
Dimensional chat group:The tale of a wannabe general in the Multiverse

This is the Tale of Kana Endo, a man who was obsessed with everything Military He dreams to be a "Neutral" and "Strong" conqueror general emperor in the Multiverse! He will do whatever he wants in the Multiverse Watch as this wannabe General conquers everything he wanted! P.s I do not own anything except my OC

Imagination_GodR18 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Rating game (1/?) & Knightmare frame reveal?!

Author's note: We're finally using the Knightmare Frames!!

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Kana then took her off the sex machine and then washed her up, and then laid her in his bed where all the others are sleeping

--{The Present..}--

"Haaaah! Right... today's the rating game with Seekvaira" Kana said as he yawned and stretched his arms

Kana stood up and went in the bathroom, he went in front of the bathroom mirror

"All right, I need to get ready, maybe we should finally use our Knightmare frames? Yeah let's do that" Kana said and contemplated to himself

"Yeah, and after she discovers we have mechas, she would definately go crazy, and I would brag to her, hehehe!" Kana chuckled at his great idea

Kana did all of his daily things, and he called over all of his peerage members

Once they have gathered Kana started talking..

"Okay girls, I know all of your improvements, now to test that out, we will have a rating game against Seekvaira Agares and her peerage, understood?" Kana announced while putting his head over his hand

""Yes! Master!!"" All of his peerage members replied at the same time

Kana went outside and arranged for 14 Vincent Commander models to be used by the girls

"Girls come out here and customize your Knightmare Frames!" Kana called his peerage members over the yard

"Woaah! Our own Knightmare Frames! Thank you master~!" Agustina was the first to talk

"Yeah! Yeah! Kakui! (Cool)" Agnis followed up

They started customizing their Knightmare Frames, they changed Armaments, paint job, and some custom parts like; their float unit, face plates, Grappleshots, and the newly created Light-Magicule Jet thrusters, and also hidden Lightning flails, and lastly, Holographic Mobile Knightmare Controller glasses

They also added armaments on it like; the Knightmare Magicule Gauss rifle, Knightmare- fitted Magicule Sword Cannons, Knightmare Magicule Kathkas, Anti-matter Magius Sniper armament, Genista-Model "Rook Sparrow" Anti-matter magicule cannons, and Heavy Gauss anti-matter Magicule Mini-guns

His knight pieces, Gwen and Helle, Chose the Knightmare- fitted Magicule Sword Cannons as their weapons, and added customized parts like; Light-Magicule Jet thrusters, and also hidden Lightning flails, and also changed their face plates, Gwen made hers look like a lion and painted her Knightmare Frame with the main color as red and gold, Helle made hers look like a futuristic samurai with green visors, and made her main color orange and yellow [A/N: Refer to RM-011 Hito Valvrave]

His bishop pieces, Elga and Demi, only chose to add Light-Magicule Jet thrusters, and went to town with their face plates, they changed their face plates into their own detailed face but with a magician's hood hiding their faceplates, their armaments is the Knightmare Magicule Kathkas, Elga's Knightmare frame's main color is Blue and Yellow, while Demi's Knightmare frame's main color is gold and violet

His rook pieces, Agnis and Agustina, chose to add Light-Magicule Jet thrusters, more grappleshots, and hidden Lightning flails, their main weapons is the Genista-Model "Rook Sparrow" Anti-matter magicule cannons, and the Heavy Gauss anti-matter Magicule Mini-guns. They modified their face plates to look like themselves, but they have an orange, transparent mask that looks like a bird's beak

The rest of his peerage had their own pick, and now they were all ready

They rode the Underworld's train that was there to pick up Kana and his peerage members

--{A few minutes later...}--<Rating game stadium>-

They arrived at the Rating game stadium where there is many high-classed devils arriving

Oh! And also, while Kana is wearing his Military uniform, he also made uniforms for his peerage

Their uniforms consists of: a black, spanish-styled double breasted coat that covers their lower face and spans to their Gastrocnemius muscle, a black military hat, and metal greaves

The magic users in Kana's peerage also uses the Winchester Gun staff that Kana prepared just for them, he did it's tuning and customization, the sword users on the other hand brought their swords with them inside a mechanical sheath


Kana heard a buzzing sound like static, he immediately knew who was causing it

'Akasha? Kiyomi? Are you there?' Kana asked in his mind

'Yahoo! Kana-kun~!●u●!!' Kana heard the familiar voice of Kiyomi in his mind

'Kiyomi-chan? Akasha-chan? You're finally here! I was waiting for you!' Kana replied to Kiyomi and Akasha

'Yes, yes, we're finally here' Kana now heard the voice of Akasha

'Akasha-chan, you said you and Kiyomi were going to be there with me in every step of the way?' Kana asked Akasha in his mind

'Well.. we wanted to give you something like a.... a tutorial!' Akasha replied with her voice stuttering

'Aah! So that's why!' Kana had the look of enlightenment in his face

'Kana-chaaan~! Don't worry! We won't abandon you! ^~^' Kiyomi cheerfully replied

"Diodora-sama, the Rating game is starting" Kana was broken out of his thoughts when a servant knocked in the door to deliver a message

"All right, I'll be there!" Kana replied to the servant outside his door

'Talk to you later girls' Kana ended the talk and then went into the waiting area, there he encountered Seekvaira Agares

"Hm? What's this? Are you a chuunibyou? And where is my Gund*m magazine you borrowed?" Seekvaira barraged him with questions and insults

"This is our uniform you crazy woman, and that Gund*m magazine I borrowed you? Bitch please! You know I'll return it!" Kana said to Seekvaira while tipping his hat and his blood, red eyes shining

"Grr! That's exactly the reason we're in here! You always delay giving it back to me!" Seekvaira shouted to Kana, who turned his back on her

"Hmm..Then I have a surprise for you in the rating game" Kana mysteriously said while walking away

"Bah! That man!" Seekvaira popped a vein in her head while gritting her teeth in frustration

"Mistress, the rating game is starting, please come into the arena" Her queen, Alivian, said

Seekvaira came with her queen, and arrived at the arena with some contracted mages that was hired by her parents, which was all middle-class

And now... the Rating game starts!!


Author's note: It's finally Christmas!! Wohooo!

It's getting interesting!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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