
Dimensional Journey From To-Love-Ru

A soul reincarnated in the world of to love ru as Gid Lucione Deviluke, after having been as a soul, in a chaotic and mysterious space, where time does not exist, worlds are also born and destroyed every second. Note: I only write in Spanish. This is translated from google translator. Para los que quieran leerlo en español solo busquen "Viaje Dimensional Desde To-Love-Ru". The cover and the characters are not mine. Credits to their respective authors.

BlockNejime · Anime & Comics
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Gon and Killua

Soon two days passed quickly, Gid and the other girls at this time were in the middle of the public in the stands of the Combat arena of the 150th floor, without attracting anyone's attention because they were using Zetsu, they were watching a match below that it was from Kalluta's brother, Killua.

"Is that your brother, kalluta?" Machi asked as he looked at Killua on stage beating his opponent with a blow with curiosity.

"Hmm" Kalluta nodded slightly, looking at Killua with narrowed eyes. She didn't know why Killua had come to this coliseum, from what she heard from Piyon before, so she should have returned to the house and considering her mother's personality, it was impossible to let him out after escaping.

"Although they are all brothers, they do not look alike" Machi said, also remembering the boy who cut his arm and then reconnected it 5 years ago. For Machi, even though they were all brothers, they were nothing alike in terms of personality and appearance.

Hearing Machi's words, Kalluta thought the same, in fact, apart from the same training they had as children, each one had a different treatment in the family, because of that none of them got along well with each other.

As the girls talked and Gid yawned in boredom, Gon's turn to fight soon began.

Seeing Gon take the stage, Piyon couldn't help but say.

"Is that boy Gon? In fact, he looks a lot like Ging, but the feeling he gives me is a little different. "

Hearing Piyon's words everyone except Kalluta and Gid nodded.

"That child gives the feeling of a puppy" Pakunoda said indifferently.

Hearing Pakunoda's description, all the others laughed.

Soon with Gon's victory, Gid and the others stopped looking at him and left the spectator area.

They had come just to look at Gon and as was his strength, what they did not expect was to also see Killua, Kalluta's brother.

Then they went to a restaurant to eat, they were going to wait for Gon and Killua to go up to the 200th floor to pick them up.

Although Biscuit wanted to go now, Gid told him that it was better for him to experience the difference in strength and Nen users for himself.

Although Biscuit disagreed at first, he later accepted it upon hearing the kind of personality Killua and Gon had from Kalluta and Gid.

And so soon 3 more hours passed.

Everyone except Biscuit had returned to Gid's penthouse while they waited for Biscuit to bring the children.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

At this moment Gon and Killua had just reached the 200th floor and when they were about to go to register soon a terrifying aura completely enveloped them, causing them to stop.

"W, what is this feeling ?!" Gon said through clenched teeth as he cautiously looked in front of him.

Killua didn't answer Gon's question, because right now he was much more nervous than he was, or rather he was scared.

This feeling made him remember his brother Illumi, which made him despair.

Soon in front of them appeared the figure of a red-haired man who looked like a clown.

"Hisoka ?!" Gon and Killua suddenly yelled at the sight of the figure.

"Fufu, if you want to move on then you will have to pass me first" Hisoka said with a smile as he sat against a wall and looked at them with interest.

Then her aura got thicker trying to pressure the two children.

Just when Gon and Killua could take no more, a blonde girl immediately appeared in front of them, causing the pressure on them to suddenly disappear.

"Enough, these guys are in my custody so I can't let you harm them" Biscuit said seriously looking at Hisoka.

Seeing Biscuit, Hisoka narrowed his eyes, he already knew that Gid and the other girls he saw 5 years ago were on the 251st floor, after all Gid is very famous, even if he did not appear in front of many people very often.

Then smiling, Hisoka got up and left, leaving Gon a few last words.

"I look forward to our fight soon, don't make me wait too long"

Seeing Hisoka leave, the two of them sighed in relief and Gon had clenched his fists at the vast difference in strength between the two.

"You guys shouldn't appear on this floor by chance, you who didn't learn Nen, will you die if you stay here?" Biscuit said seriously seeing the two reckless children in front of her.

"She has? Even though I don't know what the Nen is in your mouth, don't think you can tell us what to do just because you helped us! " Killua said irritated to see a girl his age, reprimanding him and treating him as if he were a child.

Seeing Killua act like this, Gon tried to comfort him and Biscuit inwardly sighed at the sight of the stubborn boy.

So he decided to hit Killua directly to make him calm down.


"It hurt!!!"

With a fist pounding on Killua's head, a large lump soon formed over her hair causing Killua to scream in pain.

Then Biscuit started to explain a bit about this floor and the important use of Nen here.

Hearing Biscuit's explanation, the two of them were stunned, but they still wanted to stay here, so they rejected her warning.

Seeing that they were ignoring him, Biscuit offered what Nen would teach them, which caused them to be surprised, but they happily accepted.

Then with Biscuit's guidance, they went to register for a fight within 90 days with instructions from her.

Then Biscuit took them to the 251st floor, where Gid lived. When they saw that they were going to the 251st floor, Gon and Killua were surprised since they did not expect that Biscuit could live in a place like that where the strongest only have the right to be, which is actually only Gid.

And so they reached the top of the Sky Coliseum building.

Sorry if it was a boring chapter,it's because I'm tired of writing xd tomorrow I will continue uploading.

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