
Diablo in Highschool DxD

A sociopathic loner who had lost everything in his life, gained another chance. He would not let this new start go to waste...He would not let anything get stripped from his life again, he would gain power......power to eradicate all who stood infront him. This was the story of a man, who became the apex of the world......or did he? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He won't be super OP but will be very strong (and the strongest too in the future but that's like way at the end) but not strong from the beginning though. So its basically a progression from weak to strong, and by strong I mean very strong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own High School DxD or even the cover photo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will not be always able to post it daily, so it would be whenever I have free time

Lucifer_Void · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 18: Capital, Here I Come

'This came faster than I expected....' Diablo thought as he stared at the letter in his hand. Violet, the one who had handed it over to him, diligently stood beside him. They were in the study.

It was a letter of summon to Lilith, for an inquiry. The basis being a possible breach of law. The accusatory, obviously, being the Naberius Clan. At the bottom of the parchment, intricate sigils representing each Satan and the Great King Faction adorned the page Though it was kind of interesting that all Satans would be present for the inquiry, but considering all the parties this incident involves...on second thought, not so surprised.

He put the letter down on the desk, He'll go....obviously. He would not reject a summon, it would just make him look guilty and escalate the situation drastically. He needed to go the capital anyway as well, there was a deal he had to take part in with a certain contact.

He turned around to face Violet, "Reply a confirmation, House Barbatos will act accordingly" She her hand gracefully reaching for a pen, poised to fulfill her task at once

"By the way, is she up?" Violet nodded her head again in response. Kuroka woke up rather later than the other occupants of the mansion, by the time she got out of her room, all of them were done with breakfast. Food was usually sent directly to her room when she was finally awake. It was obvious she was doing it intentionally, but it didn't really matter. Though he did make sure to bring her in the dining room with everyone for lunch and dinner, no excuses would save her then

Three days had elapsed since Kuroka's arrival, and during that time, she had maintained a reserved and distant demeanor, choosing to linger within the confines of her room. Only when Diablo summoned her for food did she emerge, her interactions reduced to brief and curt responses, or sometimes none at all. It was evident that trust did not come easily to her—a fragile commodity that had been shattered countless times in her tumultuous past. Diablo couldn't help but empathise with her guardedness. After all, he knew all too well that rebuilding trust was an arduous task, particularly for someone with a history as troubled as hers. Surprisingly, there had been no attempts to escape her gilded cage, a fact that slightly intrigued him. He had half-expected her to test the boundaries, even if only in a small way, but she remained seemingly content within the mansion's confines.

Suddenly a maid entered to the room, disrupting his thoughts, "Young master" he turned to face her in curiosity. There was a frown on her face, "Young master, we have a-"

"Diaaaa-channnnn~" The frown creased deeper in annoyance as the high pitched voice emerged out from nowhere behind her, and there she was.

She was older, her figure had matured, accentuating her graceful curves. Her figure had transformed quite a bit since their last encounter. As her sapphire eyes scanned the room, they gleamed with joy upon finally spotting him. Draped in a flowing, snow-white dress that trailed behind her, she exuded an ethereal charm. Her long, golden tresses danced in the air, mirroring the fluttering of her elegant attire. She approached him slowly, yet with an air of undeniable confidence, her arms outstretched as she came closer....and closer?


Before he had time to fully comprehend the situation, he found himself engulfed in the warm embrace of this captivating woman. Her arms wrapped around him tightly, pressing him against her in a display of affection. He had frozen, everyone in the room had frozen, except for the instigator who giggled with unbridled happiness, holding him steadfastly.

For what felt like an eternity, the room remained in a state of suspended animation, as each person processed the unexpected turn of events. Time seemed to hang in the air, pregnant with anticipation and tension.

It took a fair minute for everyone to process what happened


Then, a sharp crack pierced through the silence, as the pen held by Violet snapped in two under the pressure of her grip. Despite the physical display of frustration, Violet's expression remained unchanged, a mask of stoicism. Both she and Grayfia radiated an ominous aura, their surroundings growing colder by the second. However, the woman in the resplendent white dress appeared completely unfazed by the mounting tension, as if shielded by an impenetrable barrier.

After a persistent struggle, he managed to extricate himself from her embrace, his face tinted a slight red as he coughed, trying to regain his composure.

"Lavinia, you really need to stop doing that every time you visit," he scolded, though his tone carried much lightheartedness

"Yes, yes~" Lavinia responded nonchalantly, a mischievous smile adorning her face, fully aware that his words were just for show. She blatantly ignored the the glares coming from the other two females in the room, her vibrant smile undeterred.

Letting out a resigned sigh at her playful antics, he shifted the conversation. "So... any particular reason for your sudden visit?" he inquired.

"You know why" She replied, her playful behaviour fading ever so slightly

He furrowed his brow. "Everything is under control. You don't need to worry," he reassured her.

Her eyes lingered intensely on his for a while, before a warm smile graced her face, "I know, I trust you have everything in control..."

"Then-" he began, but she swiftly interrupted him, determination gleaming in her eyes.

"But even so, you can never be too careful. I'll accompany you, keeping a watchful eye," she declared.

"But-" he attempted to protest, only to be cut off once more.

"Nope, I'm definitely coming," she stated firmly, her enthusiasm evident.

He groaned in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Raising his head to look at her, he relented. "Okay..." he conceded, her face visibly brightening upon hearing his approval. However, his tone grew serious as he added, "But at some point of time, you will leave us alone. There are some.....unique matters I need to attend to"

His voice held a stern authority, his gaze sharpening with determination. "This is not up for discussion. I am ordering you," he stated firmly.

A flicker of hurt flickered in her eyes, a reflection of the lingering traces of his lack of complete trust. "Alright," she acquiesced, her smile tinged with a hint of sadness. A hint of jealousy danced in her gaze as she glanced toward the other two females who had been granted permission to accompany him. The glares they had previously directed at Lavinia were now absent, and they almost looked smug. Violet's eyes made no effort to conceal her triumph at all.

Lavinia clenched her fist in frustration, though her smile remained intact, masking her inner turmoil.

She then shifted her attention back to Diablo, curiosity twinkling in her eyes. "So, where is this elusive kitty that the heir of Barbatos was so smitten with, that he fought another noble house for?"

"Is that what they're saying?" Diablo responded, his brows furrowing momentarily before relaxing. "Well, I suppose it's better than the horse rumour, I guess"

Giggles escaped Lavinia, and even Grayfia smiled with amusement. It was a known fact in the household how much that rumour bothered him. He was the Horse Fanatic in the Underworld.

"Speaking of her," Diablo turned to Grayfia, his curiosity piqued. "Fia, where is she?"

"....She's actually outside." She sounded a bit surprised herself

A tinge of astonishment touched Diablo's features. It was the first time she had taken the initiative to go outside on her own accord at all. "Oh? Is this our first escape attempt?" he mused, a spark of intrigue lighting up his eyes. "How interesting..."


Steady footsteps resounded, echoing through the tranquil expanse of vibrant green grass. A young woman, dressed in a flowing black kimono, meandered with purpose, her every movement emanating a sense of quiet rebellion. Contrary to the expectations of a certain someone in the mansion, she wasn't trying to escape. She was just exploring, she was fed up, feeling cooped. She could not spend another day in that room. Though her opulent chamber boasted lavish decor and all the luxuries one could fathom, it remained a gilded cage, its allure gradually fading with each passing day. It was still a limited place. Even the greatest of luxuries would become a prison if the person was there all day.

As she roamed the grounds, her eyes were drawn to an enigmatic anomaly. In a specific area, the grass lay scorched and ashen, its once vibrant hues now consumed by the blackened residue. Yet, amidst the desolation, a chilling vapor hovered above the ground, emanating an ethereal coldness. It was an inexplicable sight, defying the laws of nature and beckoning her curiosity. It was most unusual.

A peculiar structure captured her attention—a diminutive marvel in comparison to the towering mansion that loomed behind her. But its opulence rivaled even that of the Naberius Mansion she had left behind. With an intrigued demeanor, she ventured closer, pondering the purpose of this extraordinary edifice. As she neared, the structure revealed its interior, and she took a deep breath. It was a stable....A stable that looked so lavish.... It was even more lavish than the Naberius Mansion she previously lived in. Such a building built just for horses, a building putting another Devil house mansion to shame.....

'This was Barbatos' She thought in marvel, the wealth to make a mere stable this lavish

She now comprehended the whispered rumors that had circulated—tales of the Barbatos heir's obsession with horses. If Diablo had heard her thoughts right now, he would have pulled his hair in frustration, as his stupid image got reinforced.

Entranced, she gazed upon the grandeur before her, her eyes then suddenly turned to a stallion of the deepest obsidian hue, making its regal entrance in the said stable. It was huge and majestic. She was fascinated and curious as she approached the stable closer, entering it. There she got a better look, the mighty stallion with a coat as dark as the night, had its mouth in a bucket, as it fed on chunks of meat. With each deliberate movement, its obsidian mane danced in harmony with the rhythmic munching sounds. As she approached, the stallion's intense, blood-red eyes momentarily met hers before returning to its nourishment

It was a Nightmare, she had only heard about them, seeing them in person was certainly an experience. She had seen few running across the hill from afar, from her window in that damned room, but seeing one close up was totally different.

She hesitated, before her hand moved gradually, bridging the gap between them, until it finally made contact with the velvety blackness of its coat. The stallion stiffened momentarily, as if caught off guard, but soon relaxed under the tender caress of her fingers running through its silky mane. In that brief moment, its scarlet gaze met hers once again before refocusing on the sustenance at hand. The horse allowed her touch, giving her the freedom to explore the strands of its mane and the contours of its powerful neck.

A subtle smile graced her face as she continued to stroke the Nightmare, a mixture of excitement and melancholy swirling within her. Yet, as her euphoria waned, a pang of sorrow washed over her, causing her eyes to glisten with unshed tears

She thought of Shirone, her little sister....She would have loved this...

She wiped away a stray tear, as she sniffled, trying to remain composed. Sorrow still emanating from her. Remarkably, the perceptive Nightmare ceased its consumption, fixating its gaze on her. Without warning, it began to nuzzle her, gently nudging against her

"Hey, stop it!" Her brows creased in annoyance as she tried to gently push it away, but the horse persisted, its inquisitive mane playfully tickling her until a giggle escaped her lips, breaking the somber atmosphere, "Hey!"

After a while, the stallion relented, granting her a moment of respite. Kuroka cast a tender, affectionate smile towards the creature, knowing it cheered her up

But suddenly, the Nightmare backed away in a state of visible unease. With a loud, piercing neigh, it turned abruptly and bolted out of the stable, leaving Kuroka bewildered by its sudden actions. Confusion clouded her expression, but as a distinct scent caught her nose, she became acutely aware of a presence behind her. It got mixed in with the odours of the stable, that's why it took a while for her to catch on.

Her heart skipped a beat as her gaze turned towards the source of the scent. Blue eyes, radiant like flickering azure flames, pierced through the darkness, looming over her. Gradually, the figure emerged from the shadows, revealing its immense form. If the Nightmare was a symbol of majesty and intimidation, this creature surpassed it in every aspect. Its sheer size was awe-inspiring, and Kuroka found herself instinctively taking a step back, her legs giving way, causing her to land unceremoniously on the ground.

The horse stood tall, its forelimbs raised high as it emitted a thunderous neigh, fixating its gaze fiercely upon her.

"Oi!" A commanding voice resonated through the stable, breaking the tension. The horse came down, looking at the source of the voice. Diablo swiftly intervened, positioning himself between Kuroka and the imposing horse, his outstretched hand attempting to pacify the volatile situation. "Easy... Calm down," he implored, his tone steady and authoritative.

The horse however simply grew more restless as it shook around its head, and stood up again,"Calm down boy!" Diablo's voice got louder as he tried to calm the animal but nothing worked, as it swung its arms forward, standing on its two feet. A trace of annoyance grew in Diablo's eyes at its behaviour. With a swift action, he lifted his right leg, and kicked it right in its chest. The move inflicted to push it back rather for pain. The horse nearly stumbled from the force but still rested itself properly on its four legs as it got pushed backwards. There was a sign of indecruility in its eyes, disbelief....It was probably the first time the arrogant beast had got treated like that. For a long minute, an unspoken challenge hung in the air, until finally, the proud creature chose to retreat, slipping back into the comforting shadows.

Kuroka could swear she saw a scowl on its face

"Damn horse.....I think I'm been lazing around too much now, need to deal with it one of these days. Can't put this on any longer" Diablo murmured to himself as he stared the animal retreating, before turning to look at Kuroka who was still on the floor.

Amusement danced within Diablo's eyes as he cast his gaze down at Kuroka, who could feel the heat of embarrassment flooding her cheeks. Though she hadn't been truly frightened by the horse, the fact that she had been startled by a creature of far lesser strength than her own left her feeling humiliated.

Diablo merely looked at her, before extending out his hand to her, offering support. She didn't take it, and stubbornly stood up on her own. A frustrated pout on her face that she tried to hide.

Diablo simply took back his hand with a smile, as he gazed at her, who had her back towards him. She was an uncut gem. All that power was simply all over the place, unrefined. That experiment worked of course, but she, who got suddenly got present with all this power all of a sudden, didn't know how to control it. Thus, despite having more Demonic Power than Violet, she was still weaker, by a huge margin. Well actually, he figured, even if she knew how to control it, Violet would still somehow win. Speaking of the experiment, he had to do something about it as well, it gave her power but cut of her potential to grow even further.

Kuroka's throat felt dry as she awkwardly cleared it, her gesture intended to capture Diablo's attention. He had been staring at her for what felt like an eternity, as he remained lost in his own thoughts, his expression vacant and unresponsive

Finally, Diablo blinked once, his eyes focusing on her face, and an apologetic smile formed on his lips. "My bad, my mind was somewhere else. You okay?" he asked, genuine concern glimmering in his eyes.

Kuroka just slowly nodded

"Why were you out here?" Diablo inquired, his tone laced with curiosity. "You like horses? You could have told me; I would have brought you here. Wanna hop on one?"

She shook her head, her hair gently swaying with the motion. "I was just... exploring," she replied, her voice soft and hesitant, her words trailing off into silence.

"Exploring, huh," Diablo repeated, his voice tinged with appreciation. "That's good, exploring is good. Anything to get you out of that damned room you've holed yourself into," he said, his smile warm and inviting.

Kuroka remained silent, her guarded expression betraying a mix of vulnerability and mistrust

"By the way, we will be heading out soon, to Lilith," Diablo announced, his words causing her eyes to widen in alarm as she instinctively stepped back, her body poised for defense.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. It's just an inquiry; they won't do anything. I won't let them," he assured her, his voice calm and reassuring.

Her narrowed eyes conveyed her lingering suspicion, unwilling to let her guard down so easily.

"Listen, trust me... I give you my word," Diablo pleaded, his sincerity shining through

The suspicion didn't decrease

"Well, I need you there because the inquiry is about, you know....You" he gestured towards her, "So you would have to come regardless, I apologise if it seems a bit forceful." he added, already turning away, his steps carrying him further from her. No genuine remorse in his tone, "So yeah, be ready tomorrow morning."

Kuroka gritted her teeth, frustration and anger swirling within her. She leaned back against the wall, her hand unconsciously gripping her shoulder as if trying to ease the burden she carried.

After a few minutes, she straightened herself, as she let out a sigh. There was no use fighting against the inevitable. She would go to her room, prepare for the upcoming journey to Lilith, and submit to the circumstances that bound her.

After all, there was nothing else she could do... She had to obey.