
Dimensional chat group:The tale of a wannabe general in the Multiverse

This is the Tale of Kana Endo, a man who was obsessed with everything Military He dreams to be a "Neutral" and "Strong" conqueror general emperor in the Multiverse! He will do whatever he wants in the Multiverse Watch as this wannabe General conquers everything he wanted! P.s I do not own anything except my OC

Imagination_GodR18 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Rating game (2/?) & Playing the rating game like a chess board

Author's note: Aight! Merry Christmas ! So yeah!

---<Line Breaker>--



"Mistress, the rating game is starting, please come into the arena" Her queen, Alivian, said

Seekvaira came with her queen, and arrived at the arena with some contracted mages that was hired by her parents, which was all middle-class

And now... the Rating game starts!!

--{The Present...}--

Kana entered the arena with his peerage, as they come face-to-face with with Seekvaira, her peerage, and some hired magicians

Grayfia Lucifage herself enetered the arena as the announcer for the match

[Everyone, the Rating game starts after you choose the landscape you want to fight in, so please choose] the voice of Grayfia echoed in the venue

Kana decided to fight in District 11 in Code:Geass

"I plan to fight in a landscape like Tokyo, do you agree?" Kana asked Seekvaira while crossing his arms

"Hmp! I agree!" Seekvaira agreed

[Now that the landscape has been chosen, The rating game now begins!] Grayfia said as Seekvaira and Kana's peerage began to teleport at the opposite direction of each other

"Okay! Everyone! This is our plan!" Kana said as he brought out their Knightmare Frames that they registered to be brought into the match

They entered and they activated their Knightmare Activation System

Their plan was to split into squads and pick off their enemies with various urban guerilla tactics

They split up and then hid in various buildings, just waiting for prey

Kana went into the rooftop of a big building with his Knightmare frames kneeling with the Anti-matter Magius Sniper armament

Kana actually went out of his Knightmare Frame and equipped his Holographic Mobile Knightmare Controller glasses

Kana didn't wanna just sit while waiting, he would be stiff and sore

By the way, because the Rating game landscape was too big, the Seekvaira peerage was given a device that tells them the area of the person. Kana and his peerage members didn't get it, because they refused

Anyways! The rating game's livestream started and they started to see Kana and his....mecha?!


A collective gasp came onto the audience

"I-is that a real functioning necha?!" 1 of the young pure-blooded devil asked in awe

"Woaah!" Another pure-blooded devil also shouted in awe

--<Meanwhile on the V.I.P room>--

"Did your brother just create a mecha?!" Sirzechs asked Ajuka with sparkles in his eyes

"I think so..yeah" Ajuka said unsurely

--<Back in the arena>--

"Oh! I found one!" Kana said as he locked on some hired magician

Kana raised his left arm like a table and made a gesture like his finger is in the trigger of some gun, his Knightmare frame followed and raised it's left arm, and put sniper rifle on top of it

Kana locked on and did all of the calculations in his head

"Annnd! Firing!" Kana happily shouted as he pressed the trigger


A loud gunshot was heard, as the Howitzer bullet left the barrel, it flew 2× faster than the speed of sound


A huge explosion erupted where Kana's bullet landed..it landed in the middle of the two hired magicians

Seekvaira heard the explosion, she remembered it was the place where two of the hired magicians were sweeping, she activated her communication device and started to contact the hired magicians

"Bravo-2 squad! What happened! Over!" Seekvaira shouted through her comms

[2 hired magicians of the Agares peerage are out!] Seekvaira heard the announcement and gritted her teeth

"Just what the hell is happening?!" Seekvaira shouted to herself

"2 down, now commence operation!" Kana said as he saw the enemies approaching the positions of his team, he brought out a chess board and started to move it

""Roger!"" Everyone replied

"Alpha team-3 move and reveal yourself and eliminate those 3 hired magicians!" Kana started to play his pieces

"Delta-8, Gamma-5, move for a pincer attack in that narrow street!" Kana ordered two groups at the same time in a narrow street

""Roger!" The two groups responded

The Delta-8 and Gamma-5 moved, they revealed themselves

"W-what?!" Was the only thing that Seekvaira heard when explosions came again

[3 hired magicians from Agares peerage is out!]

"Aagh! What the hell is happening?!" Seekvaira groaned maniacally

Wyuung! Wyuung!

Sirens blared as he saw Seekvaira's main force sent out that was lead by herself

"All right! Lambda-2, Epsilon-9, Beta-19, all come to me! The rest encircle them from the skies using your floating units!" Kana ordered them while activating his Floating unit and his Light-Magicule Jet thrusters to get there faster

--<Meanwhile, Seekvaira's POV>--

"Mistress! All of them is coming towards us!" I heard one of the hired magicians shouting

"What?! Begin the defense formation!" I ordered all of my troops to move

"Seekvaira Agares! Come out!" I heard the voice of that annoying Dioroda Astaroth

"What the hell is he doing now?!" I said as I exited the building with the protection of my troops and my time barrier that slows down attacks

I went out of the building and what I saw flabberghasted me...

'A-a mecha! A real life mecha!' I shouted in joy in my mind

"Diodora Astaroth! You had mechas?! Why didn't you inform me?!" I excitedly told him

"I told you this is the surprise I wanted to show you" He replied with a smug attitude

"Now surrender!" He immediately raised his voice from inside the mecha

"N-never! Even though you have mechas, my pride won't allow it!" I replied stuttering a little

"Then let's fight!" Diodora said while forming a stance with his mecha

"Bafeel deal with the other ones together with the hired magicians" I ordered my knight as my queen stayed with me

--<3rd POV>--

"Humu! Humu! Interesting! Now less talk and more fighting!" Kana shouted while readying his sniper armament, he switched it from one round, into semi-automatic


Seekvaira's queen Alivian moved first after being ordered by her, he moved as fast, as the eye can't keep up, but.. he had the wrong match, Kana easily kept up with him and then aimed at him

Baang! Baang! Baang!

3 consecutive shots were fired, it made a cage-like formation, that trapped Alivian and he had no choice but to sacrifice his dominant right arm


Blood gushed out at the place where his right arm had been in, together with the fact that he had taken a hit and had broken his rib too

"Guaahhaa!" Alivian threw up some blood but regenerated easily

"Come on! Is that all you got?!" Kana taunted Alivian

Kana sensed that there is an incoming danger behind him, so he tilted his body and dodged the attack that Seekvaira launched


Author's note: I'll upload the other one later

Word count:1126

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