

A world that dominates another world. An empire with extremely high ambitions. A land of danger, chaos but also immense opportunities. An inevitable war on the horizon. A group coming to gather despise the racial differences A family facing destruction because of power. A chosen one looking for his destiny. if your interest is peeked come follow Dez and the adventures he goes true in his life.

IneedNovels · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 14: ancestral world bead

Reaching the palace entrance Dez and his friends saw a beautiful lady standing there.

"I have been expecting your visit, great young master."

While saying that she bow to Dez and his friends. She showed great respect and grace.

"Raisel I told you many times, You don't have to bow to me, there is no need for all that."

"I understand young master."

"Your still not calling me Dez. Father isn't even here. Just call me Dez."

"I will, master Dez."

"I see you brought your friends this time with you. Would you like to introduce me to your friends, my lord?"

"Sure. Raisel this is Ethan and Suki. Guys this is Raisel one of my father's soul companions and the guardian of the dream forest. She is a nature nymph."

"Welcome. It's a pleasure for me to meet the friends of my young master. How has your trip been so far? Did you guys like the forest?" Walking and following Raisel they had a small conversation.

Raisel had a beautiful dress of leaves and flowers. Her hair was a combination of different greens. It was actually vines as tin as hair that no one could tell the difference that it was vines and not hair. Above her head, she was wearing a shining green and brown crown. And behind her, she had particles of light that resemble wings.

Entering the dining hall Dez, Ethan and Suki Stood rooted in amazement.

"Come in don't just stand there I have prepared a great banquet. I hope it will please you, master Dez."

"Anything you cook will be pleasing to me no matter what."

Following her, they entered the dining hall. There was a long table for at least 20 people to sit around, completely adorn with food of any variety and style. A large variety of vegetables, soups, meat, fruits, and drinks.

Looking at the table Ethan was extremely happy. In reality, he felt like he was in heaven. he felt like the happiest person at that moment.

Taking the lead Raisel proceeds to sit at the head of the table.

Following her Dez and his friends also sat down. Dez may have been her young master but in this world, power is respected more than social positions. And Raisel was at the same level as Dez's father, the emperor ranking. No matter what, an emperor needs to be respected so he would never take a seat first or sit at the head of the table.

"You guys can choose any food you like my servants they will bring it for you and serve you."

With one thought of her, a row of servants walks in. Some went to the table, and some approach the children. They were all tree folks. Tree folks are one of the races living inside the dream forest. All tree folk's life are under the power and command of Raisel. They are all her ' offspring', they use to be normal trees in the past but were given life by Raisel.

Dez, Ethan, and Suki had an enjoyable time eating.

The food was truly of the best quality they have ever tasted.

"Dez did you decide what will you use as your first core when you awaken?"

Ethan was satisfied and feeling comfortable started a conversation.

"I don't know yet I had the 'talk' with my parents but I'm not sure. And you?"

"I already decided. I'll be integrating a soul weapon core as my first soul companion."

"That is the direction most of your family members take, right? Let me guess it's a shield soul weapon?"

"Well absolutely!."

"After seeing what you did today with your Shield I think a shield soul weapon will be great for you. And you Suki what will your first soul core be?"

"My first soul companion will be a beast soul. It will be my dragon I raised since I was very little I will not use a soul core. I'll be making a bonding contract with her."

" I imagined that you will choose your dragon. you guys live with your dragon's right? It should be very nice to live with dragons."

"Yeah we do, we have a bond from a very young age. Every member of the Loong family will make a soul contract with a dragon for his first companion. We all have our own dragons.

"Sigh, I wish my decision could be that simple."

"Isn't it simple?" Ask Ethan

Well no it's not. Our family doesn't have a specific type we contract with.

"Sorry to interrupt you master Dez I believe you know of the project and the peruse of the dream forest, if you ask lord Kaihen there won't be a problem in getting any core that you fancy even if you want to contract Dream herself." Dream is a very special being of the dreamscape that lives inside this forest.

"I know that Raisel, but My mother wants me to use the ancestral world bead."

"Wait. A world bead or 'the' ancestor world bead…?" Ask Ethan in amazement.

"My Selklor family's ancestor world bead."

Everyone around the table was shocked.

World beads are very important heirlooms for a family. For those who are below the emperor level, once you die your companions will die with you, their host. The soul world will be destroyed, there will be nothing left. But for those at the Emperor or above the Emperor level when they die, something very peculiar happens. the companions that are summoned will perish with their master, but those who are inside the soul world of that Emperor will transform and integrate with the soul world and become a world bead. The more companions integrated the better the world beads. It's the best possible material to make your companion core with. Having a 100% chance to get a legendary core and a high possibility of getting an Eternal core or even an origin core. These cores are extremely important and you will never be able to buy them, some even have inherited abilities that sometimes pass down to the next generation. Only those who are considered the pillars who will carry the family to glory for years to come can use them.

There are 2 ways to get those world beads. One is killing another human emperor. Or the other is when you know your time is coming you can personally condense your soul world into a soul bead. Those are more valuable. Because if you want to kill an emperor most of the time you will be killing his companions first. But by condensing the world bead yourself you will pass down all your power to the next generation. Hoping that what you left behind can give birth to a being of origin, an unmatched, unstoppable Existence in this world. Those beads are like loot boxes, you never know what that bead will become later when it's integrated into your soul world. It can be a soul beast, soul weapon, soul spirit, soul elemental, or a soul companion.

For you to understand how important this bead is you first need to know that in this world each race has its unique power system. And the power humans wield in this world is the power to create a world inside their soul during the awakening process. this world is the center of power. It's used to cultivate different types of 'things' and using their power to fight.

Companions are very important to the human race. Companions represent status, prestige, and power. The soul world or also sometimes called the inner world is the place that holds and cultivates their companions. the bigger your soul world the more companion can cultivate. Those companions also have rankings. The higher the ranking the larger portion of your soul world this companion will occupy. this ranking is the limit to their potential. Which are - common- uncommon- rare- epic- special- unique- legendary- mystic- ethereal- eternal -origin- they are all divide into 4 categories which are low, normal, high, and perfect. Anything above the unique core is so rare you can only get them for large organizations or ancient families that stood the test of time. But no matter if you own an origin core your soul may not be able to hold its power. The size of your soul world is extremely important. Your soul world determines if you can go up the power ranking. Your soul world determines how many companions you can have. This soul world at the level of the emperor holds tremendous power. This soul world is what can become a world bead. And pass it down to the next generation too. You can imagine how important your soul world is.

"The ancestral world bead!!! Your family must have great expectations for you then."

"Yes, the whole family seems to want me to use it and all the elders agreed. I'm not sure if it's because of my talent or because of my father but Even so, they all believe I will become an emperor one day."

"And why are you not happy with that?" Ethan was confused, wasn't that a good thing?

"It's because the ancestral world bead will bind me with this city, to this land, and this continent. I don't want that. I do not want to take care of this city my whole life, I don't want to live all my life here. It may sound selfish but that is how I feel. Don't get me wrong this city, it's great and beautiful and all. I will have the power of my family I can have everything I want here, but that is not the life I want to live. I want to be like my father used to be, exploring different continents, go places, and meet new people of new races those are my dream. I don't want to refuse the bead and the responsibility and be seen as ungrateful. Or accept it and disappoint my family."

Both of his friends were surprised. But also felt powerless in their ability to help him.

"But isn't this problem because you are your family heir? Can't, there be another heir? Maybe your sister?" Asked Suki

The reason I am the heir is that my sister isn't suitable for the position. You know my sister is way stronger than I am. But she is just not suitable.

I was thinking I don't have to take the position right away. right? I mean my mother is fairly young still she is only 60 years old she hasn't even reached 100. And she can govern this empire for at least 600 more years and with dad here, why do I have to worry. I can come back after a few hundred years. Right ?"

" That not what's important here Dez. Don't you need the power to stay alive out there? Don't you know how dangerous the world is? Here we have our family to protect us at this moment. But even then no city is safe forever. Don't you value your life?"

"I did, and I do think about it every time."

"I do think what if things go wrong, but doesn't that mean I will live with fears and what if's my whole life! You need to understand that this empire is nothing Suki, my father told me stories you would never believe. Places so magical they seem unreal. And he told me he didn't even come close to exploring 1/3 of this world."

"And I never said ill go alone. I want to build my crew. I will wish that after we awaken we could make a crew together. What do you guys say?"

"Brother if I could I would have done it… such a manly dream. But I don't have the freedom you have to choose my own path. It has already been established for me. It will be fun to escape with you buddy but that would bring trouble and misunderstanding between our families."

"I know and I will never judge you buddy. But everything is negotiable. Even your future. Trust me if you wish to follow me I will make it happen."

"I promise if you can make it happen ill be there, count me in."

Hahaha, I'm happy to hear that.

And you Suki.?



It's ok you don't need to say it I understand. I know I'm asking too much right now but you don't have to say it right now later when we awaken we can talk again and see if you can join my crew.

Sorry, Dez my father wants to send me to the holy Academy on the holy continent. The union of governance seems to be interested in our Loong family Joining them and last weak my father told him that I will have to go to the holy academy for 5 years after awakening. Me going there is very important for our family. I hope you can understand that, It's just 5 years."

The holy Academy. Dez knew of the holy Academy, it was the same Academy his father went to. And also the same he told him he won't let him attend either. Why? Dez didn't know he didn't ask because at that time it was a casual conversation and he didn't care to ask.

At that moment the table became silent.

Dez was having a complex feeling. First, he wanted his friends to accompany him on his journey. But he also knows how imperial families work. And that his particular case is actually a rarity.

He has peace and calm. No betrayal and no conflict of siblings scheming against each other for the throne. No uncles or cousins trying to take the throne. The Selklor family has been ruthlessly cleansed by emperor Kaihen before Dez was even born. The whole family was investigated to the bones and every rotten member was taken care of. It was not easy to accept at first and there are sure some who are hiding their feeling deep but they will have to hide them for a very long time because they know they have absolutely no chance. Not a single person who saw what Emperor Kaihen did back then will ever even consider in his dream about contesting for the throne and power.

But other empires?

Other families? Well, they aren't united and have a lot of internal Struggles. And had their own "game" to play. Dez knew he was not in the position to influence the decision of another emperor if the negotiations run that deep.

"Well, it's ok guys why don't we leave this for after we awaken? And have this conversation then? Even if we can't be together now that doesn't mean we won't ever be."

"Indeed as long as I have the opportunity ill absolutely join you." said Suki.

For Suki after the awakening ceremony at age 15 when she will go study and come back at the age of 20. In her mind Suki will be perfectly on time for marriage. that was her plan but it seems Dez had his own twist and ideas on his life.