
Dimensional Immortal

The job went bad, but that was expected in his line of work. Reincarnated in the DC universe with gifts from a system the MC will work his best to spread as much chaos as possible in his quest for power. Semi Gamer fic First world DC universe Second world Vampire Diaries This will become an extremely Dark/Evil SI fic that will not be for the faint of heart so read at your own risk.

Stevemeh · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


Chapter 18

"Dark arts: shadow spears…" I mutter under my breath as I feel a small chunk of my magic disappear. "Darkness pulse…" Feeling my magic cover the area around me I feel the six targets placed randomly around the room shooting the spears at my targets. Taking off the blindfolds I look around the well lit basement, the glass doors to the wine cellars having been replaced with thick steel doors that would usually be found in a prison. Looking through the gaps between the steel I can see the once cramped room now empty after the shelves were removed, the only things inside being thick chains anchored to the wall that go around the wrists, ankles, and neck all with wooden spikes through them.

Walking to the targets I take them off the wall putting them on the floor examining my targets the six foot double sided spears all hitting the yellow area on them. It's been one week since we've arrived in the new world and one week of me practicing magic. The book has done a good job in teaching me what I need to know. The only problem that I've run into is the fact that the majority of my magic needs a human or something living to practice on so I'm going to need to acquire test subjects. 

I spent the first couple days of my training meditating feeling the magic coursing through my body and the rest of the days learning basic to intermediate and even a high class spell. The way the magic works is the more advanced the spell the more magic or concentration is needed to do it and for some I even need to do a ritual beforehand.

My school is starting tomorrow as well apparently I'm joining mid year. Dispelling my magic spears I put up a single target before walking to the middle of the room staring dead at it as I tap into a large chunk of my magic.

"Dark arts: black lightning of Apep…" As my hands begin to spark with black electricity I form a long black lightning bolt in my hand throwing it across the room, the bolt moving faster than even my eyes can see. As a loud bang fills my ears I stare at what's left from the destruction, the target gone and a large part of the brick crumbled to the floor. Dispelling what's left of my magic I sit down the fatigue of my practice beginning to set in.

My reserves are still somewhat small so I keep the necklace on to master my control and not have it go to shit whenever I put it on to get a boost of power. I'd rather my magic always be at it's best wearing it then only put it on when I need it and have to relearn my control.

Hearing a knock at the door before it creaks open, I sit in confusion on the floor. Selene never opens the door without being given permission to enter what's going on?

"Theo, we have visitors come up and say hello." Selene calls out. Standing up I brush off the dust from my shirt and the sweat from my brow. Climbing up the steps I walk out into the living room shooting a glance at Selene before giving a smile to our three guests.

"Hi I'm Theo," I say with a smile shaking hands with the pretty aunt Jenna and giving a nod to Jeremy who's sitting next to her on the couch. 

"Hi I'm Jenna and this is Jeremy and Margaret," Jenna says with a smile nodding to Jeremy who both look similar to their actor that played them and Margaret, a young girl with platinum blonde hair and pale blue eyes who gives me a small wave. "We just wanted to stop by and say hello to our new neighbors." 

"How thoughtful," Selene chimes in balancing two glasses of water and a cup of milk. "Jenna was just telling me that there's one more missing from this little family of theirs, her name is Elena you said?" Selene asks her dutiful voice gone in favor of a chipper voice with a resting smile on her pretty pink lips setting down the glasses.

"Yeah I wanted her to be here but she's off running around with her boyfriend, you know how teens are."  Jenna says taking a sip from her water.

"Yes, trust me I know, they're always out chasing after their desires." She says sitting down in a chair.

"You're right about that." One Jenna says with a laugh. "Jeremy, why don't you go out with Theo, take him around town, show him all the cool spots." 

"Yeah sure," Jeremy says standing patting my shoulder. "Let's go I'll show you around." Saying goodbye to Jenna and Margaret I grab the key to the car following Jeremy out of the house as we begin to drive awkward silence Jeremy only speaking up when he tells me to turn. I never liked the main characters in the show. The only one's I could stand watching were Damon before he fell for Elena, Jeremy and some of the Originals but Stefan, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie I could not stand. Especially Elena, her self righteousness angered me but in a way I could somewhat stand Jeremy. That's if Jeremy is the same as I remembered him, with Margaret here it seems that they added some of the parts from the book. I'll have to keep an eye out to try and find any other changes.

"So… where did you move from?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"We used to live in California but an accident happened and we needed fresh scenery so we've been moving from place to place ever since." I say glancing over, noticing the big tacky silver ring on his finger. Well we're not in the first season at least but there are six others that we could possibly be in.

"Accident?" He questions with a curious gaze.

"My family died in a fire and my cousin Selene took me in afterwards." I say with a voice filled with fake sadness.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." He says while fidgeting with the ring on his finger. "My parents died too, Jenna's my aunt she's been taking care of us ever since." Giving a glance at Jeremy I nod my head solemnly.

"I'm sorry for your loss but enough with all this sad shit, tell me a little about this place." I say trying to lift Jeremy from his depressed state.


"You're kidding, it seems like you have a crazy group of friends." I say laughing as I pull into a parking spot in front of the Mystic Grill.

"Tell me about it, you'll probably be able to meet some of them. This is one of our main hangout spots." Climbing out of the car we walk into the Grill making idle chit chat as the chattering of the voices stings my sensitive ears. I still haven't gotten used to my increased senses but I'll be able to manage. 

Letting Jeremy lead me into the grill I follow him to a table with a beautiful girl with soft wavy black hair who's turned facing away from us talking to a waiter with a cast on his arm and a name tag on his shirt. Matt Donovan, one of the most pathetic characters in the show turning down every chance at power he came across wanting to live a "normal" life. Doesn't he understand that once he gets involved with anything in this he can't live a normal life? Doesn't matter to me he's just another weakling I can extort if it comes to it.

"Hey guys," Jeremy calls out, sliding into the booth across from Bonnie next to a standing Matt. "This is Theo, he's new to town. I'm showing him around." 

"Hey man it's nice to meet you I'm Matt. I'd talk more but I gotta get back to work if I want to keep this job we'll talk more later ok." He says before walking away as I face forward staring at a beautiful Bonnie Bennett who's holding out her hand with a beautiful smile showing off her straight white teeth.

"Hi I'm Bonnie," She says staring into my eyes as I stare back into her beautiful olive green eyes admiring how soulful they are. I always hated how Bonnie would stay loyal to people who would always put her at the bottom of their priority list and she would do nothing. Pathetic, it would be fun to see how her friends would react if their oh so loyal friend Bonnie were to turn against them. 

"Hi, like Jeremy said I'm Theo I just moved here last week." I say taking her soft hand in a gentle hand shake I watch her eyes go wide before getting filled with curiosity. Ah yes one of the powers of a witch and warlock here being able to tell other supernatural beings with just a touch but can she tell that I practice in the dark arts?

"Has Jeremy done a good job in showing you around so far?" She asks, taking a sip from her coke.

"Yeah so far he's done a good job. He's only shown me this place but we haven't been out long."

"Yeah what's that supposed to mean Bonnie?" Jeremy asks with a laugh. "I'll show him the cool places later just let us hang out for a bit." He says relaxing back in the chair. 

"Ok ok I'll leave you guys be but if you need anything feel free to call, my line is always open." She says writing down her number on a napkin sliding it over to me. "I have to run some errands. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." She says sliding out of the booth with her purse walking out of the store with a sway in her hips.

"Look at you, already pulling the girls." Jeremy whispers, clasping my shoulder as I give him a grin. Feeling something wet and wam hit the palm of my hand I look down and stare at the black liquid running down my hand. Quickly turning away from Jeremy I grab a napkin whipping the black liquid away putting the napkin to my nose. Damnit the book said that as I progress with my magic my body would begin to adapt with the changes getting rid of all the purity in my body to get it as adaptable with the dark magic but I didn't know they would start so soon.

"Theo what's wrong, you have a nosebleed?" He asks as I turn back to him covering the napkin with my hand.

"Yeah, let's call a rain check on the tour. I still have to do some unboxing at the house." I say standing up from the booth.

"Yeah that's fine I'll see you at school tomorrow I'll probably just stay here for a bit." He says as I go to leave only to get stopped from Jeremy tugging the back of my shirt. "Before I forget the Lockwoods are hosting a Masquerade party next Saturday you should go. You'll meet a lot of people and the Lockwoods are the mayor's family so you should introduce yourselves."

"Yeah I'll be there." I say before leaving undisturbed.

A masquerade ball huh then I know exactly where we are… 

Hope you guys enjoyed as always review and comment.

Not planning on having Theo follow cannon because that would be boring and I am indeed adding the **** tag because fuck I'm trying to make the most moralless character out there and what's more moralless then **** but I won't have him going out there raping every maiden he sees it will be EXTREMELY rare and I mean EXTREMELY I will also put a warning at the start for those who don't want to read it.

if you don't like it don't read it

Stevemehcreators' thoughts