
Dimensional chat group:The tale of a wannabe general in the Multiverse

This is the Tale of Kana Endo, a man who was obsessed with everything Military He dreams to be a "Neutral" and "Strong" conqueror general emperor in the Multiverse! He will do whatever he wants in the Multiverse Watch as this wannabe General conquers everything he wanted! P.s I do not own anything except my OC

Imagination_GodR18 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Myuutaro-kun's love trouble~?!

Author's note: We just got a new smart TV and we're currently watching Anohana in a big screen so.. yeah! LOL BTW, I'mma cry while watching the ending foh sue!

--<Line Breaker>--



"It seems she is holding to her last bit of conciousness left" Kana came towards her

"Well... I'm sorry but it has to be fucking done" Kana said as he chopped her neck

[The rating game is over! Team Agares is wiped out!] The voice of Grayfia resounded in the field

--{The Present..}--

"It's finally over!" Agnis stretched her arms up high in the air

"Yeah! That was so stressful!" Helle responded to her

"Now, now, that was a good learning experience for you all" Kana looked back at them

They exited the arena throught a tunnel, when they arrived at the end of it, Ajuka and Sirzechs was watiting

"Oh! Ajuka-aniki!" Kana greeted his cousin and waved at him

Ajuka waved back lazily, Sirzechs came up to Kana and shook his hands

"From now on consider me your fan Diodora-kun!" Sirzechs said with sparkles in his eyes

"Why would a satan be my fan?" Kana asked Sirzechs questioningly

"Y'know when I was also in my teens, I absolutely loved mechas!" Sirzechs answered him while making hand gestures

"Aah! So that's why!" Kana had a look of revelation

"Sirzechs, can I talk with him for a moment?" Ajuka tapped Sirzechs' shoulder

"Hm? All right~!" Sirzechs replied to Ajuka happily

Kana was dragged by Ajuka to a corner

"Say Diorora.... how exactly did you build a mecha? And when?" Ajuka attacked Kana with a barrage of questions

"Umm...well I..that's right! I had a revelation! And for when? A few hears ago!" Kana created a lie

"Hmm..." Ajuka raised his eyebrow at the lie

'Well...all devils have secrets, I can't force him to tell his secrets' Ajuka thought to himself

"Haah! Well if you really can't tell your secret that bad, then I can't force you to spit it out" Ajuka sighed as he stopped questioning Kana, but was still suspicious

'All right! Crisis averted!' Kana cheered in his mind

"Haah.." Kana sighed as he wiped his sweat

Kana went back to his team and then went home

Kana took off his uniform and plopped on his bed

"Haah! What a stressful day!" Kana sighed as he put his arm over his head and slowly closed his eyes

Kana fell asleep with the warm, comforting glow of the silvery moon

--{The Next day...}--

"Yaaaah!....it seems everything is not a dream.." Kana says as he looks down at his hands and smiles

'Of course it's not Kana-kun!' Kiyomi's cheery voice resounded in his head

"Of course!" Kana said as he stood up and did his daily things while looking at the group chat

[Myuutaro: Ladies and gentlemen! I have an announcement to make!

King: Oh! Myuutaro-kun what is it?

Mieruko: Yeah what is it Pervert-kun?

Myuutaro: How hurtful of you Mieruko-chan~!, well my announcement is that... I finally have a human girlfriend!

King: Congratulations!

Kana: +1

Kajika: +1

Mieruko: Well I guess.. +1

Myuutaro: But! Guess what!

Kana: What?

Myuutaro: I have a female mutant scorpion that is reeeeaaal~ly in love with me!

Mieruko: Seriously? She must have a bad taste in men!

Myuutaro: Uwaah! She's seriously bullying me now!

Kajika: Now, now, everybody let's stop fighting!

King: Lucky you Myuutaro-kun, no one would like an old man like me..

Kana: King-san you're sulking again]

Kana giggled as he sat down in the dining hall and ate his meal

"Mastah! Where are you going?" Jenifer, the light blue haired pawn asked

"Mhm? The human world" Kana replied while making a teleportation circle

"Let me accompany you mast~er!" Jenifer jumped inside the teleportation circle too

"Mhmhmh! All right!" Kana chuckled and then they disappeared


In the building of one of Shiba, two people appeared, those two were Kana and his servant, Jenifer

"Mhhhmm! It's been quite the long time since I came to the human world!" Kana said as he inhaled the air from Earth

"Woooah! So this is Shiba?" Jenifer curiously asked her master

"Yeah! Since we came here, how about we go on a date?" Kana asked Jenifer

"Are you... asking me out on a d-date?!" Jenifer asked Kana while blushing furiously

"Yeah! So do you wanna?" Kana offered his hand to be held

"Mmhm! Yes!" Jenifer held Kana's hand and agreed

'Cute' Kana thought while going down secretly in an alleyway

"Then let's gooo!" Kana started to drag Jenifer around gently, they looked like a very cute couple going on a date

"W-wait!" Jenifer tried to yell out in embarrassment

"No~oo!" Kana smiled and said in a singsong voice like a child

"Try this Jenifer!" Kana said as he offered Jenifer a takoyaki

"A-all right! Amuh!" Jenifer took a bite out of the takoyaki on the stick

"Mmmmmm!" Jenifer squealed in excitement

"Hahaha! You like it?" Kana asked Jenifer with his eyes turning into crescents

"Mhm! Mhm!" Jenifer nodded while chewing the takoyaki

"Ahahaha! Come on you little glutton!" Kana said as he booped her nose, and then gently took her hand in his hand

Jenifer, with sparkles in her eyes, ran with him and tried many different foods together with Kana


"Puhaaah! That was so fun!" Jenifer shouted after drinking an ice-cold soda

"Well I told you it'd be fun right?" Kana asked Jenifer

"Yeah!" Jenifer happily replied

"You know... this is the happiest I've ever been in my entire life...being here with you is what makes me happy the most.." Jenifer said while looking down

"Really? I'm glad!" Kana replied with patting her head

"Because ever since I was born, I was always confined inside a big church, and never being able to go outside in my own, one day I had enough and sneaked out and then.. and then I met you! It was the happiest moment for me!" Jenifer said while hugging Kana

Kana smiled and then hugged her back

"Well I'm really glad I met you too y'know? It was really fun being with you and the other girls" Kana said as he rubbed Jenifer's back

Jenifer looked up with upturned, teary eyes

"Well if you look at me like that I really can't resist.." Kana said as he caressed her face, and looked at her juicy, glossy, pink cherry lips

Kana leaned down and their breath reached each other


Kana kissed Jenifer in front of a beautiful sunset with a gentle kiss

Not the hot, and passionate one you degens, it's the vanilla, romantic kiss


Author's note: What beautiful chapter amirite?!

Well see ya! Peace!

Word count:1117

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