
Dimensional Driver

Johnny had won the most recent championship and was thinking of calling it quits after the current season. That all changed when he was given an opportunity to use his skills. Testing a new prototype vehicle for a virtual test realm for Banzai Bangers. Unfortunately, things wouldn’t go to plan. Johnny ends up trapped in another world. With no way to get home. He is at the mercy of this new world. That is until he is saved by the mysterious Radiant Alliance. With their help and his AI assistant. Johnny will face a new threat at every literal turn. Whether it be portals, rift eaters, or old rivals. He will need help anywhere he can get it. If he hopes to succeed in defeating the ultimate evil of the Loathing One. Follow Johnny as he fights, races, and destroys his way across the universe. As he attempts to thwart the plans of the Loathing One from getting more powerful. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I AM DONE WITH BOOK 1. I AM CURRENTLY, JUST TWEAKING THE STORY. I AM GETTING FEEDBACK FROM SOME DISCORD USERS. I AM POSTING HERE TO GET MORE FOLLOWERS FOR THE STORY. I KNOW SOME OF THE GRAMMAR IS BAD. ENGLISH IS MY NATIVE LANGUAGE BUT I STUGGLE WITH IT. MOSTLY POSTING FOR PEOPLE TO ENJOY A STORY. PLEASE DON'T ADD REVIEWS UNTIL I AM DONE TWEAKING THE FIRST BOOK, P.S. THERE ARE GENRES THAT I COULDN'T ADD TO THE LISTING. I WANTED TO ADD ELDRITCH HORROR, RACING, DEMOLITION DERBY, SCI-FI, EVIL DEITY, CYBORGS, MULTIPLE WORLDS, ETC...

J_D_ELDRAIS · Fantasy
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26 Chs



The orc tormented poor Johnny in the ball of magic. Every time Johnny made an insult the shaman would either shock Johnny in the ball of magic or shrink the ball. Johnny had said so many insults the ball magic was now uncomfortably small. Johnny was in severe pain from the shocks and being crammed. The orc had the ball of magic follow him through the prison.

The orc looked at Johnny who saw his face was now a loss of all hope. "So, you're giving up, eh." Said the shaman.

"Not without my last dying breath." Johnny mumbled in pain. 

The orc led Johnny down narrow hallways that split off in different directions. He saw many other prison cells as they passed by. It was dark and gloomy. Johnny tried to get a look at the other prisoners but couldn't get a look from being balled up in the magic prison. They soon ascended a staircase that spiraled upwards. The stairway went up about 3 floors. It was illuminated with dimly lit torches. Finally, they reached a door.

The orc stood at the door for a few moments. Johnny couldn't see why the orc decided to stop. Johnny had to painfully crane his neck to see why. The shaman was pulling out a medallion of sorts. It was black and covered with a black inky substance. The orc whispered something that Johnny couldn't hear. The medallion then glowed a dark crimson red.

The orc then spoke to Johnny as he began to slowly open the door. "Ready for your end?" The orc said sarcastically.

As the door opened. It revealed a big courtyard. Johnny looked in awe and fear. The courtyard was crowded with people of all races. The crowd was standing there still. Johnny couldn't understand till he got a better look at their eyes. Everyone's eyes were glowing red. He noticed that everyone was wearing a medallion just like the shaman. The orc saw Johnny stare at the crowd and then to him. "Funny how people will do anything in desperate times. Don't you agree?" The shaman smirked at Johnny.

"What do you mean?" Johnny asked.

"The world's economy is crashing thanks to the loathing one. So we were able to gather followers who had nowhere to turn. It is easy to influence those in despair." Said the orc with a tone of pride in his voice. The shaman just kept on ranting again.

Johnny wished the orc would stop talking. Johnny thought to himself. If I were free from this. I would shove one of my sweaty socks in his mouth then duct tape it shut.

Johnny then turned his focus to the background to clear his head. He got a even better look of the red crystal palace as it overtook the courtyard. It is a pity I might die here. I would like to have visited that place. He looked one last time. He needed to think of an escape plan.

Johnny then focused to where the orc was taking him. Johnny soon figured out he was heading towards the platform in the center. There were columns of red crystal on each corner of the platform radiating off red crimson magic. The shaman orc placed Johnny inside of the stone platform.

In his last-ditch effort Johnny began hitting the barrier of the ball of magic. The orc just looked at Johnny with a cruel sadistic smile. "You will never escape." The shaman said as he activated each pillar on the stone platform. A barrier then formed in the shape of a cube.

The orc then faced the crowd who were still as statues. He reached for his medallion as it radiated off red crimson magic. He then spoke up. "This heretic has been guilty of conspiring with the Loathing One. He has used unholy magic to make himself look like our ruler." The shaman continued to rant.

He then snapped his fingers triggering the radiant magic within Johnny. He screamed in agony as his body changed. Johnny couldn't see what he looked like, but the crowd gasped which made Johnny feel uneasy. The orc snapped his fingers again cancelling the magic. Johnny turned back to his normal self. The orc then continued his rant. "He had plans to assassinate our leader." The orc said.

The crowd began to boo and say insults at Johnny. Their eyes were now glowing even brighter. "What are you doing to those people?" Johnny said still in the magic ball.

The orc shouted to the crowd with another lie about Johnny. "He said he is in league with the Loathing one."

The crowd began to get restless. Some people in the mob began to hit the barrier shouting out Johnny. Others through objects at the barrier.

The orc decided to have fun with Johnny before he finished him. He then spun the ball Johnny was trapped in like a spinning tire on a car. Johnny then threw up all in the magic ball.

The shaman then cancelled the prison spell. Johnny was sent flying into the air. He slammed his back into the barrier behind him. Johnny cried in pain from the impact. He felt a few bones crack and break from the hit. The force of the impact crippled Johnny.

Johnny then fell to the stone floor face first. He heard a cracking noise as his nose broke. Johnny moaned in pain. I must have broken a lot of bones with that hit. Thought Johnny as he groaned in pain.

Johnny managed to sit. He cried out in pain as he did. He saw stars dancing around in his head. He then doubled over about to fall on his back. He managed to keep himself up right as he swayed trying to remain conscious. He managed to labor his breathing before he began to cough up blood in a frenzy.

The orc then turned to Johnny. "Time for your judgment." The orc said to Johnny with a sneer before turning his head back to the crowd.

"He shall face the white box of judgment." The orc cried out. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

That doesn't sound good at all. Johnny thought. Now sitting covered in his own blood.

For some reason the bloody coughs had stopped. Which puzzled Johnny, but he still was in too much pain to think more about it.

The shaman touched the barrier, and it began to glow a solid white. The barrier on all sides changed at the same rate spreading out in a circular motion. Before the whole barrier had blocked the crowd from seeing Johnny.

Back inside the barrier it had turned void black. Johnny couldn't see a thing. He couldn't even hear the crowd or the shaman anymore. Suddenly, the pillars each shot out a blast of dark magic at the center of the platform. A black portal began to appear in the middle of the platform. It swirled like a whirlpool. The void started out small and grew to half the size of the platform.

Johnny scooted back in agony getting anyway from the portal. This isn't good. Johnny thought as he looked on in horror as he saw a beast begin to climb out. Johnny couldn't see the beast very well. The beast could see him though. The beast was wolf-like in appearance. It had yellow glowing eyes that were as bright as a car headlight. Its fur was covered with a black inky liquid. Johnny heard the ink as it dripped from its corrosive fur. The beast locked its yellow eyes on Johnny.

Johnny stared at the eyes in horror thinking. I'm dead. Before the beast could even set a claw on Johnny the ground began to shake. The beast sensing danger jumped back into the portal as fast as the portal had appeared. That was weird. Johnny thought as the ground began to shake even more violently.

Johnny fell over from the shaking. The pillars began to fall breaking the barrier. There was a loud explosion. Johnny could hear the people running in terror. The shaman was fighting others in white mage robes. The robes had hoodies to cover their hair and ears. Some had their hoods down while others had theirs up. They were also fighting guards from the city.

What is going on? Johnny thought in confusion. As he tried to sit up.

The orc then spotted Johnny, who had managed to get free of the attackers. "For the Loathing One." He let out a war cry as he shot a beam of dark magic at the pillar with his medallion.

"Oh crap." Said Johnny as the pillar fell.

He managed to roll out of the way of the falling pillar. It shattered into pieces. Unfortunately, a chunk of crystal pillar hit Johnny crushing his stomach. He cried out in pain as his vision doubled as he coughed up blood again. He tried to sit up.

Johnny heard the shaman cry a final death cry. "He cannot be stopped…" The shaman said before falling with a grunt into silence. He heard an explosion as looked over where the shaman once stood. His medallion was fizzling with sparks and creating mini explosions. It kept up until the last bit of power caused it to shatter.

Even with the shaman down the fighting continued all around Johnny. Johnny then heard footsteps coming his way. He turned his head towards the approaching footsteps. He got one good look at a green-haired elf in a white robe running his way. His vision now began to blur as he passed out from his injuries,..