
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

133 Haze

 Next morning.

 I called Alfredo over. I don't have to tell you, but it was to cure his blindness.

 Alfredo, who was still in the capital, responded to the call in less than an hour.

"I don't think it's possible but, have you already learned the treatment? "

 The first thing that came out of his mouth was doubt.

 Indeed, if you think about it, it hasn't been two weeks since we last parted.

"No, I didn't learn it."

"Then why did you――?"

"Instead, I brought the saint."

"...You what? "

"I brought the saint."

"...I suppose I didn't mishear."

 Alfredo scratched the back of his head pensively and said as he corrected his posture.

"May I ask why the saint is here, or rather, how can she be here? "

"It's simple. There was a revolution in the Sacred Country of Kamel, and the saint had nowhere to go. Rokunchea nominated me for her protection, the saint accepted it, and I then approved it. That's all."

"...I will surely repay this debt."

"I don't know what you're talking about. The saint just happened to come to my house, just in time, so why should you, Alfredo, feel so indebted to me just for having your eyes looked at? "


"I don't need any thanks. Instead, when you are cured of your blindness, commit yourself to the Kisenshou Battle."

"...Much obliged."

 Alfredo bowed deeply.

 This guy might be a little mistaken. He probably thinks that I helped the revolution in the Sacred Country of Kamel only for his sake. The truth is it was in part for Ras's sake. Or rather, about 70% of the reason was for Ras. However, since saying so would complicate the conversation, so I'll just sell an extra debt of gratitude here.

"Well, then, Ras. I leave the purifying to you."

"All right, leave it to me."

 The [Healing Magic] "Cure Status Effect" and "Cure All"can break the curse of blindness.

 Both can only be learned in the 『Holy Land of Old Joh』 the headquarters of the Kamel religion. Ras, who had been imprisoned there for months, had learned all the [Healing Magic] skills, probably because she had too much free time. I think it shows Ras's meticulous nature when she was trying to get a secondary character to learn it and left them alone after earning exactly the amount of experience needed to do so.

"Let's get to it."

"I sincerely appreciate your help."

 When Ras called out to him, Alfredo straightened his back and closed his eyes.

 Immediately after, a dazzling light overflowed from the right hand that Ras held up and enveloped Alfredo.

"Uh...!? "

 Alfredo wrinkled his brow. As if he was dazzled.

"Can you see? "

 "Cure Status Effect"'s light sparkled and then faded away.

 As I asked, Alfredo slowly opened his eyes.

"I...see...I can see..."

 I wonder how many years it had been since he experienced any view.

 He looked at his hands, his arms, his body, then at my face, and he smiled like a young boy.

 It was a quiet but very deep joy. The obviousness of being able to see was a joy for him, and he could not endure it. He digested slowly the tears of his soul.

"Second Triple Crown, a handsome young man just as the rumors make you be. Dear Saint, what a divine beauty. Oh, I can see. I can see...! "

 It was such a joy that it made us smile as well. I said, "I'm happy for you," and welcomed Alfredo with open arms.

 Alfredo gave me a hug with a big smile on his face and said in a trembling voice.

"Haha, weird. Although I can see now, I cannot see because it is too hazy. Hahaha――! "

 Afterward, we toured the property, taking in the sights.

 Alfredo's fresh reactions to all kinds of things with a gleam in his eyes were so amusing that I ended up spending a lot of time strolling with him.

 Then after lunch was served, it was time to say goodbye.

 Alfredo looked me firmly in the eye and broke the silence with a serious expression.

"A token of my gratitude. This is for you."

 He pulled out a familiar arrow from his inventory.

"...no way, the Arrow of Bonds."

"Correct. This is a family heirloom that has been in my family for generations, and I want to give it to you."

 Something really incredible appeared.

 Arrow of Bonds―― the popularly called "infinite arrow".

 If you have this one arrow, you can shoot as many arrows as you like. Such a super convenient item. Naturally, it is a considerably low-drop item.

"Is that okay? If you sell it, you could make hundreds of millions."

 No, it was millions in my previous life, so it could be several billion in this world.

 As I was thinking about refusing, Alfredo smiled and opened his mouth.

"That's why. That's the price of my eyes, it won't be nearly enough, but I'll pay you back for that over time from now on."

"...Hahaha! All right, I'll take it."

 He is a refreshing man.

 That's exactly why. Oh, yeah. In his eyes, hundreds of millions, even billions, might not be enough to pay for it. It was a response that seemed honest.

"See you later."

"Yeah. And at that time, Dee and Jay, too."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

 We firmly shook hands and parted ways.

 To see each other again, in the summer title games――

  * * *

 Recently, Second Firstest has been terribly busy.

 That's no wonder, because even though he wanted to get ready for the summer title games right now, he was too busy meddling in other people's quarrels, such as the Revolution of the Sacred Country of Kamel.

 It was not only about taking care of himself. He also had to take care of his two beloved students, Silvia and Eko. In addition, he must instruct Yukari in blacksmithing, assign a position to the two new additions, Ras and Renko, and that's not counting his continuous need to lead the Firstest household, which had become quite large.

 Therefore, they will inevitably exist, a group that can be called the "haven't been cared for".

 And currently, it had two people.

 One was sulking just for the sake of it. It< was an androgynous-looking spirit who continued to scribble "So what? After all, I'm nothing but..." on the carpet of the Great King's mansion that existed inside the spirit world.

 The other one was, confused. Her usual sharpness was nowhere to be found, thinking "I want more attention, but what should I do...? She was a spirit of mixed descent working as a strategist who was feeling puzzled and troubled by her own emotional disorder.

 For a while, they were left alone.

 The former became sulky. "I'll stay asleep until I'm summoned! " Saying so, he locked himself in his room, and has not been heard of ever since.

 And, the latter was...


"Oh? Hey, Windfield."

 He wondered what kind of a curious move did she use to trick that Yukari into letting her be summoned at this time, today?


 Clever and strategic as ever, however, her mind completely went blank when she came face to face with Second.

 She didn't know what to say. She couldn't just straight out say "I want to spend time with you". Her thoughts were jumbled as to whether she really just wanted attention, or she wanted something else from Second. However, even if she felt as if her mouth would overflow with "I love you, I love you! " the moment she opened it, she couldn't help but to overthink it.

 Normally, she was on the side of the person being consulted. But when it came to romance, she was as good as a beginner. She had no one to turn to for advice, and even her brain, which she prided herself on, was not completely functioning, leaving her in a state of total helplessness.

 Yes, she has so many pent-up feelings. And the more it is accumulated, the more powerful it became. Almost as if it were [Magic]'s "Charge" skill.

"Oh, just in time. Windfield, I thought I should give you a reward of some kind."

"Re...Reward? "

 When she heard the word "reward," Windfield's thoughts instantly turned to immediate gratification.

 Then, having a morning nap with Second―― she thought.

 Surprisingly, she wasn't as taciturn as she looked.

"Is there anything you want? Whatever you want."

"A, a, an, anything...!? "

"Eh? Y-Yeah."

 Second unintentionally intoned a forbidden phrase.

 What little reason Windfield had left was blown away right there.

"Well, maybe not right now, but――"

"Se-Second-san! "

"Whoa, what is it? "

 She moved her face a little closer to him, and her eyes darted around as she opened her mouth.

"To-to-to-tonight...coming,  over."

"Tonight...? "


 Second's eyes widened as she walked away, red up to her ears.

 That night, Windfield visited Second's room.

 One glance at her exuberant negligee, and Second knew her resolve.

 The two sat down on the bed, while silence flowed. Second pondered over and over again about the past, wondering if he had not misinterpreted her sexual desires as romantic feelings running wild, and finally came to the conclusion that she was serious in her repeated approaches to him.

 Rather, in the first place, he was not hesitant either. Perhaps he was hoping for a deeper relationship with her, as he showed his interest in her by saying things like, "That's what I like about you".

 Then, a final confirmation.

 They looked at each other up closely and understood it. Her expression was both serious and earnest.

 When Second brought his face close to hers, Windfield squeezed her eyes shut and shivered like a small animal.

 I'll have to prepare another reward, he thought. With this in mind, Second gently stroked her trembling body and slowly...


Hello everyone I hope you are loving the story so far. I am doing all the translations myself so I would love your support on patreon. The more you support the faster I can translate :)


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