

I always believed that God awaited us at the end of our lives and judge us on our actions. Yet here I am floating motionlessly in an infinite expanse of darkness. I was in a void.

I was left to my own thoughts in this hellish place and began to wonder how long I was trapped in here. Minutes. Hours. Days. I don't know but it seems as if this place was made to drive it's inhabitants crazy.

Anyways, I was left to my own thoughts and constantly reflecting on the amazing life that I had once lived. If you could even call it a life since I died at the age of 14. I was an athletic and smart person that everyone liked. I was just about to start high school but died painlessly in my sleep.

Pulling my attention away from my memories was a blinding blue light that appeared in-front of me. I took a minute to adjust my eyes before seeing that it was a screen. I began to read the words written on it that appeared in a text like font.

[You have died. However, The Almighty God has allowed you a chance at reincarnation with 3 wishes. Do you accept?]

I instantly accepted. I get a chance to live again!

[Now Pick the World you will be reincarnated to:



-One Piece



-Black Clover


Almost instantaneously I had picked my decision. Obviously TBATE. Who wouldn't want to live in a fantasy world?

[Now state your three wishes.]

In my past life I had read many fan fictions with these type of scenarios so I already had these wishes planned out. You know... Just in case.

My first wish is to have Insanely Superior Learning Speed/ Adaptability.

My second wish is to have a Stronger Asuran Body.

My last wish is a very strong Self-Healing and Regeneration Factor.

[Your wishes have been granted. Please choose your origin:




I was hesitant on this decision before deciding to be a Human. From the corner of my eye, I saw a white bright light and felt my soul being sucked towards it.

[Have a nice life, Cain-]

"Hemsworth. He shall be named Cain Hemsworth." A tall noble man with blond hair and blue eyes announced aloud.


On the 7th of September, a baby was born that is the clan heir to the mighty noble house of Hemsworth. The House of Hemsworth are widely known throughout the kingdom for their mages that usually have a deviance in lightning. Today the Clan Heir of the main house was born and a party was thrown in celebration. The mother of the child is Arleen Hemsworth, a healer deviant, and the father is Cristian Hemsworth, an A rank adventure light yellow core stage.

This is the story of how Cain Hemsworth became the Top Mage.

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