
The grand college

The aura around him begun expanding in the shape of a sphere until it had one meter of radius.

He could feel anything inside the sphere, be it the air moving, the platform bellow him or the vibrations of the sound of the thunder dragons flying thru the clouds.

With his breathing steady he begun to move slowly, the sphere deformed slightly but he quickly fixed it.

For hours he moved slowly trying to keep the sphere stable as he did, trying to make his movements something he would do almost subconsciously, while focusing on keeping the bubble stable.

But no mater how hard he tried the sphere always turned a little unstable every time he took a little of his attention from it to move.

It was then he started to get frustrated, in his thoughts he could not understand why was he unable to do something that looked so simple. The more frustrated he got the harder it became to keep the sphere, until it collapsed.

Henry screamed to the skies, his throat, eyes and horns begun glowing as a powerful laser bean charged on his throat and shot to the sky a second later.

Cerbes shook his head, knowing this would happen.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, dammit, shit, aaaaaahhh." Henry cursed.

When he stopped using aura his mind begun to calm down, his prideful dragonic nature stopped messing with his mind.

He said "Again, I can do this, I can."

Until he woke up Henry kept trying again and again, ending up waking up frustrated with almost no progress. He heard the maid close the door and looked at the nightstand on the side, a good smelling breakfast on top of it.

Henry gently lifted and pushed Hestia out of on top of him, then sat on his bed, took the tray of food and started eating as he planned to train all day.

In the eleven days before the college tests he kept trying to learn the skill, which was almost impossible for him to learn at his level, and appraising items they brought to him as he rested.

The only thing he really accomplished was breaking the record of how many consecutive days he could train this skill without giving up in frustration, with almost no progress in actually learning it.

In a car flying, Derick and Brook, the two man that took him from his first family and the ones responsible for his security while the elders where busy, drove him towards the great twelve college, Amanda being too busy lately to be able to take him herself.

Henry had his arms crossed, still very angry at not being able to learn the skill.

Derick said "Don't be so mad kid, the only ones that know that skill in your age are those that where born with it."

Henry sighed "I know, its just frustrating, it feels like I am a hair away from learning it, then everything goes wrong and I don't know why. I just makes me feel like smashing something."

"You will learn it, don't worry. Just don't give up. But now you should be focused on the test, this college test is the hardest of them."

Henry nodded, but he wasn't worried at all, he had done a few of the tests before – it was how he got to out of being home schooled and just have free time to do what he want.

After a few hours they reached the prime jewel of the great twelve country – the place where the current patriarchs, matriarchs and most of the elders of the families lived and worked – the great twelve city.

Floating islands and majestic buildings could be already be seen in the distance, it was a completely different place from Henry home town, this was a place where the most ordinary house was worth millions.

Henry found the place beautiful, yet he hated it. It was a place where power was everything, there where no cops and the only law followed was the one not to kill anyone.

If you where weak and had no one to back you up this place was hell. The chances where that you would be robbed, even your clothes would not be spared, and noting could be done against it since the ones in power liked those rules.

Henry was not afraid at all, those that joined the college where protected by the great families and most wouldn't dare to mess with them – unless they where at least a great elder or a student of the college.

Derick parked the car at a building right outside – as you needed to pay an expensive permit every month to drive inside the city – and they started walking, Henry using a tunic to hide himself so people wouldn't bother him.

The streets where packed, teenagers below the age of twenty four being taken to one of the colleges in the city.

It didn't take long for Henry to see some armed man forcing one of the a teenagers and her mother to follow them, Henry felt disgusted but he didn't go help them, in fact no one went to help, they knew what this city was like, they knew even if they could beat those henchman they would be pissing off someone stronger above them.

They took the metro to a station right in front of the most impressive facility in the whole country.

Right at the entrance life like statues where at display, the thirteen great founders, the healing goddess Barbara Hall, the legendary sniper Richard Evans, the first golden Minotaur Olivia Grace, the first elf Lewis Hill, the first purple witch Annabelle Reed, the impenetrable wall Brian Adams, the fire demon Angela White, the first lion king Andrew king, the first metal man Joe Anderson, the first amazon Michele Reyes, the legendary swordsman Charles Walker, the legendary scout Patrick Holt, and the savior Henry Evans.

Melancholy always hit him every time he saw anything related to the founders, he still had some hope they where alive – even though they disappeared two hundred years ago, no one knew where they went not even the matriarchs and patriarchs of the families.

Henry looked at his statue – many compared him with it – some say he is more beautiful, others say the representations of the hero was not true to his real appearance.

Not even Henry really knew if the statue was true to his old appearance, he didn't get much of a chance to look at himself at a mirror, but he knew his new form was more beautiful.

Derick said "Did you know the matriarch named you after him?"

"Yes she told me before, I can see the resemblance." stopping in front of a transparent blue barrier.

Derick gave Henry a special blue crystal card with his name written on it and said "We can't go further from here, will be waiting outside until you finish, good luck kid."

"Thanks, see out later." Henry took the card and passed thru the barrier like it was made of air, Cerbes no being impeded either as he counted as part of him.

The two followed the signs until he reached a magnificent amphitheater. Around the arena in the middle there where thousands seats, all comfortable, with more than enough space to not feel very crowded.

Henry sat on one of the chairs, not expecting any less from one of the best colleges in the world – Cerbes seating at a seat by his side – and started looking thru his phone.

He read Kathy message "Hey I will be watching the power test, do the ok sing with your hand if you are really the dragon boy."

He sent "Sure, just don't go crazy when I actually do it."

She sent right after "Can't wait to see a fatty doing the ok sing."

Henry went thru his group of friends messages,

Roger sent "Yo I can see Henry, he and Cerbes are on the right in the middle. What is with the hood Henry? You look ridiculous."

Lena sent "Of course he is wearing a hood, otherwise he would be surrounded by people. He still looks better than you frog face."

Roger sent "I am half toad, toad! You mother is the one with a frog face."

"What did you say about my mom? You fat bastard."

"I am not fat this is how my race looks you incest elf."

A small smile formed on his lips seeing they go at each other, but he did not read much, guarding his cellphone when he saw the principal – a handsome blond half golden bull man of the Grace family – and one grand elder of each of the grand families walking into the arena in the middle of the amphitheater.

Holographic screens appeared in the air on the middle of the amphitheater, showing a closer shot of them.

The whole amphitheater went quiet, awaiting for the principal to talk.

The principal said "Welcome, my name is Julian Grace, I am the principal of this college, with me is one and grand elder of each founding family.

Today we will be testing your power and skill in a variety of different tests, all your results will be scored by the grand elders.

Your names will be called at random, when your name is called come down to the arena, if you are not here within ten seconds you are disqualified."

The elders and the principal sat at the judge seats prepared for them then called the first name.