
Diablo in Highschool DxD

A sociopathic loner who had lost everything in his life, gained another chance. He would not let this new start go to waste...He would not let anything get stripped from his life again, he would gain power......power to eradicate all who stood infront him. This was the story of a man, who became the apex of the world......or did he? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He won't be super OP but will be very strong (and the strongest too in the future but that's like way at the end) but not strong from the beginning though. So its basically a progression from weak to strong, and by strong I mean very strong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own High School DxD or even the cover photo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will not be always able to post it daily, so it would be whenever I have free time

Lucifer_Void · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 4: Grayfia Lucifuge

Grayfia POV(Flashback):

Maids.....they were always fascinating for me. Ever since I saw my first maid when I was little, I was captivated. Everything about them was entrancing to me.....to their clothes, to their behaviour and to their mannerisms.....It was absolutely perfect.

I tried to imitate them but got reprimanded by my parents as it was apparently 'unladylike', they believed it was beneath the position of the heiress of the noble Lucifuge clan to act as a lowly maid.

I, being the child I was, argued back but finally relented...though I did not give up. Whenever I had the chance I used to sneak into the library and read books on maids secretly.

This continued on throughout the years, behind my parents backs, even when I finally became an adult. Yet throughout these years my interest in them didn't diminish at all, instead it intensified.

I also got stricter with the maids of the household and often scolded them if their uniform was untidy or if they were wasting their time and procrasinating or corrected them if their behaviour was improper as a maid.

Part of the reason behind my behaviour was because that they were indeed wrong and needed to be disciplined..... but the real reason was always one thing, it was envy.

They were all fake maids, they did not know how to serve properly, they moved without elegance and didn't even have any proper etiquette, they were not passionate about it. A maid is supposed to be perfect, without any flaws, unlike them who did not have a shred of respect for the job itself.. b--but I--I could do a better job!!

....if only I had a chance....

...During these years I also had lots of suitors and even my parents tried to pair me up with some of them, but I refused as I had no interest in romance at that moment

Most of them didn't even have any genuine feelings for me and were just after me because of my status or were simply lusting after me

My parents were worried because of my lack of interest in men and even guessed that I might swing the other way. They were suspicious with the way I treated the maids and even thought that I had a maid fetish.

Which I didn't by the way....maybe If I was the maid..


Anyway I was also not bi-sexual since I knew I was attracted to men and did not feel the same towards women, but just because I feel physical attraction doesn't mean that I have feelings for any of them.

Hearing this, my brand new female suitors were quite disheartened...not that I cared about it anyway.

As years went by I realised how arrogant devils truly were, they didn't fear anything and assumed everything belonged to them.

Due to this another major conflict occurred, a war....The Devil Civil War.

I had no choice to choose any side as the Lucifuge Clan was an Extra Demon House that had sworn direct allegiance to the Original Lucifer and his bloodline.

We were automatically entitled to fight with the Lucifers, who were with the Satan faction

Having no choice I followed my commands and fought, day after day, months after months, years after years until one day I heard...My father, Lord Lucifuge had fallen.

I immediately retreated from my post and went to the position of the Beezelbulb's forces where my father was posted.

When I arrived there, it was already too late.

Father was already at his last breath. He looked at me in his last moments and smiled weakly as he slowly closed his eyes.

I froze.....I didn't know what to do. My legs felt weak as I dropped to my knees.

A streak of liquid rolled against my cheek...

I cried

I cried out loud,

For the first time in my life I lost control of my emotions. The calm and composed me was nowhere to be seen.

The curtain across the tent flapped as another figure entered in.

It was my younger brother, Euclid Lucifuge.

A gaze momentarily paused at my pitiful condition before turning it to the bed.

His eyes widened slightly as slight flashes of denial and grief reflected on to it.

Perhaps it was my imagination, but I witnessed his eyes slightly misting over...

Before finally, he shut his eyes, before opening them again with a glare in place.

Disdain and disgust.....that was all I could see, a whisper left his mouth that made my eyes widen in disbelief and fury


Just as I was about to shout at him, he walked out of the tent leaving me with an expression of shock.

I just stood there....in silence...


During the next following days I got control of emotions and stopped grieving.....at least during the day....

My nights were long and slow....painful and miserable..

....I also asked around, getting more information from the soldiers on what actually happened and led to my father's demise. The answers simply fed more to my misery...

He was poisoned by a Fly Chimera ....from the Beelzebub family, he was apparently 'accidentally' killed and was an 'unfortunate' casualty.

I chuckled bitterly

.....I didn't know what to do anymore, should I be angry?

I couldn't even go to Euclid anymore .....not after how he acted previously.

I was all alone... Father was gone, I'm not sure if I could even trust my brother anymore and the Lucifuge clan members would side with him as he is the heir. Even though I am the older sibling it doesn't change the fact that I'm a women and the Lucifuge house was never a matriarchal household.

With no goal in mind, I walked out of my tent heading out the camp. It was, as if I was in daze as I strode forward in a random direction in the forest.

I don't know how long I had walked...a few hours perhaps?

With a tired sigh and dull eyes, I turned around to the direction of the camp as I started to head back. My steps were slow...

However I suddenly halted as I turned my head to a bush at my right.

It ruffled slightly, as I tensed up and charged up my magic, before a figure finally emerged from it.

It was a man, quite a handsome one as well, with crimson hair. He looked very familiar for some reason

There was a lot of blood.....He was injured quite badly.

He grit his teeth as he realised the presence of another person but as he raised his head to look at me. He paused.

He kept on staring at me as if he fell into some trance before his body finally gave up on him as he fainted.

I looked at his condition and knew that if he didn't get treated immediately, he would probably die. I saw no reason in helping him and was about to turn around when I hesitantly stopped.

Red hair.....Ah I remember him. He was Sirzechs Gremory, one of the leading figures in the Anti-Satan faction. I fought him a couple of times, though it always ended in a tie. He also tried convincing me to join him every time I fought him which I obviously refused, but he was quite adamant about it which was quite confusing.

He also was quite clingy as whenever we both were present in the battlefield, he would always fight me, which was quite annoying to be honest.

.....I remember one of the soldiers talking about how a red-haired man from the Anti-Satan faction helped father retreat, otherwise he would have died right there and then. Apparently he was the one who killed the Fly Chimera as well.

I looked at him with complicated eyes before sighing to myself.

I kneeled down near his body as I started healing him. Even though I don't know what his motives were in helping father, it was indeed because of him that I got to see father one last time.

He woke up after a while I bandaged his wounds, he examined his surroundings apprehensively before finally stopping his gaze at me and relaxing. He looked at me once more, as he fell into a daze again. He opened his mouth to say something, stuttering out incomprehensibly every time as his face reddened.

I was slighlty confused by his behaviour. Why wasn't he on guard with me?

..but I didn't comment on it. I put some food beside him and stood up to leave.

Before he could say anything else I was already gone. I had repaid my debt now, so no matter what happens to him shouldn't concern me.

Walking back into the camp I heard a huge commotion.

I was too tired to do anything, so paying no mind to it I headed back to my tent before realising that it was actually coming from the same direction.

Arriving to the source, I saw a crowd of soldiers surrounding an old man. My eyes narrowed as I assumed that they were bothering him. I swiftly moved closer to reprimand them but stopped when I noticed their eyes.

It was full of admiration and reverence.....not once did they look at me or my father like that, sure they admired us too but the sheer amount shown to this man was immeasurable.

The worship in their eyes looking at him was indefinitely greater than the worship they looked at with the Lucifers.

I turned to look at the aforementioned elderly again and observed him carefully this time

He was an elderly man with a bald head, visible wrinkles, hooked nose, and pronounced cheekbones. He had black eyes with long eyebrows, a long moustache and a hip-length white beard secured by a purple band crossing down it. He had pair of long scars crossing above his right eye ending on top of his head forming a cross.

He was wearing a black kimono with a white overcoat, A katana was hung to the white sash tied around his waist. He was radiating a fierce aura that made you want to bow down in submission.

She finally understood why they were acting like that.

In front of her was the head of the most mysterious clan in all of the Underworld, a clan thats status rivalled the Lucifers and reputation even exceeded theirs. It was also the only clan that didn't participate in this war and declared themselves neutral.

He was the man that rivalled all of the 4 Original Satans and was even predicted to be stronger than them altogether..... by a far gap that is..... He was also the man that had cut the hand of the Biblical God himself, Yamamoto Barbatos.

An unusual name for a being in this pantheon, he had changed his name....the reasons were unknown.

His old name, ordained by the Biblical God, was unknown as well. Suddenly one day, everyone just forgot his name and only remembered him by Yamamoto. It was one of the greatest mysterious in the Underworld

When Lucifer was cast out of heaven with his followers another angel was cast out too, it was him. While Lucifer was thrown out because of his greed and pursue of power, the reasons behind Yamamoto were not known.

Unlike Lucifer, Yamamoto was the first angel created by the Biblical God and was the second oldest being in the entire Biblical Pantheon.

When Lucifer created his own devils, Yamamoto did too. Though the amount of his were smaller and concentrated into a clan, his clan... but they were all, also special. They had one drop of his diluted blood giving them slight access to the power of Lord Yamamoto.

During the Great War he was the only Satan who survived, you might think that the denizens of the supernatural world would call him out to be a coward....but no, they did not. While the other Satans couldn't even scratch the Biblical god, Yamamoto was able to cut off his hand.

...and that man was in front of me

He and the clan behind him, were one of the biggest mysteries in the Underworld.

His sharp eyes finally landed on me, the fierce aura around him suddenly disappeared as he showed me a grandfatherly smile, stunning and perplexing me in the process...

He walked into the tent and signalled me to come in. Still confused and in slight disbelief, I hesitantly followed him inside.

As we talked, I was really surprised to hear what he had to say. Apparently my father was a good friend of his. He recently heard about father's death and was saddened by it, he considered my father a child of his. So hearing the predicament about our situation, he wanted to take me and my brother in.

Although he had already met my brother just before...

A sad smile spread across his face as he grievously spoke, "It's too late for him.... he's already in too deep"

I wanted to argue back.....I really did... but my words got stuck in my throat as I bit my lip in frustration and sadness..... I knew he was right....His behaviour that I saw that day, he was different now....He was not the Euclid I remember....

...I had no one anymore...nothing to lose....no motives....nothing....So I agreed..

He was quite happy with my decision and even joked that he finally got a granddaughter which caused me to smile slightly, that surprised me a little. Its been a while since I last smiled...

He also told me to call him old man or grandpa but I rejected and told him it was too informal considering someone of his status, he insisted for a while but finally reluctantly agreed to being called as 'Yamamoto-sama'.

As we went out of the tent and were preparing to leave to the Barbatos territory we heard a shout behind us.

"Halt!" Yelled the leader of the camp and the direct descendant of the Original Satan Beezlebulb, Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub. However, whatever smugness he had crumbled down as he met Yamamoto-sama's cold gaze as we turned around

"B-b-b--by the order of the rightful Satans of the underworld, you and the Barabtos clan need to abolish their neutrality and fight with Satan faction!" He spoke nervously along with false bravado as if to hide his fear. There was an subtle arrogant tone to his sentence as well....not surprising since he is literally the most arrogant devil alive, but what was actually surprising is that HE, out of all devils was actually nervous and even scared this time.... but I suppose it wasn't that strange if we look at the one he is talking to.

I looked at him as if I was looking at a fool. Is he crazy? Does he even know who he is talking to? Even the soldiers around us looked at him like he was an idiot, Hell! Even my brother behind him was looking at him weirdly.

His face turned red in embarrassment and rage as he saw the looks around him, however just as he was about to shout at them he landed on his knees and spat a mouthful of blood.

I saw Yamamoto-sama looking at him coldly before turning around as he started walking away, I was stunned by his sheer prowess but managed to compose myself and followed after him.

No one tried to stop us, even my brother was hesitant. The sheer power displayed to make one of the descendants of the Originals Satans fall down like an ordinary peasent shocked everyone in the surroundings. However no one noticed a streak of blood coming out of Yamamoto-sama's mouth as he wiped it away with his sleeve.


The Barbatos household was.....pleasant....to say the least.

They didn't mind me at all, I even got along quite well with the fiancé of the heir too. The heir was around my age and I was rather surprised when he didn't lust after me like the others..... but I soon understood why, when I saw him looking at his fiancé.

The love and affection in his gaze was almost overwhelming.

In all honesty...I was slightly jealous.

Not because of either of them but of their relationship. After all these years I can't say that I haven't been interested in romance at all, I was indeed curious about it but I never found the right one. I, too, wanted someone to look at me like that...

...Anyway, I slowly started reverting back to my lifestyle before the war and just like in the Lucifuge clan I started admonishing the maids here as well.

Yes, it was quite petty of me to do so but I couldn't stand them doing some things incorrectly.

I also noticed there were very few members in the clan. These members were of course the descendant of the ones that received the diluted blood of Yamamoto-sama, which gave them slight access to the magic of the Barbatos clan. There were only around 100 members...quite small for a major clan like this.

Unlike the outside world that was suffering in war, it was quite peaceful in the Barbatos territory. It was a safe haven, completely unaffected by the chaos and destruction from the outside....however that didn't last long.

After a month the Barbatos territory was attacked by the Satan faction.....the ENTIRE Satan faction.

You see.... the Satan faction never took and used all of their forces against the Anti-Satan faction, the majority of them was hidden. They never went all out

They wanted to finish this petty civil war with very few losses and were saving forces for when they would truly wage war against the Angels and the Fallen Angels.

This information was provided to only a few people, one of them being my father.

The Satan faction using all of its resources on a single house, showed how dangerous they considered the Barbatos clan to be....which was not unreasonable at all

However, a question still resounded in everyone's minds...

'Would it be enough?'



A week passed by as a negotiator finally came from their side and demanded the same conditions as the descendent of Beelzebub previously did, the answer given back to the Satan faction was the negotiator's head on a pike.

Their forces were about 300,000 while the Barbatos clan had only about a 100. I wanted to fight as well but Yamamoto-sama ordered me to not interfere... I couldn't do anything...


3rd POV:

This day was the day when the Underworld once more remembered why the Barbatos clan was considered the strongest and the reason why it was feared by all...

They clashed, without stopping, they clashed continuously. At the end of the day the Barbatos clan had only 25 members surviving, though almost all of them were exhausted or severely wounded.... while the other side had 50% of the forces wiped out.....out of 300,000, only 150,000 were left...

This was the biggest and the most humiliating loss suffered by the Satan faction, they thought that the only hurdle for them to face would be Yamamoto Barbatos.... but alas they were wrong, they severely underestimated the prowess of the magic of the clan members and paid for it.

On top of that, the Space Magic used by them was just the diluted version....it brought chills to their spines thinking about the real thing.

They couldn't even retreat. That would be a stain in their reputations if they still lost this war after coming this far....


They regretted it alright!

However...it was too late...they had lost too much to give up now...

As a day passed by, the remaining forces continued their charge and were closing on the remaining wounded members of the Barbatos clan. Though, there was not a trace of fear in their eyes, instead all of them had wide battle-hungry smirks on their face. No matter how exhausted they were, no matter how injured they were....they stood tall in their places. They knew that this was their end....they had already resigned to their fates, nonetheless all of them would die fighting.

However, the advancing forces abruptly stopped.

A heavy pressure dawned upon them as their breaths grew heavy and their eyes widened in terror

Yamamoto Barbatos had joined the war.

The Satan faction force's morale was already rock-bottom but now sensing the arrival of the newcomer, they fell into utter despair.

Some soldiers started laughing in misery and had tears collected in their eyes....

Just as they were about to surrender and retreat, the pressure around them lessened significantly as three new figures landed in front of them.

They were the leaders of the Satan faction, the descendants of the Original Satans themselves....Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub, Damaidosu Zereikel Asmodeus and Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan.

"D-d-d--do not worry! We have already won! They have only 25 devils left and all of them are either exhausted or severely wounded. We do not need to worry about Yamamoto either!" Asmodeus shouted nervously.

The soldiers calmed down a little at the presence of their leaders, but grew confused at the last statement

Seeing he had everyone's attention, he gained a little confidence and continued, "During the end of the Great War, his power had been sealed and he was cursed by the Biblical God himself! The curse has continuously consumed his life force day by day. That's why even though he is one of the first devils, he looks like a frail old man.

Isn't that right you old far--!?!...p-person.." Just as he was about to insult him, Yamamoto's eyes narrowed at him. He flinched before correcting himself.

Listening to one of their lord's words, the soldiers shouted in glee and relief as they gained their confidence back.

They were also much more reassured as they looked at their leaders' backs ahead of them, not even Yamamoto Barbatos in his weakened state could take down 3 descendants of the Original Satans....right?

Though the 3 of them ahead looked quite confident, they were very nervous and fearful inside. After all the one they were facing was Yamamoto Barbatos, it didn't matter if his power was sealed or not....the stories they were told by their fathers affected them to this day.

Yamamoto didn't show any outward reaction to his proclamation as he slowly removed the top of his kimono exposing his well-defined torso and chest full of muscles and numerous scars.

"How long has it been....The Underworld has really forgotten its past huh...."

He chuckled as his gaze was once more directed forward towards the mass of devils, "You brats don't even show any respect these days. Even your fathers showed me respect.....

Oh, how the mighty have fallen...."

He sighed before continuing, "I won't say your words are false.....because they're all true.."

As he finished saying the last words, the Satan faction cheered out-loud in happiness but it immediately died down as he continued coldly, "..but so what?"

The presumably harmless question brought chills to their spines

"Do you FOOLS REALLY THINK I NEED MY FULL STRENGTH TO DEAL WITH SOME BRATS WHO ARE STILL WET BEHIND THEIR EARS!?!!" He shouted as an even powerful aura radiated from him.

The pressure was so strong this time, that the feet of the descendants dug into the ground and the soldiers behind them directly fell on their knees.

Their faces were consumed with horror as they slowly succumbed to the pressure, just as they were about to prepare to retreat the pressure disappeared as if it never existed in the first place. They looked forward in confusion and saw Yamamoto clutching his mouth as he coughed out blood.

Seeing this the Satan faction's faces brightened up as they regained their morale once more

"CHARGE!!!!" Shouted Asmodeus, the horde started charging towards Yamamoto with their weapons raised up and their magic flared.

Yamamoto simply wiped the blood on his mouth and calmly walked forward towards the masses of over 150,000 devils charging at him as he unsheathed his katana.

....it was a massacre.

Blood splattered everywhere, limbs and heads flew around, blood-curling screams echoed the battlefield. They couldn't even touch him. After some time the descendants also joined in the battle.

The bloodshed lasted for a week, without rest, before it finally paused.






There was a sea of corpses as far as the eye could see

On one side we could see about 100 devils still standing with a very injured and exhausted Asmodeus leading in front of them as he breathed heavily.

We could see the corpse of Leviathan beheaded and a completely charred Beezlebulb lying dead on the blood soaked earth hidden among the corpses.

Of the 150,000 devils, only 100 remained.....from the 3 descendants of the Satans only one remained.

Across them, we could see a heavily-breathing Yamamoto covered in blood. There were countless wounds on him. He had 4th degree burns on his shoulder and there was severe frostbite on his chest too.... but what was most eye catching was his left bleeding shoulder that was missing an arm..... These were only the outward injuries, not even counting the internal injuries. Even though he was so heavily injured, his gaze didn't falter once, even if only one of his eye could be used as the other was drenched with blood.

He looked at the remnants of the army like a predator looking at its prey, the devils under his gaze couldn't help but flinch and start trembling in fear.

Finally he sighed as he looked up in the sky with his one remaining eye, "Father..... it looks like this is the end.....I'm finally going to wherever you are...."

He knew it was over.....but he was not afraid of death at all

He had lived his life...but O'God be damned....they were so many regrets...

He looked at the army once again and leisurely smirked, "Before I go....Let's give them one last show"

He slowly raised his katana in the air pointing towards the sky with his remaining hand, his action alarmed everyone present in the battlefield.

They couldn't help but start to quiver with fear, Asmodeus hadn't regretted a decision as much in his life till now, he bitterly smiled and glanced at the spectacle ahead of him.

Just above the tip of his katana slowly a fireball, the size of a golf ball, formed. Its size kept on increasing and increasing when it finally turned into a gigantic ball of fire that resembled a miniature sun. It could surely be seen from miles away, the surrounding heat around it was so hot that the armour on the soldiers both dead and alive started melting.

He then pointed his katana in the direction of the remnants of army

"Cruel...SUN!" The last words Asmodeus heard before he was burnt out of existence.

As the dust cleared we could see the blood soaked earth, scorched and a huge deep ravine running ahead as far as the eye could see before ending in a crater that was kilometres wide.

On the other side we could see Yamamoto still standing with his hand on his katana, stabbed in the ground with his remaining eye closed.

That day was the day that the devil....who cut the hand of god, who single-handedly massacred an army of 150,000 devils.....perished.

A figure slowly approached the still-standing corpse. It was the last remaining descendant of the Satans, the one who didn't bother to join the war, Rizevim Livan Lucifer.

As he looked at the ravine caused by Yamamoto he couldn't help shiver in fear, he looked at Yamamoto and his eyes were filled awe, admiration, fear and finally sadness.

He bowed a little towards Yamamoto in respect before finally leaving him alone.

Silence surrounded the battlefield.


Grayfia POV:

It's been a week since Yamamoto-sama has passed away, the remaining clan members grieved the whole time. I also cried....it was unfair....everyone I cared about was dissapearing from my life....I was all alone....once more...

...The son of Yamamoto-sama took on the matters of clan and became its new head.

The victory of the Barabatos clan against the Satan faction shook the underworld

The Devil Civil War ended because all the leaders and forces of the Satan faction were dead. The Anti-Satan faction quickly took advantage of this and cleared the remaining camps of them and declared themselves the winner.

They made new rules, laws and appointed new leaders...New Satans

They even gifted the Barbatos clan with a huge sum of money.

I stayed with the Barbatos clan for a couple of years before I finally left, I didn't want to rely on them forever. I did tell them that if they ever needed help, I'll come regardless of the matter. I owed them too much.

Though during my stay there were particular visits by a certain red-haired devil who asked for me, to which I didn't bother with.

I travelled the underworld for a while before I finally headed into the Human World.

I realised that I was finally free and had nothing to hold me back anymore from pursuing my dreams....I had nowhere else to go to as well...

I practiced and gained experience working as a maid in the human world. I refined my skills there and learned from the older maids. I even trained myself to get stronger because I still remember the helplessness and how weak I felt on the day when I couldn't do anything as Yamamoto-sama went into the battlefield....never again...

This continued on for years before I finally headed decided that it was time to head back.

I gathered information on what happened in these years and asked about the condition Barbatos clan. I was absolutely enraged when I found out they were nearly extinct, because they mysteriously 'disappeared' in the past years.

Just as I was going to try to find the ones responsible and avenge them, I heard the last remaining member.....my friend, had died due to childbirth. I was saddened....During the years I stayed with the clan we became as close as sisters.....Once more someone I care for is gone.....

I bitterly chuckled, 'Am I cursed I wonder...'

Though, this just further fuelled the flames within me, as I craved for vengence

However just as I was about to go to a different direction than the Barbatos territory, I stopped as I remembered the baby...

I immediately turned back and started heading towards my original direction.

The baby was all alone....He had no one..

As I finally reached my destination, I went into the mansion immediately sensing a presence disappear. I, without a further wasted second, started heading towards that direction. Panic took hold of me.

A presence disappearing so suddenly could only mean 2 things, they were either dead or they hid their presence.....neither was good in this current situation

When I arrived there I saw a blond maid beside a corpse of black haired woman, her aura was flared with hostility as her arm extended out towards the baby in the crib.

My eyes went cold as I unfolded the current scenario. Before she could even touch the baby I killed her without flinching. She turned around to look at me and fell to the floor cold, with a shocked expression....I couldn't care less as I stepped over the carcass and quickly approached the baby to check his condition

Realising he was fine, my shoulders sunk in relief. My eyes softened, as I continued to gaze at him....This little baby was the last Barbatos alive...

'Yamamoto-same, I'm sorry...I failed you once more. I couldn't protect the clan..' Self-depreciating thoughts preoccupied my mind...before clearing them as I focused on the matter at hand

Just as I was about to pick him up, my body froze as I looked into his eyes that were now opened. My body tensed up as I shook with fear before finally easing up as his eyes that were narrowed at me relaxed.

My body was covered with cold sweat...I have felt fear before...

.....but this was different...

This was...death

I shook my head, as I erased my thoughts....now was not the time to think about this

Looked into his eyes again, I got a better look at them....beautiful...no...even that word was not sufficient enough to describe them...it was mesmerising....

They were the most beautiful things I have ever seen, but beauty can be a trap...to allure its prey and consume them.....they were dangerous....

As I got hold of myself, I carefully picked him up.

Just as I was about to leave with him, he wrapped his arms around my neck and I froze.

How long has it been since anyone's hugged me or showed me any kind of affection?

Even if it was an unconscious action of the babe....it still affected me...

Ever since father died I had no one, even if the Barbatos clan took care of me, I still lacked affection. I was all alone.....just like the babe in my hands was...We were quite similar in that case...

I looked at him again....He was so small....so delicate...so precious..

The urge to protect him intensified like a raging typhoon inside me

I unconsciously smiled, 'I'll take care of him and give him all the affection and love I have, I'll give him everything....'

I vowed myself to protect him.

.....I won't be alone anymore ...as long as he'll be with me, I'll be fine. ...I'll support him in whatever he does.

.....because that's what a maid's job is after all, to support her master...right?

My Young master....

"There, there.... don't worry... I will always be with you from now on.....Young master," I unconsciously said to my one and only master that I dedicated myself too.

At first I was going to care for him because of my friend.... but now....I'm doing it for myself

He is now my light.....my world.....my everything

Even if the whole world's against him.....













For him.....














....I'll bring the whole world to its knees


{{NOTE from Author-san: For waiting a while....I give you BIG chappy....*sigh* how kind I am....

Other stuff:

-I'm not sure how the war is in the anime exactly but in this fanfic it is quite different so don't expect anything from canon. I made it kinda similar to canon, though its different at the same time

-Yeah you're reading that part right, he's modelled after Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto from Bleach. He's Diablo's grandfather and he looks exactly similar to his anime counterpart but he isn't going to have Ryūjin Jakka but is instead specialised in fire magic and something else 👀. In this fanfic I also made the Barbatos clan slightly OP. The history behind Yamamoto and the Barbatos clan would be entirely different, so don't relate it to the anime or the actual mythology}}