
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

132 I didn’t start the fire

"Strategy meeting!! "

"Yaaaay! "

 After dinner, when everyone was relaxing in the living room after taking a bath, I suddenly shouted.

 Eko's eyes snapped open, and she jumped out of her skin as soon as I even said " strategy," and she darted agilely to the west and east, finally diving onto the couch. It's been a long time since we've had a strategy meeting time, and perhaps she has been waiting impatiently for it.

"...I thought my heart was going to come out of my mouth."

"Mhm, even so, you certainly looked happy about it, didn't you?" "

"Well, I've been with Senpai for a long time, but something like this, a happy circle? We've never had a meeting like this. That's why...makes me grin."

"Fumu. Surprisingly, the relationship doesn't seem to have progressed that far."

"W-What are you talking about!? It's not anything...like that, but if—"

 Ras and Silvia were talking about something friendly. That's good. There is nothing wrong with a good atmosphere within the team.

"Master. If we are having a strategy meeting, do you intend to start something new? "

"Yeah. Well, the new thing is just this and that in preparation for the summer title tournament."

"Understood. Well then――"

"Wait a minute. Before we get into the future, could you tell me what you've done so far? "

"Oh, that's something I'm curious about, too."

 Just as Yukari pulled a notepad from her pocket, Renko interrupted her.

 Surely it would be hard to understand what is to come if you don't know the context.

"Alright. I leave it to you, Silvia."

"Me? Me, huh? ...umu, I guess it has to be me! "

 She is the oldest of the group, after all. Silvia was happy to hear this, and she began to speak with great enthusiasm.

"I remember when I first met Second-dono, he was a crazy guy. I arrested him when he was dancing around in front of a grocery store. After some back and forth, it was decided that I would be the one to assist him. After that, Second-dono asked. Do you want to make a deal? "

"A deal? "

"Umu. I'll train you but betray the Knights, that's basically the story. I had just been dismissed by the Knight's Order for being a nuisance, and perhaps because I was drunk, I just nodded my head. This was clearly a crossroads in my life. From the next day on, it's truly a new world."

"I think he was just trying to get a woman who was heartbroken, drunk, and seduce her, right? "


 Yukari said something rather cold and dismissive. She's still the same tongue-in-cheek. But I guess she's absolutely right...

"Second-dono was not lying. I trained as I was told, and in no time at all, I went from being a Swordsmanship novice to a first-class Archery master. I still have dreams about it, especially when it came to learning Rook Archery."

"Ahh...Senpai, don't tell me…"

"Yeah, that thing where I'm the bait."

"Learning Rook Archery? Is there a problem? "

 As Renko was pouting, Silvia whispered in her ear. Then Renko's expression gradually became stern as she looked at me.

"I knew you were crazy..."

"I'm just doing what I can."

 I was praised.

"Then, while going around the Reus dungeon, I managed to get my hands on a Bow of the Blazing Wolf. This weapon could only be used in magical Archery, so now I decided to learn magic."

"In the Royal Magic Academy, right? "

"Umu. There we met Eko and His Majesty Maine Castall, the current king of the country. Here, too, the Second-dono was weird. He treated His Majesty Maine, who was the second prince at the time, like a junior student, suddenly cut off his own left arm, won all the battles in a magic competition... and to top it all off, refused the first prince's direct invitation to join the knighthood right in front of a large audience. Even as a spectator, it felt as if I was going to get killed."

"Y-you've had a lot going on."

"The left arm... I'd ask, but then again, I don't want to."

"That's how Eko became one of us. Eko seemed to have a talent for Shield Arts and grew at a breakneck speed. It became a very well-balanced team with a front guard, a rear guard, and a ranger. I thought the three of us were just going to take it easy and go on with our lives, but then Second-dono started to say something along these lines: I want a talented Blacksmith."

"So that's why I was bought."

"…Huh? Wait a minute. Bought? "

"I am a former slave."


 I know that reaction.

 If a modern Japanese person hears the word "slave," nine out of ten people will have that kind of disapproving look on their face.

"I was subjected to Brainwashing Magic by my former master, Duchess Lucia Icene. By chance, I had an opportunity to be alone with my current master for a few days, and that's when he broke my brainwashing."

"Duchess Lucia!? I see, if that's true, then something really shocking must have happened to break the Brainwashing Magic, right? "

"You know about it? Yes, that is correct. But I don't want to speak too much about it."

"I'd like to hear this too, but I don't want to. Ah, my head is starting to hurt."

"Since then, I have acted as Master's maid, secretary, and Blacksmith."

"Umu. Since Yukari joined the team, the money has visibly increased. When we tried to get rich by collecting mithril by lapping the Proline dungeon, we almost failed miserably because of Angolmois, but it all worked out in the end because of Yukari's work."


 Oh, she bit.

"A-Angolmois!? Did you just say Angolmois!? "

"Whoa, calm down! What in the world!? "

"Don't you know what you're talking about!? It's Angolmois!? It's Angolmois!? "

 Silvia, Eko, Yukari, and Renko don't really know its value.

 Only me and Ras can understand it. The tremendous value of Angolmois, of which there were only 29 in Mobius.

"Senpai summoned it!? "

"Yeah. Is it that great? "

"I can't even begin explaining! How lucky are you!? "

 Even though I used a premium spirit ticket, I think I am amazed at my own great luck to pull Angolmois in one shot.

 But Ras seems to be a paid avatar as well, so she should have a premium spirit ticket too. I hope that she can pull off a rare one, but it's a one-shot game after all...

"Haaa, I got so surprised it even tired me..."

"I don't know about this, but if Raspberry Bell is this shaken up about it, it must be...pretty impressive."

 Not only is it pretty impressive, but it's a spirit that even I didn't have in my previous life when I was number one in the world. If this doesn't surprise you, what will?

"Umu, and then, as I recall, we bought this house. Was it just over 20 billion? Without Yukari's negotiations and Earl Lumberjack's connections, it would have cost us a lot more."

"D-did...you say 20 billion!? "

 This time Renko shouted the loudest. In contrast, Ras' reaction was little more than "Wow, that's great". It's interesting to see such a different reaction.

"I knew it was a big house in a prime lakeside location, but I didn't... think it would cost 20 billion CL."

"Uh, this isn't the only house, though."

"...What? "

"Why don't you take a look around the estate tomorrow?"

"...Yes, I will."

 Somehow, Yukari's mood appeared to be better. She must be happy to be able to boast about our house.

"And then, as always, he caused more trouble. As soon as we bought the house, Second-dono left, saying he was finished getting ready or something, and he didn't come back for four months."

"...What? "

"Four months later, he wandered back and was accompanied by a ridiculously strong black-clad woman. Turns out, he tamed a monster from the A-class dungeon, Isoreus."

"The Darkness Wolf. She's a secret boss who lives in the Great Underground Library of the Isoreus Castle."

"...Something like that. But it's a bother, right? "

"Oh, I know that woman. We once spoke alone in a small room, just the two of us. We were just supposed to be having a normal conversation, but I thought I was going to die over and over again... I never would have guessed that it was the boss of an A-class dungeon."

"Yeah. In fact, when we first met, all three of us, Silvia, Eko, and I were instantly reduced to 1 HP at the same time."

I'm sorry to hear that... But, taming a Darkness Wolf is so very like Senpai."

 I wanted it at all costs. I literally almost died taming her.

"Then what was it... oh yes, you were poking your nose in the political strife."

"Rather than a "poking his nose," he had been plotting to put his friend, His Majesty Maine, in power, and he succeeded in doing so."

"He also drove off an army of no less than 10,000 men from Kamel's Sacred Country single-handedly."

"In the end, he became the ambassador plenipotentiary of a fictitious country, this land was recognized as an embassy, and we became known as official embassy employees, and of course, we don't have to pay any taxes at all."

"That's called being unreasonable..."

 Most of the political strife stuff was thanks to Windfield, though.

"Umu, I agree with you. And then the triple crown of Titles. Because he achieved an unprecedented feat, in a speech that had the entire audience watching, Mister Second berated all the contestants. He also provoked the audience to such an extent that he ended up announcing that he would hold eight titles in the coming season."

"And right after that, he infiltrated Kamel's Sacred Country, succeeded in bringing about the revolution, and recaptured the saint?"

"...I'm starting to feel like such a fool for struggling to begin with while being with Raspberry Bell-sama."

 The recapture went smoothly thanks to Windfield's advice.

 This means I'll need to give Windfield a reward for her labor sometime tomorrow. I am too indebted to her.

"In any case, that's a hell of a thing to think back on, Second-dono..."

"You always light a fire everywhere you go. Almost as if you're running around setting everything on fire."

"No, I'm not the one lighting fires. Everything is just burning all around me on its own."

"...Senpai, even I can't advocate for you."

"I'm sure he's not even aware..."

 That's a terrible thing to say.

"Well, I guess that's about it."

"Thank you very much, Silvia-han. Yukari-han, too. I'm sorry for interrupting the flow of the conversation."

"Don't worry, it was necessary."

 The explanation of the whole backstory is over.

 Finally, we're getting down to business.

"Alright. From now on, Silvia and Eko will be working toward the summer title games. I'll take care of myself, so you don't have to worry, now for Silvia and Eko. I have a special training menu for you girls. You'll be doing that."

"Umu! Finally. What kind of training? "

"We're going to the beach!? "

 Silvia looked thrilled. Eko was, eh, the ocean? ...what does she mean?

"We're not going to the beach. First, Silvia, you must learn Martial Arts. This will raise STR, DEX, and AGI equally. In addition, you'll continue with the Aim Adjustment Method which you're working on now, while you learn the Archery Game Plan."

"Understood. Finally, the Game Plan...! "

"Eko. You must learn Axemanship. In other words, gunning for pure STR up. Oh, and you'll also learn the Shield Arts Game Plan."

"Okay! And the beach? "

"...We will go there sometime soon."


 It seems that she simply wanted to go to the beach.

"Yukari. You will have to struggle to make equipment until the summer title games."

"Leave it to me, Master. I'm always ready."

"Will the servants be all right? "

"Fourteen zero-generation individuals have matured. I think we can leave it to these girls to take care of it."

"Is that so?"

 It's time for Yukari to start working in earnest as a Blacksmith.

 Especially now that it has become clear that the summer title game may be especially hot, it has become necessary to prepare strong equipment with as light clothing as possible. To do so, we cannot afford not to enlist Yukari's help.

"Ras. You'll be the one developing the addiction cure, right? Feel free to do as you please. Talk to me if you need anything."

"I'm glad to have you here, senpai. I'll do my best."

"Alright. Lastly, Renko. You go to the capital and be a righteous bandit. Do it to your heart's content. Do as you please. And if anything goes wrong, talk to me."

"Hmph. I'll do it even if you don't tell me to, as much as I want."

 All Ok.

 The strategy meeting ended early.

"By the way, Second-dono. Which titles are you after for the summer season? "

 I was in a relaxed mood after breaking the meeting and already buried in the cushions of the sofa when Silvia sat down next to me and asked me about it.

 The summer title games, huh...?

"Toushini, Shisousei, Senjushou, Tenmouza, and Bishamon, I think. And Issenza, Eishou, and Reiou's defense."

"...Well, I already knew it, but it's awesome."

"Five plus three, eight crowns?"

"Martial Arts, Spearmanship, Jojutsu, Thread Manipulation, and Sword-drawing. As expected, senpai, great choice."

"So...Does that mean you're going to get all five skills to 9th grade? ...Eh? You must be joking... "

"I was so aggressive last time. There must surely be a strong one out there. Now that's something to look forward to! "

"Even if you say it with such a carefree smile..."

 With a stunned Silvia by my side, I lied down and slept peacefully.

 Eko pushed in between the cushion and my belly forcefully. It is quite warm and comfortable.

"Master. Since you seem to have forgotten... may I ask if I may report to Alfredo-sama? "


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