that he was Ging's son, Biscuit soon realized where he had heard the name before.

And Piyono upon hearing that Gon was Ging's son could not help but be amazed.

"Ging? Does that idiot have a son? " Piyono said in a daze, she and Gid were part of the Zodiac too, so they know Ging, of course Ging knows them too, but she doesn't remember anything about what happened on whale island so she didn't recognize Gid.

In Piyono's opinion, Ging was a carefree and irresponsible jerk so he didn't like him very much. And now that she hears that Ging had a son, she couldn't help but be surprised and at the same time feel sorry for the boy.

"Having a father like Ging, surely that boy named Gon must have had a very bad time" Piyono said with pity.

Hearing Piyono's words, Gid shrugged, after all if he had a male child he would probably raise him, to the Spartan form to be strong and independent, as he would be his successor in the future and as the next king he would have to be better than anyone. (although that did not happen)

"It seems you will have more people to train Biscuit, if so, leave Kalluta to me if it is too much for you," Gid said after considering.

"Well, anyway, it won't take long to teach the boy about Nen" Biscuit said after thinking about it, after all Kalluta was someone who had already learned Nen, he couldn't stop his practice because of another boy and teach him everything again .

"By the way, Netero said when the boy will come?" Gid said after thinking about how long Gon would take to come.

"Probably in these 3 days it will arrive" Biscuit said when he remembered what Netero told him.

"Well then, let's rest for today, then I'll try the gravity room."

Gid said looking at Piyono beside him.

Making her nod, only for her and Biscuit to exclaim as they are picked up and taken to another room by Gid.

Soon the sound of 5 women moaning was heard, the others joined on the way, while in the living room was a cute little girl gnashing her teeth in anger.

"I swear I'll go live somewhere else if this beast in heat keeps doing the same thing !!!!" Kalluta said with a red and angry face when she saw the next room, but she had not realized that she was rubbing her legs unconsciously.