
Dimensional Chat Group with a System.

Looking around at his surrounding and seeing some weird people with Naruto headbands jumping on the roof-to-roof while spitting fire from their face, Kosuke is not-so-calm anymore. As a "Legal" Transmigrator and almost a Reincarnator, He is a person who has seen virtually everything. But finding that he is in a world filled with ninjas and shit, maybe his previous life experience is not-so-good anymore. "Sasuke Uchiha was the most powerful Shinobi to ever exist." His teacher once told him in the history class. He asked, "What about Naruto Uzumaki?" To which he got a reply, "Who? There is no such person in history." "Then what about Tailed-beasts and Otsutsuki's?" He asked with a hopeful gaze. "You mean Devil creature? Also, what Otsutsuki? Are you acting senile?" Since then, he realized that this world is Fucked up. …. But, a day before his Chunin exams, he got a mysterious Sign-in System. Which enabled him to get various rewards after sign-in at historical locations. Suddenly, a new type of voice rang in his mind… [You have been invited to Dimensional Chat Group] [Would you like to join?] Now, his sign-in scope is upgraded from a single world to a whole multiverse. Group members: Tony Stark, Sherlock Holmes, Saiki Kusuo, Nakiri Erina, Diana Prince, …

WhiteMooN · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Awkwardness in the Group.

[Sherlock Holmes joined the Chat Group]


[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: … I still have one Invitation card left.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Although I am an elite in the industry and was taught etiquette since my childhood, I still couldn't help but laugh…Hahaha]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Ignore him @almostagod.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Don't forget that this is a Dimensional Chat Group. We have a chance to travel to their worlds.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: The Coffee Jelly in their world must be super delicious. Aren't you interested?]

[ [Tony Stark]: @almostagod. Do you like Coffee Jelly? Don't worry, as long as there is something in the world, I can buy it.]

[ [Kusuo Saiki]: …It's not necessary. Still, thank you.]

[ [Kusuo Saiki]: Call me if you need some help. But, I won't come if there is no Coffee Jelly.]

That's good. Although there is some resistance, in the future, the bonds can be developed.

Kosuke smiled and thought, 'Sure enough, even if you are as strong as a god, yous till have a weakness.'

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Don't worry, there are enough Coffee Jelly for you.]

Saiki, on the other side, was emotionless.

'Sure enough, comics did not deceive me. It is well known that Uchiha-sama has a scheming personality, but I did not expect that he used it on me.'

'Using Coffee Jelly to seduce me, forget it. It's still good to have some extra Coffee Jelly.'

[ [Kusuo Saiki]: Then, I will take my leave.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Goodbye.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Goodbye.]

[ [Kusuo Saiki] has gone offline.]

In the Naruto world, Kosuke sighed, "It seems that I've successfully manipu*ahem* recruited, yes, recruited Saiki."

Feeling that he forgets something, Kosuke thought for a while, and his eyes widened in realization.

"Damn! I nearly forgot that there is another member who just joined the Chat Group."

He opened the Chat Group and messaged:

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Ahem, Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Group.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Oh, I nearly forgot you… Welcome newcomer! (Cheers)]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: It is unexpected yet, expected. Still, Thank you for your hot welcome.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Heh, Sherlock Holmes? Do you mean Sherlock Holmes?! Is he the real one? @ninja.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Seeing that the Chat Group mostly invites the "Protagonists," It can be true.]

'But, Which one is he? Robert Downey Jr's or Benedict Cumberbatch's. Let me see his profile.' Kosuke thought and opened the profile of Sherlock.

[ [Tony Stark]: One of the most intelligent humans in fiction? Although it is the reality now, Let me see how the world's smartest person looks like…]

Kosuke saw Tony's message and tried to stop him.

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Tony, Stop!]

Tony ignored Kosuke's message and clicked on Sherlock's Profile. Instead of seeing his appearance, he read Sherlock's biodata.

[ [Tony Stark]: Although your IQ of 190 can impress ordinary people, I have scored 270 on the IQ test. That proves that I am more intelligent than the world's best detective.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Hmm, Let me take a look at your profile pic.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Fuck!... Strange??!!]

[ [Tony Stark]: Pfft!! Hahahha. If Dr Strange joins the Chat Group, it would be hilarious!!]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: @detective. Please don't listen to his nonsense. Saiki's weirdness damaged his brain.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: It seems that @ironman knows someone who has an identical appearance to me.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: Then, from what I know from your conversation, Dr Strange's and my characters are portrayed by the same actors.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: Also, I don't think that it is funny. There is a possibility that you are Sherlock Holmes in another parallel universe. @ironman.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Although it is a bit rude, there is not a single chance that I, CEO of Stark Industries, would become a detective with an above-average IQ.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: From your eagerness to compete with me and the shallowness in your words, I can conclude that you have often been at odds with someone identical to me. Is it that Dr Strange?]

"…" Tony, on the other side, was speechless. Sherlock guessed it right. He was indeed at odds with Dr. Strange, who said he would no longer live more than three years.

That was when he returned from Afghanistan and was treated by numerous world-class surgeons. Although all of them said that he could no longer live for more than three years, Strange was the most brutal one.

That is why he did not like the presence of the other party.

[ [Kosuke Uchiha] @ironman, @detective. Calm down, guys. This is a peaceful Chat Group. If you don't follow the rules, then I've to use my authority to shut you up.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: (Sherlock-smile) I don't mind. ]

[ [Tony Stark]: For the sake of this Chat Group, I, too, will no longer let my grudge intervene.]

[ [Tony Stark]: As an apology, I am willing to gift you the number of Victoria's Secret models.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Stark!]

[ [Tony Stark]: Sorry, …I forgot that they could not come to other worlds. (Hehe.jpg)]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: (deadpan.png) You know that I am not talking about this.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: Excuse me, Leader. Could you please answer my question?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Please, @detective. Don't call me Leader, just Kosuke. Also, what's the query?]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: As I want to ask, Is there anyone who can understand biotechnology? I think that I have encountered some problems with my new drug.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: Seeing that everyone's timeline and world development is different, I would like to have a spark of inspiration from the products of the other worlds.]

[ [Tony Stark] (proud.jpg) Heh, For Technological purposes, You can consult me. I have an IQ of 270, and I am currently the world's leading scientist. For any technical queries, you can ask me.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Although Tony is narcissistic and self-advertising himself, I can assure you that his capabilities in the scientific field are first-class.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Hey! What do you mean by self-advertising? I am just helping other members of the Group. What if they consult the wrong person? Wouldn't that be disastrous? That's why I offer my services.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Oh please, don't tell me you haven't watch your own movie.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Forget it, @detective, What do you want to ask?]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: Although I don't appreciate your previous attitude, I don't care as long as you help me remove the side-effects of Synthroid-à]

[ [Tony Stark]: Hmm, Synthroid? It's interesting. Although I don't know where you got it from in your world, I will reluctantly lend you a helping hand.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: My brother gave it for research purposes. ]

[ [Tony Stark]: As a fellow scientist, I can tell you that the current version of Synthroid is not usable for virtual experiments. If you send me the chemical configuration, then I can help you with it.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: You have my thanks, Mr Stark. If you need some help from me, feel free to ask. But that's for the first time. After that, you would have to pay the fees.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Hmm, I think I may need some help in investigating someone. But, we can talk about that later. Now, could you send me the configuration?]

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: Certain. ]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Weren't you supposed to be fighting? Why are you now best buds?]

[ [Tony Stark]: Uchiha-boy, Have your dad refused to bring a dog to your house? But you still get the dog.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Uhh, I don't get it. What's the connection of my question with dogs?]

[ [Tony Stark]: If you still get the dog, your dad is inseparable to it.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Now, I feel confused.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Don't think about this with your pitiful IQ. You may not be able to understand it for your entire life.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Not understanding for a lifetime, Now I feel thankful.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: As for the IQ, I don't think you are the smartest in the Chat Group.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Someone more intelligent than me in this Chat Group? Impossible.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Although Kusuo has an IQ of 218 when he is limited. If you remove the limiters, he would be literally a Quantum Computer at his 2-nd Stage.]


"I nearly forgot that there is a comedy character in our group."

[ [Sherlock Holmes]: I have an impression that you two have a harmonic relationship. Then, I will take my leave. I have to search for new ways to die.]

[ [Sherlock Holmes] has gone offline.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Um, Kosuke, Do you think that he misunderstood something?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: From his words, it seems that you are right.]


[ [Tony Stark]: Now that there are members in the Chat Group, typing private chats in the public channel is getting awkward.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Yeah, It's awkward.]

"…" Damn. That's even more embarrassing after saying that it's awkward.

[ [Tony Stark]: Um, So, How was your day? @ninja]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: "…" It's morning here.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Ok, Fine! Let me rephrase the question again. How will your day be today?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: It depends whether you are asking me or questioning me.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Is there any difference?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: There is…]


[ [Tony Stark]: Maybe asking…?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Do you think I can see the future? Although I can leap time, I don't want to be blind. I still haven't unlocked my Mangekyo Sharingan.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Great! Found a new topic. Hey, @ninja. Do you want to know what your Mangekyo abilities are?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: (raised-eyebrows.jpg) You know this? Let me guess. Are you reading my manga?]

[ [Tony Stark]: Bingo! But, have you ever wondered what your Mangekyo abilities are?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Wait, Is there an ability to stop time within a specific range for a period of time. Is it there?]

[ [Tony Stark]: NO, why do you think you will have that ability?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Because It is one of the most cliché abilities used in most fanfictions.]

[ [Tony Stark]: It's not that. Let me give you a hint.]

[ [Tony Stark]: In your left-eye, there is an ability that is very helpful and has nearly unlimited potential. Also, It is an offensive ability. One more thing, it's an original ability.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Although the ability in your right-eye is not very helpful to you right now, in the future, It will be one of your trump cards.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: If you didn't remind me of this, I would have nearly forgotten that I am a Shinobi.]

[ [Tony Stark]: Please don't say it aloud. If any of your fans heard you, I would be in my grave.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: (raised-eyebrows.png) Do I have a Fan Club?]

[ [Tony Stark]: Of course. And a big one at that. Even I would have been a member of that club after reading your manga. Thankfully, I saved myself from that embarrassment.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: (Sigh) since ancient times, the demon called Fan Club has haunted the Uchiha clan. But listening to you, I am sure that the monster has reached his fangs to the multiverse.]

[ [Tony Stark]: I don't know what you are talking about.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Heh, with your pitiful appearance, You may not be able to understand the problem.]

"…" Tony looked at the recent message with an angry expression and said to himself,

"Damn! For the first time, I was defeated by someone with my own words."

"Calm down, Tony! You can have your revenge later. But now, you have to go offline before Kosuke starts to gloat."

Tony clenched his fists and closed the Chat Group with a punch in the air.

[ [Tony Stark] has gone offline.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Eh?! Why did you go offline? I wanted to ask a question.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: At least answer this question before leaving.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: @group Everyone with a high IQ, especially @almostagod. I want to ask, would the Time Travellers have an "Annual" meeting?]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: Just asking for a friend. Please don't blame me for his stupidness.]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha]: (Sigh)…]

[ [Kosuke Uchiha] has gone offline.]

[Author's note]

Now, don't forget that this is fanfiction. There may be some differences in the personality of the characters.

Q. Why did Tony verbally attacked Sherlock Holmes?

A. I mean, would you be calm after someone takes your place in the exams?

Q. Why do I feel that Kosuke is not-so ninja-ish?

A. Ninjas are just mercenaries. If you want him to be a true God, then he will have to shed his profession.

Q. Why is there no context, just a plain Chat Group?

A. It is 3'o clock here. I am currently about to sleep. But, because I wanted to finish the chapter, I decided to rush at the last parts.

Q. Now, who will be the FMC?

A., Of course, it's Erina. For those who support Diana. I want to ask, how could a 14-year-old boy be paired with a goddess who is more than thousands of years old?

Q. Should this be a "Harem"?

A. No! Harem is a thing that destroys the essence of the story. That is a good reason for it not to be included.

Of course, I am not talking about those well-executed "Harems."

Umm, After I wake up, I want to post your questions about the novel here.

{Please comment your questions} -< Here.