
Dimensional Artificer: Forge of Creation

A charismatic and talented 3D modeler in his mid-20s, who finds himself mysteriously transported to a world of magic and power unlike anything he's ever known. Unlike the conventional magicians and warriors in this realm, Ailord discovers that his unique power lies not in traditional sorcery, but rather in the ability to manifest his creations from the digital realm into physical reality. As Ailord navigates this fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, ancient civilizations, and treacherous adversaries, he must harness his creativity and technical prowess to forge innovative tools, weapons, and constructs that defy the conventional limits of magic. With his modern military knowledge and expertise in 3D modeling, Ailord becomes a formidable force as he blazes a trail of ingenuity and innovation, reshaping the very fabric of this new world.

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

At First Sight

"Ailord? That's quite a strange name. No offense," said Heyla.

Ailord shook his head. "It's okay, I've heard it often in my wo- in my place."

"Ah right, speaking of that, you still don't want to tell us where you're from?" she continued.

"I've already told you, I don't remember."

"Seriously? You don't want to tell us?"

Glok raised his hand, drawing their attention. "I'm sure Ailord has his own reasons for not telling us. At least we know his name, and he wants to help us face them. For me, that's enough."

Teena nodded in agreement. "That's true. I don't really care where he's from as long as he has good intentions, then I will trust him."

Shaking his head, Reyn could only respond, "You are the next leader of the goblin race. How can you be so relaxed? You should be more cautious before taking a decision and he's a HUMAN!"

"My father saw it with his own eyes and decided to help Ailord. That's enough for me to know that my judgment is not wrong."

Heyla hurriedly stepped between them, spreading her arms. "That's enough, both of you," she snapped, then looked at Reyn, who was folding his arms with an annoyed expression. "Reyn, I know you're worried and want to avoid trouble. I know helping and accepting requests from humans at a time like this is taboo." However, not only did Mr. Grako decide to help him, but the elders also decided to support him. If we, as people of the Veyrain kingdom, don't listen to their decision, how are we any different from rebels?"

Teena nodded repeatedly and patted Reyn's shoulder. "That's true. Besides, the elders gave him high-level magic. If that doesn't make you trust him, I don't know what will."

Seeing that his three friends had made their decision, he could only let out a long and rough sigh. Reyn then turned to Ailord, who still wore the same friendly smile. "Listen, I don't know what you did to make them trust you so much. I'll follow their wishes for now. But," his gaze turned sharp, "if you hurt them even a little, I won't hesitate to take your life."

"Are you sure you can do that?" whispered Glok, bending down from behind.

"Shut up."

"Glok, could you help me stand?" Ailord requested.

Glok nodded and quickly assisted him. The wooden floor trembled under Glok's effort to help the iron Construct stand up. When he finally succeeded, he staggered to the window, taking a deep breath to fill his lungs, which felt like they were burning.

"Thank you very much," Ailord said to Glok, who could only give a thumbs up, unable to speak. "I know you're still suspicious of me, especially since I'm a stranger with no clear origin. But I will never betray those who have helped me. That is also why I want to help you face them." He looked out the window, observing the beautiful blue sky as he often did in his room when making a decision.

"I, myself, have experience with people like that. You could say that by helping you face them, it's like erasing the hatred in my heart forever. I know that reason is not enough, but that's my true intention."

They hadn't realized it before, but once he stood up, they noticed just how large Ailord's Construct was. Even Glok, who was quite tall, was still slightly shorter. Now that he stood, they could feel the presence of a strong and steadfast figure, much like his owner, who was now looking back at them, waiting for a response.

Reyn's clenched fist finally relaxed, accompanied by a deep sigh. "That's enough for me. As long as we have the same goal, I won't hold it against you where you come from. But once again, if you look suspicious in the slightest, I won't hesitate."

Ailord grinned. "Of course. That's exactly what I want because it means I can trust you more as well."

"Alright!" Teena suddenly jumped up cheerfully. "Since we all agree, why don't we get ready for the blessing ceremony?"

"Ah! That's right! The blessing ceremony will start soon," Reyn responded in panic. He had completely forgotten why they were here. "We need to hurry! Especially you, Glok! You're your father's successor, the face of the goblin race!" He ran to open the door and rushed to help the troops prepare their carts.

Heyla and Teena also headed downstairs, leaving Glok alone with Ailord, who didn't know what to do other than stand there.

"Hey, thanks."

"Hmm? For what?" Ailord asked, puzzled.

"You removed your face covering so I wouldn't struggle, right?"

Ailord's heart seemed to stop for a moment upon hearing that. He hadn't expected the goblin before him to notice. His smile widened as he thought, 'I really can't underestimate him.'

"Not really. I just needed some fresh air, and the timing happened to be right. So, I thought, why not?"

Glok's smile broadened at this. He patted Ailord's shoulder firmly enough that Ailord was sure those downstairs could hear it. "No need to be so modest! I knew you weren't a bad person from the first time I saw you." Glok paused for a moment to gather himself before continuing, "We'll be back. You wait for us here; it's not yet your time to step into the world," he joked, making Ailord laugh.

Ailord nodded toward the door. "Go on, I won't be going anywhere."

Glok hurried downstairs, waving at Ailord and ending up tumbling down the steps. Within seconds, another commotion could be heard, especially Teena's voice asking if he was alright. Ailord couldn't remember the last time he felt like this. It felt like he had finally found the right place, like a second home. A home formed by people without blood ties but as close as a family.

But Ailord also wondered, if they knew what had happened in his past, would they still stand by him?

The thought made the smile vanish from Ailord's face, replaced by the sadness that had haunted him for years. Not only had he lost someone he loved, but he had also lost his friends at the same time.

He knew that this world and that world were different. However, the worry still lingered in his heart. It was something Ailord despised and the reason he kept himself closed off. He didn't want to feel that pain again. If only they hadn't been so kind to him, he wouldn't have removed his helmet. It made him wonder if it was possible for him to feel happiness this time.

Suddenly, a noise came from the window, like footsteps that then turned into a clatter. Ailord looked in that direction, thinking it might be Glok and his friends. But why would they come through the window?

The question was quickly answered when he saw a pair of feet wearing tall boots in white with blue stripes. None of Glok's group wore such clothing.

Ailord's eyes widened as he realized this was someone else, someone completely unknown to him. He glanced down, gritting his teeth, because the helmet was on the floor at his feet, and he couldn't reach it. No one could know he was there. At least, they shouldn't find out that a human was inside the Construct, because according to the explanation last night, the place where he was now should be where the Mana Stone resided. Allowing someone to control it from within was taboo and dangerous for the person.

Unable to do anything, he could only stay still, watching as the figure at the window slowly lowered themselves and swung into the room. Ailord didn't get a good look at the person as he immediately bowed his head, mimicking a humanoid out of energy.

"Ahh... I almost fell down," the figure said, dusting off their white gloves, which were now imbued with small, beautiful blue particles of magic. The gloves, once dirty, instantly became clean again. "Perfect. Now, what was I going to do?" As they looked ahead, they suddenly remembered, "Ah! Right!"

She walked closer, examining the figure inside the Construct that stood unnaturally still. A smile formed on her beautiful face. "Hmm... I thought he was really alive. Who would have guessed he's just a 'Homunculus'? No wonder he's so handsome, like a living doll rather than a real human." She touched his cheek, her smile widening. "Oh! Warm."

Ailord strained to keep his breath from escaping. His eyes were starting to dry out, requiring extra effort not to blink in front of the girl.

"Since he's a Homunculus..." She slowly stepped closer, her breath with a hint of vanilla brushing against his face. "It's okay if I kiss him, right?" she whispered.

Her sea-blue eyes, strikingly beautiful, began to close as their faces were now just inches apart. Their hearts pounded rapidly, synchronizing into one beat. At that moment, their lips met, soft and sweet, with a warmth that was incredibly inviting.

At least, that's what Ailord had hoped. Instead, he received a flick on his forehead accompanied by sweet laughter, like honey adorned with a beautiful smile that made his heart stop for a moment.

"Do you still want to pretend, or do you desire something?" she whispered.

"You knew and still did it? You know what you did is a crime, right?" Ailord whispered back, his tone both challenging and teasing.

She laughed, stepping back and then spinning in front of the window, causing her snow-white hair to shimmer beautifully in the sunlight. It looked like a Masterpiece painting, Ailord thought as he gazed at her.

"I'm even more intrigued by you. It's a pity we have to part here for now. But, I'm sure we'll meet again soon, especially after what you said to them."

"Were you spying on us?"

"Goodbye... Ailord," she said, then leaped out of the window.

"Wait!" Ailord intended to chase her, but he forgot that the Walker couldn't be moved now. "Tch! Hey, wait! Damn it." He had no idea why the beautiful girl was eavesdropping on their conversation. Ailord fervently hoped she wasn't someone with ill intentions or, worse, part of that kingdom.

Outside, she saw one of the goblins who, for some reason, was late coming out.

Not far from there, amidst the long line of carts and people, Zayn glanced towards his younger sibling who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "What are you doing? Are you trying to get us in trouble?"

The girl with white hair smiled broadly. "Nothing, just meeting someone quite interesting."

"Oh? You'll have to introduce me to him later," Zayn replied, gently stroking his sibling's head.

"Oh, brother, you'll meet him soon enough."