
Dimensional Descent

The Third Dimension is collapsing. The Fourth Dimension is descending. First it seemed that only technology would evolve, but who knew the world itself could too? It wasn’t as simple as climate change or tectonic movement. No, the fundamental laws of physics that governed everything were changing. Leonel was fairly lucky. His family was decently well off, his father loved him enough to brew vomit inducing nutrient rich smoothies every morning, and this was both the day of the National Championship and his 521st confession to his dream girl, Aina. As his father always said, nothing was more important than respect and persistence. Unfortunately, everything changed that night. At the after party of ages, the world reached a saturation point and an apocalypse descended. Abilities awakened. Sub-Dimensional Zones opened. Invalids rampaged through the Earth like a virus... Those who could evolve would have a slim chance for survival. Those who couldn’t would die. This novel will be a unique spin on the dungeon/system genre. Dungeons won't be dungeons and the system won't be a system... Take a look to find out what I mean :) -------- For Updates - @Awespec on twitter or https://discord.gg/awespec for discord https://www.instagram.com/awespec_/ https://dimensional-descent.fandom.com/wiki/Aina_Brazinger

Awespec · Fantasy
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2957 Chs

I'm Taking It!

The old gentleman's fingers flickered, causing the monitors to shift and images of Leonel to be spliced together one after another. The video feeds paused, skipped forward and backward, and zoomed in and out to his leisure. 

However, even after being finetuned to the most final and even the most inconsequential detail, the old gentleman still couldn't see how Leonel had managed to teleport. 

There was no device, there was no flash of Force, even the spatial ripple itself was hidden beneath the all encompassing sea of black flames. 

There was only one explanation for all of this. Even in that situation, Leonel had timed his trump card so perfectly that even the cameras were unable to pick it up. That meant that he had been willing to be completely covered in those flames for a split moment in exchange for anonymity.