
Dimensional Driver

Johnny had won the most recent championship and was thinking of calling it quits after the current season. That all changed when he was given an opportunity to use his skills. Testing a new prototype vehicle for a virtual test realm for Banzai Bangers. Unfortunately, things wouldn’t go to plan. Johnny ends up trapped in another world. With no way to get home. He is at the mercy of this new world. That is until he is saved by the mysterious Radiant Alliance. With their help and his AI assistant. Johnny will face a new threat at every literal turn. Whether it be portals, rift eaters, or old rivals. He will need help anywhere he can get it. If he hopes to succeed in defeating the ultimate evil of the Loathing One. Follow Johnny as he fights, races, and destroys his way across the universe. As he attempts to thwart the plans of the Loathing One from getting more powerful. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I AM DONE WITH BOOK 1. I AM CURRENTLY, JUST TWEAKING THE STORY. I AM GETTING FEEDBACK FROM SOME DISCORD USERS. I AM POSTING HERE TO GET MORE FOLLOWERS FOR THE STORY. I KNOW SOME OF THE GRAMMAR IS BAD. ENGLISH IS MY NATIVE LANGUAGE BUT I STUGGLE WITH IT. MOSTLY POSTING FOR PEOPLE TO ENJOY A STORY. PLEASE DON'T ADD REVIEWS UNTIL I AM DONE TWEAKING THE FIRST BOOK, P.S. THERE ARE GENRES THAT I COULDN'T ADD TO THE LISTING. I WANTED TO ADD ELDRITCH HORROR, RACING, DEMOLITION DERBY, SCI-FI, EVIL DEITY, CYBORGS, MULTIPLE WORLDS, ETC...

J_D_ELDRAIS · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Chapter 6 – IMPRISONED

Johnny was dreaming he was in a endless void. He floated in the void like it was water. Johnny tried to move but to no avail. His body felt like it was a useless ragdoll. Johnny began to think someone must be controlling his body. With the flash of that thought, a tall being slowly started to appear before Johnny. The being started out small but rapidly grew. The being kept growing.

Soon the void began to fill with light of the universe. At first it started on a small scale from stars and planets. Then to whole solar systems and clusters of stars. Reaching to galaxies. The being also was growing as the universe zoomed out as Johnny watched in horror and awe.

Johnny still couldn't move. The huge entity finally noticed him. By now the entity had grown the size of half the known visible universe. 

Johnny's face went pail with fear as the being swung its huge arm for him. Johnny tried to flee but was frozen in place as if he was paralyzed. He was helpless as the arm came down and decimated everything in its path. It then collided with Johnny. His dream then went black.

Johnny found himself waking up like he had a terrible hangover. "What kind of dream was that supposed to be? A vision?" Johnny thought he was feeling groggy.

He found himself lying on a cot in a cold dark room. As he tried to move to sit up on the cot. He found he couldn't move his arms and legs as if they were bound by some invisible restraints. Johnny wanted to panic but he knew he needed to remain calm. He then thought back to Albert. "Hey Albert, are you around." he whispered softly. There was no response.

He then thought back to the orc who had knocked him out. He remembered he needed try to call out for Albert, but something prevented him from contacting him. He had the same feeling now that he had then. "I need to plan an escape and get back to the prototype." Thought Johnny.

Johnny then looked around at his surroundings. He found himself in a cell that had stones all over. There wasn't much light to be seen. Only from torches that illuminated the hallway. The room wasn't very big either. He got up quietly from the cot and waddled to the cell door. Johnny noticed two human guards by the entrance of his cell. The two were chatting away at a table across from the cell door. They were playing some card game from what Johnny could make out. Johnny needed to escape.

Johnny pondered on what to do. "Maybe I can use the core fragment." Johnny thought making his eyes light up. "Perhaps I can break whatever bounds I am in and take out the guards too." He added. He then tried to summon the core fragment, but as he did, he felt a sharp pain all over his body. He felt like every nerve had been activated at once. He cried out from the pain. He lost his balance and fell onto the floor of his cell. Some kind of magic was being given off from Johnny's restraints. The two guards heard Johnny falling. They started shouting to each other in some language he couldn't understand. "Will I ever learn the language here." Thought Johnny.

Johnny anticipated the guards would come into his cell. If they did, he didn't have a clue of what they would do to him. Instead, he got quite the wrong assumption. One of the guards came over to the cell door and starred at Johnny. While his companion went out another door. Johnny was in too much pain to stand back up. The guard looked at him with a devious smile. Johnny knew whatever it is was about couldn't be good.

Soon the other guard came back with another figure in tow. When Johnny heard the voice, he tried to hide his fear. "I'm so dead." Johnny thought. The other guard came to his companion and opened the cell door for the new figure.

It was the orc shaman he had dealt with before. Johnny tried to make a run for it. The orc grabbed Johnny by his racing suit's collar, which was now in tatters and dirty. With one hand free the orc said something Johnny couldn't understand.

A green fire burned from the orc's hand. "He's casting a spell." Thought Johnny with his eyes wide in terror. The orc finished what Johnny thought was his chanting.

The orc then grabbed Johnny with his free hand and put it on Johnny's head. Johnny yelled out in pain. The pain stopped after a few seconds. The shaman released his hand and replied. "Now you should be able to talk with me."

The orc tossed Johnny back onto his cot and walked back outside the cell. The guards then locked the door.

"I got myself a nice prize," said the orc. "The Loathing one is going to reward me well for capturing you. As soon as this world is no more, I'll be promoted." The orc laughed.

Johnny was really confused now. "Who is the loathing one, and why am I a big prize? His final question is what does he mean the world will be no more?" Johnny thought as his mind pondered what had just occurred as he sat on the cot.

"Why I am even here. What did I even do?" Johnny yelled from his cell. He heard the shaman stop and turn back to his cell.

"The reason you are here "shepherd". Is because you are in league with the accursed Radiant Alliance. My scouts saw you approach the city last night. I waited to capture by your campsite. For some reason I could get near you. When I was informed you entered the city. I came after you. Gave me quite the headache catching you." Said the ord with a grin.

"Since, you are in league with the radiant alliance I have I blocked your magic and any attempts to contact them. The radiant fragment in your head no longer works." The orc said now standing in front of his jail cell. The orc continued ranting away and confusing Johnny more and more.

First off, I have no clue what a radiant fragment is. Second, I never used magic. I just have technology. I am still surprised he was able to disable that. Thought Johnny as the ramblings of the orc were boring him to death.

Johnny decided to ask more questions to get more intel out of the orc. "Right, I'm part of the Radiant Alliance. So, what does that mean for me? Johnny replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Your death." Replied the shaman.

Johnny was speechless with that. He watched the orc leave with a smirk on it's face. He just sighed as he lay on his cot trying to think how he could escape.


Sometime had passed for Johnny as he drifted in and out of sleep. Since he was bound and couldn't go anywhere. He occasionally brought food and water. He had trouble eating and drinking with the restraints. The guards had to help Johnny with eating and drinking. They abused Johnny by pouring it down his throat until he inhaled it.

Wait until I get out of here, I'll show them. He thought with a hatred expression as they just finished their most recent feeding.

He tried to contact Albert again with no success. "My mind is still blocked." He mumbled with a groan remembering the shaman had cut off the core fragment. He just decided to doze off.

He started having weird visions of a green-haired female elf. The elf had a concerned look on her face as if she was getting frustrated for some reason. The first dream showed her where he had first ended up in the endless dried grasslands. The vision soon shifted with her running in the direction he had just come to the city. The most recent vision had the elf at Johnny's campsite where the prototype was still parked untouched. The elf looked at the prototype then over to the walled city. Her face began to frown. At this point she dashed off into the forest. That was the last vision Johnny had of her.

Johnny was woken from his sleep. "Time to get up you lazy mule." It is time for your sentencing." Someone said. Johnny rolled over on his cot and just ignored whoever was talking to him. He heard the cell door open. Johnny waited for the guard to come closer. I got a nasty surprise for you. You meaty prick. Thought Johnny making a grin on his face the guard could not see.

The guard reached out for Johnny. Who then grabbed the guard in surprise. The guard yelled out for his companion for help. "He is trying to escape!" Yelled the guard.

The other guard got up from the table he was sitting at. He ran into the cell.

Johnny kicked the guard who had yelled for help in the stomach. The guard stumbled backwards and landed on top of his companion who had entered the cell.

Johnny then got up onto the cot and used it as a trampoline. Johnny then jumped off the cot. He used the momentum in his legs to kick the guard who had fallen on his companion in the gut. Johnny heard a loud crack in the man's chest. Johnny winced at the sound. The guard screamed in pain as he doubled over before falling unconscious.

That must have broken something. Thought Johnny. As if I care after the way the guards have been treating me. He continued ranting in his head.

The other guard was struggling to get out from under the other guard. "I'm going to gut you like a trout." He yelled back.

Johnny then jumped back onto the cot and jumped once more. The other guard had just managed to stand up. Johnny dove off the cot towards the guard with his arms stretched out together with his legs. He piled into the man's face with both fists. Johnny busted his nose and began to bleed.

Still in the air, Johnny then swung his feet forward for a stomach kick. The guard crumpled to the floor in a heap. Johnny was now free. I had watched way too much wrestling. thought Johnny as he waddled his way out of his cell.

Johnny was now waddling his way through the hallway of the prison. How do I get out of here? He thought. As he was thinking, he heard a familiar voice. "What the? How did you break free." Said the voice.

Johnny turned to see a sight of horror. It was the orc shaman.

The shaman looked past Johnny into his cell. He saw both guards lying beaten and broken. "Oh, you are so going to get it now. I'm going to make sure you suffer even more now." He spoke.

Before Johnny could react, the shaman snapped his fingers. The invisible binds on Johnny lit up with an electric shock. He thought he was being electrocuted. The pain soon stopped. Unfortunately, for him the shock had paralyzed him.

"I have enhanced your body with radiant magic. Where I am taking you, it will be used against you." Said the orc.

Johnny just looked at him thinking this orc was dumber than he appeared. He then tried to use the magic but was quickly shocked by twice the pain from the bindings. The orc laughed at Johnny as his face slammed into the ground.

"If your try to use radiant magic those bindings will shock you more painfully each time you try." The orc said with a sneer. The orc then planned his next move. Johnny suddenly found himself trapped inside a ball of magic. It lifted him off the ground. The ball of magic glowed a neon blue color as it sparked with Johnny tapping his hands around trying to break free. "Your trial awaits." Said the orc with a distained sneer as he carried Johnny away.