

A world that dominates another world. An empire with extremely high ambitions. A land of danger, chaos but also immense opportunities. An inevitable war on the horizon. A group coming to gather despise the racial differences A family facing destruction because of power. A chosen one looking for his destiny. if your interest is peeked come follow Dez and the adventures he goes true in his life.

IneedNovels · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: Death

Kaihen Tapped on his watch. He opened the file that Eyes sent him. It had the video of the Outsiders attacking different cities, and the last part was the defense the union put up against the outsiders, the part where killer went to fight, and the part where they lost.

"brother this is exactly why I called you. I will like to hear your take on this."

"Very bad I don't think the zeroth continent can win. At all. Those tactics they used are useless and that freakish snake has to be above emperor level or very close to ranking up. What came to Kaihen's attention was a woman who was walking at the very front of the enemy's army together with a small boy. The woman had the same looks like the others but the boy was a little plain compared to the others. but in every video, they were together and she never left his side not even when she became a gigantic snake.

This alien species had a very peculiar look to them. They have a human shape but have a large variety of beast characteristics. For example, Kaihen saw on the video a female warrior That just killed a king. She had puppy ears, Foxtail, Black horns, Goat eyes, Pointed ears, Scales that adorn her hand like mosaics. Her foot had strong curve nails that look like talons. All those characteristics of different beasts were found on a single being…and they Blended perfectly given every single one of them is very unique but attractive but also exotic look. But every single one of the alien race he saw had the fighting capabilities of an emperor rank fighter. and they were in the hundreds.

"Zeroth doesn't Have any person with fighting ability remotely close to that level. Not many humans Kings I know of can fight on pare with Emperor beasts, let alone kill them. That is why they lost so bad and so fast, It's good to know that Killer came back alive after fighting that. Why didn't that shit emperor take this Chance to show off and take action?"

"Come on brother you know that bastard is only good at fighting with words. We did the real job and you know that. Taking action is The last thing he will do. The last time he fought was when we had to defend the holy empire against the undead, and he had the element advantage. Even then he ran away like a fucking coward and let some of our brothers died. If it wasn't for you who came to save us and push back those fuckers we all would have died. but who gets the credit for that war?" those words brought some bad memories for Kaihen. Memories he set to buried deep inside his memories.

"Yeah forget I even said that. Those outsiders seem to fight like savages and relying heavily upon their physicality. Are those beasts are what they transform into? Is that a racial power or an ability?"

"I did look into that, they have a type of shapeshifting power. What we know is that they have a power called the inner beast. they look like humans until they transform. The power they all possess is to shape-shift into a giant beast. the bigger they are the more beastly they turn. And they have an ultimate form they turn into their inner beast taking a full beast form. Like that gigantic snake that has wings, scales, and a furry tail. I think that what they call unleashing their inner beast, and the power just skyrocket. But I haven't seen too many of them I think there are certain criteria to use that power."

"Hmm, interesting." Kaihen already felt the urge to study them.

"O yea we analyze that not all of them seem to have the same level of ability or skills. Most of them do not get that big. We suspect it's a bloodline thing or a lineage thing."

After hearing eyes explain everything he could only think of one solution." I say evacuation is the best solution don't fight them anymore. If someone proposed to attack just oppose them. Let those outsiders be. Give up on the zeroth continent. build teleportation systems and get every human out of there. mark the zeroth continent a forbidden territory and wait for 10 years minimum, let them calm down their wrath. Even someone above the emperor has to respect this world." Kaihen knew better than anyone else after roaming this world how strong some beings can be.

"Do you think she is above the emperor ranking ?"

"I saw too little of that snake's power but if it's not above emperor it's at least the ninth stage Emperor level. But the emperor level is just the beginning for those who want to play big, and they will come to understand that. and without teleportation, or space ability they won't reach other continents easily."

"It's ok brother I will do as you suggest, we just had a meeting and most of those old farts want to strike back. To maintain the human pride."

"Human pride at what cost? It's not the first time humanity loses a continent. And the beast migrations will start soon it's a bad idea to strike back at a time like this. Portals are opening the world is expanding and beasts are moving. How stupid do you have to be to not see that now is not the best time? the beast migration will start with the world descent and disaster will be striking soon." Kaihen knew those old farts had their own agenda with this war. But at what cost?

" We have to just step back this time, we can try some negotiations again later. Even though I don't think there is much relationship left to be built. Or you can send someone to blitzed them and use some experts to close that portal maybe "he" would help."

"Do you mean father?"

"Yea him."

"You know, Brother. the elders last times try to appoint a new "brain" to the squad, Do you want to know what happens?"

"Please don't waste my time with useless gibberish."

"I need Some dead specimens and if you can get your hand on some living ones I like to have 1 or 2 too to research."

"Dead bodies are no problem but living ones are a bit of a dilemma."

"Hmph, don't act tough with me eyes I know you have living ones and I assure you they will live a better life in my hands than any of those old geezers."

"Is not that I don't want to help you but they already killed all the ones we sneakily capture."

"Hmph… 10 packages of beauty cream for your girls and 2 bottles of men endurance enhancing pill. And for each one alive I get in good condition you will get an extra pill of body enhancing pill and body rejuvenating pills. And if you give me 10 alive ill boost your life essence for you to 1000 years. Plenty of life essences for you to use your ability for a while. Help me and I'll help you."

Eyes is a person this world call bloodline successor. they carry the blood of someone who is or was a chosen. And his bloodline ability is clairvoyance. An extremely sought-after ability, as they can see or get information about a person or item, location of something, an event that happened in the past, what is happening in the present, and also those that will happen in the future. It's a blessing but also a curse. And an extremely tragic one too. Those that carry this bloodline are hunted for their abilities and enslaved and in some extreme cases breed like animals for their descendants. But not everyone is equally strong in their abilities. And the saddest part is the more they use their abilities the weaker they become and shorter they live. In this world, 1 person can easily live past 200, and with 100 years you are still in your prime, but some clairvoyants can't even reach 50.

"Brother I know you have something better that you can offer me, you know how hard it is to move all the things you asked me and not get discover right? Those elders are already suspecting me of helping you in the past." Eyes was building his speech and Kaihen knew it was coming

"I still want 'that' special thing …"

Eyes acquisitiveness. He loved to look for valuable things and possess them.


seems someone can't keep his eye on himself!"

"Come on men relax I'll never spy on you I don't do that, we are family. I just had an intuitive feeling you have something beneficial to me."

…. Well, I actually do have new products one I suspect improves all aspects of the soul but need to be tested, It's a new plant I got to from a powerful world that got destroyed. The plant is a world tree. It nearly cost me my life to revive the seeds. So I'll need more for that one. When I'm done with my research I'll send you my final product with all the above just fulfill my request for me.

No problem brother. I will.

How many beast-men, shifters are there in total.

We don't know for sure. It seems the army is around 5000000 of them left after the union went to battle.

Reports say they did attack the back army and killed around 1500000 of them. Killer went for the Emperors and massacre them but was stopped by the snake and the boy. He was already injured when they came to help him."

"I saw that part."

"What do you think? Can you beat her?" Eyes does not know how strong Kaihen has become. Those are things he cant 'see'.

"Maybe, she seems strong I can't deny that but to be able to beat killer that's not an easy feat."

"Come on brother I know you can beat killer if you really wanted to."

( Silence) ….

"Well, whatever. The old men ask about you."

"Eyes. I really don't want to know. Tell the union now I'm a free man. And they can go fuck themselves for all I care."

"Tell them if these shifters, beastmen, or whatever, If they ever reach my continent I'll kill them my self. until then, it's not my business. That's all."

"He won't be happy to hear that. That is basically nothing."

"He can come to say it to my face whether he likes it or not."

"You know he won't do that you're his son."

"And he's like a memory to me."

"Can't you just forgive 1 mistake?"

"The moment he died the man I used to call father also died."

"You guys are family and you guys have so much in common."

"Stop there! I will never be like him or do to my kids the things he did to me."

"We will not talk about this anymore. If that's all that you going to inform me our call is done." Kaihen had enough.

"Brother … come on."

"Eyes I told you. You will never convince me. I have things to do and experiments to run if something important happens contact me."

"What if the old man goes to fight and die?"

"If he goes those beasts won't last long. And if he died I'll be happy. Goodbye Eyes…"

"One more thing let your son start his pilgrimage 1 year earlier than planned. It will be extremely beneficial to him."

"My son? What are you up to now eyes?"

"Nothing brother this can only help your son and not harm him. You know my clairvoyance is nothing others can compare to. Just trust me the future I saw will be extremely exciting. Hahahahah."

"Stop that stupid laugh of yours… It's that all?"

"Yeah and you better double your gifts just saying.. Remember DOUBLE."

"Your annoying ."

"Ok ok, See you later brother. my best brother."

After ending the call Kaihen sat there remembering his time at the union and the secret division, his brothers, his father, and X. A deep pain filled his heart.

-Zeroth continent again. Such bad memories. Shapeshifters hmm… Wasn't she also a shapeshifter? A fuck it. It can't be… but I just hate my own bad feeling.-


-I was naïve indeed, but love can't be controlled by others. I will never forgive you, father.-

On the other side of the call sitting on a sofa wearing some glasses was a tin-looking boy, we look like he never did a single type of Exercise in his life. In his room were 5 gigantic screens and on one of them was the face of a middle-aged man who looks like he's in his early 40s. But his actual age was in the hundreds.

Looking at the men eyes spoke. You heard him yourself. There is nothing I can do father.

I think you're losing your touch. He doesn't even listen to you anymore. How many years has it been already and his not even letting me speak to him, I guess that day will never come!

Don't lose hope father he is still hurt but he will forgive you trust me I saw it. I'm more interested in his son. His destiny is special. Maybe he will be the bridge that will unite this family again.

--About 100 years ago--

"Father, What the hell are you doing have you lost it? move the fuck away I need to save X"

"Kaihen nothing will happen to X we only want the girl." Spoke Kaihens father

"Father get out of my way"

"Son, I don't think I can do that …"

"Father they are going to kill him MOVE!!!"

Filled with anger and desperation Kaihen attacked his father, but it was in vain he was way stronger than Kaihen and easily stopped him. He could lock time and was locking all Kaihen's soul companions and all skill or ability Kaihen had.

Father, please get the fuck away he will kill X my friend, and … your disciple! What the hell is wrong with you. Why the fuck are you not helping me … your son … FUCK!!

Son, why can't you understand we just want the women. He would not dare kill X with me here.

On the other side of the battle

"Hand her over X."

"You lustful Bastard, don't think I don't know your fucked up tendency you have towards girls of other races we caught. I will rather die than handing her to shit like you.

"Your mind has been twisted and she is corrupting you."

"You have betrayed the human race and I can see why .. this is your last opportunity to hand her over."

"Behind X was a beautiful woman sitting cross-legged between her palms power was gathering"

"Babe, are you done?"

"Not yet…"

"You need to hurry."

"It will take a little longer if I want to teleport us both back to my world. Buy me just 10 seconds and we will be able to escape."

That conversation between X and his woman took Les than a second but the holy emperor was getting impatient too.

"It saddens me to take one of my own down but you leave me no other option."

At this time X was just at the king level and so was Kaihen but the holy emperor was at the emperor level and so was Kaihen father.

It was a battle of seconds but a battle destined to be lost.

X Soul companions were no match for the emperor's soul companions. No matter how much he tried his soul companions were dying and every dead destroyed his inner world weakening him further.

But true to her word at the laps of 10 sec she was done and a portal open behind her. She grabbed X's hand and was ready to flee.

Kaihen was happy to see that.

The holy emperor's face was distorted in anger.

Everyone watching thought they would get away. Everyone except one person. At that moment chains made of time elements broke the fabrics of space and time and bound her. she wasn't able to move and it looks like she was frozen in time itself.

X nearly went mad.

"Father what the actual fuck, why are you doing this."

"She is dangerous she can control space I can't let an enemy like that getaway."


"were. Until we discover she wasn't human."


Kaihen scream in frustration. Kaihen kept trying but the power of time was too overbearing. That was without taking into account the level difference.

"You are one of the biggest dumb shit I have ever seen. Father release me or I swear I will kill you myself one day …LET ME GOOO !!!"

"Father I already told you Eyes told me X will die today. We have to stop them or X will die don't you understand what I'm saying."

"Son no one can kill X with me here. You know how many people I saved do you think I can't save my own disciple. You just have to stay out of this. Just once."

"HAHAHA see X even your master is stopping you. Everyone is against you. there is nothing you can do to save her." The holy Emperor really thought they will get away but using this soul contract for this favor he had with the Morgenstijn was worth it.

She couldn't move and X didn't run. The Holy emperor Came in front of X smiling in contempt his eyes mocking X he sends him a message.

"I'll make sure to fuck the evil out of her and let her scream your fucking name every time. Hahahahah can you see it X … that juicy body between my fingers.

X tremble in rage. Seeing her frozen in time, he had no more soul companion. His soul transformation was also broken, his soul world was in chaos and he knew he couldn't break those chains of time to save her. With the holy emperor standing in front of him his girl behind him X decided to do something that no one expected.


An explosion shook the sky and earth. devastating everything around them. The explosion had a strength close to the peak of an emperor level. The chains of time held for a while before breaking and pushing her through the portal back to her world. In her mind, she heard X's last words. Sorry, Azalia. Sorry that I cannot be with you anymore. I love you.

It was a world explosion, an inner world explosion that nearly blasted the holy emperor. It was so strong it nearly killed him.

And X

Well...he exploded his inner world and his very soul with it. No skill or ability could save him or revive him.

At the moment of the explosion, Kaihen father could clearly remember a conversation he just had. The declaration he just made. The promise he just told to his son. And all this because of a soul contract.

--A few hours earlier.--

You owe me a payment of blood. I'm using that soul contract we made now. You promised to do me a favor in times of need, this is the time I want you to pay me back. I just want the girl nothing more.

"I'll help you take the girl if you can make me a promise you won't touch my son or kill my disciple." The only ones that truly matter to kaihen's father were Kaihen himself and his disciple X.

"I won't. I just want the girl....."


That explosion at that moment killed more than one soul.

It broke a man watching his best friend die.

And a master seeing his disciple explode.

"This was not supposed to happen. This wasn't my plan. Why would you kill yourself for a damn beast." Regret. deep regret twisted his heart!

At that moment something snapped inside Kaihen. He didn't struggle anymore. He stood there looking dazedly at the explosion. Like he lost part of his soul.


This was a memory that constantly Haunted a man.

A man that one's was called a hero. A man who had his own view on this world and try his best to help his race survive. Who believed in the dream of uniting humanity and having humans take command of this world.

Now, this is a man that barely anyone can recognize. A man that even his name has changed. He now calls himself death. Waiting for the day of his forgiveness.

He has carried that name ever since that day... a boy walking away leaving his father with his last words ever since.

"To me, in my life, you no longer exist.

For me, you are both dead."