
Chapter 2

[Blackbend City, Sapin]

Cain's POV:

It's been two years since the day that I was reincarnated into the House of Hemsworth and although nothing extraordinary has occurred, it was still extremely eventful. Well, in my books it was anyway. At a mere age of two, I'm able to crawl, walk and run which shocked nearly everyone in my clan ,apart from my father and the esteemed elders that ranted on about how I was prodigy who would "raise the status" of our house. In this time, I had formulated most of my core and predicted myself to awaken in around 3 months.


I was finally three years old, meaning that my swordsmanship training with my father would begin. I managed to awaken 10 months ago, a bit earlier than I predicted but who's complaining? Actually my mother did when I blew up her kitchen but it's all good now. Sensing mana came extremely easy to me, perhaps because I had already lived a life without the presence of magic so it felt unfamiliar to me but luckily it made controlling it much easier.

Third Person POV:

A handsome blonde haired man stood upright with a magnificent sword in hand. He had his eyes closed and planted his sword into the ground. As soon as his eyes open, his breathing pattern becomes irregular and his eye colour shifts to a much lighter blue. He retrieved his sword and cut through the air with an abundance of swings. He danced his way throughout the garden performing a variety of slashes and stabs. He soon replanted his weapon firmly into the ground.

"That right there, Cain, is my sword style. It varies a bit from the original Hemsworth style but it suits me best."

Cain took a moment of silence to process the words his father had said. His family had created their own particular sword style to be able to utilise their lightning deviance properly. However, his father adjusted the original style to account for his additional ice deviance aswell.

"Now, get up… sword in hand and attack me." Christian ordered.

Without wasting any time, Cain charged toward his father at a speed any 3 year old should be incapable of achieving and swung his wooden sword horizontally towards his fathers head. Christian casually lifted his sword to block the attack then kicked towards his sons legs. Quickly, Cain jumped over striking leg only to be greeted with a wooden sword coming towards his stomach. With a face of panic, the three year old blew wind through his feet and jumped back using the boost in order to escape the alarming danger. Using his fathers shocked state, he channeled mana to his legs and burst towards the family head with a burning will. Cain swung his sword towards his fathers abdomen only to get kicked away. Before he could even attempt to get back up, he found a wooden sword right at his neck.

"Do you admit defeat?" Christian asked with teasing smirk on his face.

"Fine." Cain answered with a disgruntled face due to the humiliation he had just gone through. He didn't even see the kick coming.

"Don't be upset. You've done amazingly. Using mana in sword fights is a feat that even some 1st yr Xyrus acadamy students haven't achieved yet." His father complimented.

"Christian,the family elders are calling for you." Arleen shouted from the living room. "And Cain it's time for bed now. Have a good sleep, my darling."