
Dimensional chat group:The tale of a wannabe general in the Multiverse

This is the Tale of Kana Endo, a man who was obsessed with everything Military He dreams to be a "Neutral" and "Strong" conqueror general emperor in the Multiverse! He will do whatever he wants in the Multiverse Watch as this wannabe General conquers everything he wanted! P.s I do not own anything except my OC

Imagination_GodR18 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Rating game (3/3)

Author's note: I decided to continue it! So everybody please keep taking care of me!

--<Line Breaker>--



"Come on! Is that all you got?!" Kana taunted Alivian

Kana sensed that there is an incoming danger behind him, so he tilted his body and dodged the attack that Seekvaira launched

--{The Present..}--

"Tch!" Seekvaira sucked her teeth

The two continued to launch attacks

Alivian using his innate draconic strength managed to punch, kick and disorient Kana, while Seekvaira used her Power of Time to slow down any attacks coming to Alivian

"[Time accel]!" Seekvaira used her Power of Time to accelerate her speed into a burst of speed and attacked one of Kana's Knightmare frame's joints

"Damn! You two are like flies! Annoying!" Kana said as he ejected from his Knightmare frame and flew using his wings

Kana withdrew his Knightmare frame, Kana took out his Nekros from his holster and fired 6 consecutive shots at Alivian

"[Time accel]!" Seekvaira used her time acceleration abilities again, burdening her body further, and then moving Alivian out of the way

'Tch! It's not effective because of her POT, and worse of all I can't use my sword or I might accidentally kill them or Ajuka will suspect that something amiss is happening' Kana though while holstering his gun again

'Then Hand-to-hand combat it is then' Kana decided on the best thing to combat them CQC

'Since I studied martial arts combined with the martial arts from G_d of highschool, before, it seems impossible to recreate them but now that I'm a devil? Easy peasy' Kana monologued inside his head while dodging attacks one after another

"Take this seriously you bastard!" Seekvaira shouted in anger of being ignored

Kana jumped away from them and took a stance, and Alivian rushed at him


Kana jumped up and hit him with a kick, Kana then spun around while Alivian is stunned


Kana kicked him square in the chest and sent him flying into the building wall

"Hhh!" Alivian groaned

"[Time accel]!" Seekvaira used her time technique again and arrived behind Kana

"Hmm!" Seekvaira grunted as she tried to knock him out, Kana caught her hand and spun her around so she is right in front of him

"Hah!" Kana took equality to another level as he gave a right-hook

Pah! Crack!

Seekvaira defended her face with her left arm, when his fist came into contact with her arm, she felt a searing pain and heard her bones cracking

"Mistress!" Alivian shouted as he rushed in again

Kana was stuck in a deadlock hand to hand combat with Seekvaira

Pah! Pooh! Pah!

A series of strong strikes was launched by Kana, it came as a right-hook, a left-low punch, and then a kick into the gut when she was distracted

"Gah!" Seekvaira groaned as she spat out blood and lying on the ground

All of this was done within the matter of seconds

Alivian came close to Kana and then gave him a high-kick, Kana defended and blocked his kick with his right arm

Pah! Pah! Pah!

Alivian began to counter attack as he gave Kana no time to react, he brought down his right leg with an axe kick

Kana blocked his kick again and started punching his torso, gut, and and face

Pah! Pah! Pah!

All three attacks landed as Alivian was off-balance

"[Time acce-]" Seekvaira tried to use her spell one last time


"No you don't!" Kana said as he delivered a kick to her neck and knocked her out cold

"No! Mistress!" Alivian shouted as he tried to run to her

"I'll end this!" Kana shouted as he saw his companions were finishing up

Kana filled his fist with demonic energy

Kana tilted his body and avoided the weak attack that came from Alivian

"Now I won't hold back!" Alivian said as his butler suit ripped and transformed into a dragon

"Interesting!" Kana shouted as he looked up at the flying dragon that is Alivian

Alivian let out a torrent of flames, he unleashed it directly on to Kana intending of burning him to ashes

"Raaaah!" Alivian let out a roar of anger

Alivian became more agitated when he saw a black figure, raising his right arm and crushed the flame in his hands, he cracked his head, and rolled his head 180° degrees

[A/N: A reference to that one Agravain scene●□●!]

Alivian saw the black figure's shining, red eyes, and the flapping cloak behind him

"Hah! Weak! At least it's hot enough to warm my clothes" Alivian finally saw who it was, it was Kana who he thought was burnt to ashes

"Graaah!" Alivian let out another roar as he fired aura bullets at Kana

Pshew! Pshew! Pshew!

Kana dodged every aura bullet with acrobatics like flipping, rolling, etc

"Well I'll really end this now" Kana said he buried his feet into the ground readying to sprint


A loud boom resounded and Kana disappeared from his previous spot, as a defense mechanism, Alivian spit flames all around him like a wall of flame

The wall of flames suddenly had a big hole in the middle of it

"Good...night!" Kana reappeared in front of Alivian's snout and clenched his fist, and then released it


Alivian's dragon face rippled and was sent flying back

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Alivian went through many buildings and stopped..

"Hmm? Why isn't the game ending?" Kana asked himself

"Mastah~!" He heard the singsong voice of his servant, Gwen

"Oh! Gwen! Finally done?" Kana asked Gwen as she also went out of her cockpit

"Mhm!" Gwen nodded

The rest of his peerage members came back too

"Hmm? Mastah? Why isn't the game ending yet?" Agnetta asked Kana

"I'm wondering about that too" Kana looked at the 'knocked out' Seekvaira


"Ooh! I saw a twitch!" Kana smiled as he realized why

"It seems she is holding to her last bit of conciousness left" Kana came towards her

"Well... I'm sorry but it has to be fucking done" Kana said as he chopped her neck

[The rating game is over! Team Agares is wiped out!] The voice of Grayfia resounded in the field


Author's note: Here ya go! Champs!

Word count:1037

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