
The room

Weirdly enough the mage of the group, a voluptuous beautiful woman with long red hair and red eyes, choose to ride in the front with him instead of being safe in the middle.

She said "That is quite a nice dragon boy skin, looks almost like him, but he is a bit taller. You are quite committed even using his nickname."

Henry gave her a weird look, then said "What? Skin? What the fuck? There are people making skins of me?"

"Of course there are others like you, you people trying to scam others by looking like him are disgusting."

"Now that, that is something I didn't want to hear in my birthday. Fuck, are there really people impersonating me?"

"Your acting is good, but I won't believe you. But you actually remembered its his birthday today, that is something."

"You don't believe I am him? Ask me anything specific about myself."

"I will ask you three things, if you respond all correct I will believe in you, a little. What are his two pets and what they like to eat?"

"That is easy, Cerbes my loyal dragonic hellhound, he doesn't need to eat but he likes chewing bones, and Hestia, my snake with a little fire dragon blood, she likes treasures of the fire element, especially fire worms."

She nodded then said "Good, now how many uncles and aunties does he have?"

"That is a tricky question, I only have one uncle Christopher and one aunt Alice that I rarely see. But all the elders say they are my uncles and aunties."

The woman didn't know what to say, she actually didn't know he only had two real uncles, "Eh, you pass, you are either a fan or actually him."

"Hell no, I hate being famous, I rather you not believe I being myself than calling me a fan."

"Eeeeeeehhh, why don't you like your fans?!"

"Cause it sucks, can't walk outside without having a bunch of people surround me, taking pictures, filming, I can't enjoy most multiplayer games I can't use skins cause everyone surrounds me, now I discover that there are people impersonating me.

And I didn't ask for any of it, just my mom taking pictures of me and posting on her account."

"Damn, yeah that must sucks. Sorry about that, I am one of your hardcore fans, if you are him."

"Don't worry about it, it would happen one day or the other, I am just to beautiful and strong."

The woman nodded vigorously "Yeah, even I didn't know you, him, thru the internet I would go crazy if I saw him in real life. He looks like a god."

"It feels really weird when you call me beautiful to my face like you are talking with someone else.

Can we stop talking about me? What about you, are you from any big family? Are you talented? Are you at college?"

"Me? I am from the White flame family, I am a prodigy but my younger sister took the spotlight, and yes I am at the great twelve college."

"Oh I will probably be joining the college in a few days once the exams start. Then I can prove that I am myself."

"If you are really him, aren't you ten years old? Shouldn't you be at high-school?"

"Why does that matter? If you pass the written test and the power test it means you are smart and strong enough to enter."

"True, but can you pass it? Are you smart enough?"

"Of course I can, and if you pass the fighting test without getting anything wrong you can enter even if you get zero on the other test, and I am very confident on my strength.

So how long have you been playing this game? What level are you?"

"I started a week ago, sadly I can only play a few hours at night due to college. I have a level twenty warrior and I am now a level fifteen mage.

How about you? You dress like you just started but have a nice sword"

Henry smiled, stunning her a bit, "Hehehe, I just started an hour or two ago. I stole this from a random guy horse, don't know if it was a player on not.

By the way, what is your name?"

"Oh, sorry for my rudeness, my name is Kathy."

Like the mission said the road towards the city was safe, nothing but a dirt road up ahead, and they soon reached the tall stone walls of the city.

Kathy paid for his entry and added Henry in the spiritweb then left to sleep soon after she was paid in the adventurers guild.

Carlos, the leader of the expedition, took Henry to a clothes shop that was good and cheap.

The owner of the shop, a muscular man, dressed in a summer dress, using a lot or make up, said "Oh boy, Carlos, how long has it been, what a nice beard you grew. And you brought me a client, nice to meet you, I am Gene, I will get you out of those things, wait a second I have something perfect."

Before anyone could say anything, Gene ran to the back all excited, making Henry really wonder if someone created that character or if was just created by an AI like most of them.

Carlos said "Sorry about him, he is a bit eccentric, but he is definitely great at what he does."

"Don't worry about it, he seems like a nice dude." Henry said, looking at the clothes around the shop.

After a minute Gene walked out of the back with a shirt made out of a brown leather that ended in the knee, a black robe made of fabric, baggy pants made out of black leather and black leather shoes.

He pushed it into Henry hand and pushed him into a dresser saying "Go, try it, dress it."

Without much of a choice he put the clothes on, impressed that they fit almost perfectly and liking the belt that had a place to strap the sword scabbard.

As soon as he walked out Gene "I outdid myself this time, it looks perfect. Did you like it? How does it feel?"

"Its nice and comfortable, fits nicely. How much is it?"

"The black leather was a bit expensive, so three small silver, but I will give you a discount since you are Carlos friend, so two small silver and eight big copper."

Henry looked thru his little bag, mostly filled with small gold coins and big silver coils, finding only two small silver.

Henry asked "Do you have change for a big silver?"

"Of course, give me a second."

"And no need for the discount, just keep making good clothes."

Getting weirdly moved by his words he hugged him saying,"You are such a nice guy, come back any time", and giving him the seven small silver to him.

Henry refused Carlos offer on a drink and logged of the game right after. It was already late into the night back into the real world, Hestia was sleeping on top of him.

Not wanting to wake her up he just hugged her and slept, awaking in his weird soul world.

After years training every time he slept his platform skill had reached a very high level, reaching the epic grade, it easily supported him and lasted for hours.

Cerbes also got up on the platform, laying his head on Henry thighs and asking "What are you doing today master?"

"I think I will try learning that awareness area skill again."

"Is master sure? Last time master destroyed a bunch of his stuff and the room, Amanda got very mad at master."

"I know, I know, its because of my pride, it gets really high when I use my aura and it got hurt that I couldn't learn a skill and made me frustrated. I will control myself this time."

"Is master sure? That skill is good but is not amazing, its not worth getting frustrated over it."

"This skill is amazing, the best close range fighters use it, but they only learned it on higher ranks.

I know I can learn it in my rank, my senses and aura control are exceptional and my dragon aura is easier to control, it just hard still, you have to move and attack as you do it.

Now go to that platform over there, I will still get mad, I don't want to hurt you."

A bit worried about his master Cerbes swam to another platform Henry created.

Henry got up and created a blue transparent katana out of mana – the sword style he liked the most – then got in a pose and closed all of his senses.

He could not see, smell, hear or feel anything, it took almost an entire year for him to learn how to do this with his aura – as it was completely against any instinct he had in his body.

A transparent dark blue liquid like aura begun to envelop his whole body, forming a thin veil around him.

Henry took a deep breath, not feeling the air come in and out, but knowing he breathed thru experience, then started the hard part.