
The obsidian blade

With a smile on his face Henry held the boar horn and stopped the two hundred kilo boar in its place. His muscles bulged to twice their size as he hugged the boar horn and begun lifting it of the ground then in a swift movement he suplexed it.

The crowd looked at Henry with their mouth open wide, never in their life did they think the ten years old pretty boy could lift that huge boar.

The ash hog got up from the ground, barely being able to stand in his four legs.

Not wanting the boar to suffer anymore Henry approached his hand of the boar head, his hand begun to crackle with lightning then a lightning bolt shot from his hand, destroying the head of the boar.

The announcer said loudly "What, What a show! What a show of strength! What a show of power! Let it be known, the dragon boy doesn't just has pure beauty, he has power! Let it be known that the Garcia family has new genius!"

The crowd cheered as Henry waved at them and walked back towards the waiting room.

As he walked back he read one of the two screens that appeared in front of him.

"Congratulations you received a technique, Reckless boar charge (Uncommon), for your first kill."

"Oh, I got a second first time skill. It did reset my levels so it is only right."

He closed the level up window and the skill window, then asked his loyal hellhound "How did I do? Was I impressive?"

"Master was incredible, but master has trained the sword, martial arts and learned new skills for years now but showed none of it. Why show just pure strength?"

"To show how powerful I am, if I fought it with skills it would be over in an instant, that wouldn't be very nice to those watching and I wanted to help mom rub in it Lisa face."

As soon as he walked thru the door Christoper run to him and hugged him, Henry feeling like his ribs would be smashed to pieces.

"That is my nephew! What a show! How can such a tiny body have so much strength."

Henry rubbed his chest, feeling like the beating he gave to the boar came back to him.

The elder looked at him up and down, his face not changing, then said "Let us go meet the others, I have some things to say."

Thankfully Henry didn't have to pass by a corridor filled with people to get to the private booth everyone else was.

Amanda ran up to him and hugged him tightly, making Henry feel today was the day he died – death by bear hugs.

"You scared me to death, why didn't you use your sword? You want to give me a hearth attack?"

"I, can't breath."

"Oh, sorry sweety, mom was just worried" she gently caressed his head and kissed his cheek.

The stoic elder cleared his throat to get everyone attention then said "As everyone already knows Henry passed the test.

Since he was home schooled I would like to ask you Amanda if he has enough knowledge to pass the written test for the academy?"

Without needing to think Amanda said "Of course he can pass that easy test, he is very smart. But I won't let him enter that academy, he is too young."

"Mom, I am not to young, you just don't want me away from home."

"This, yes, of course I don't want you away from home, but you are also to young. I won't change my mind on this, don't even try."

The stoic elder said "I will have to ask you to change your mind, otherwise things will become difficult for you when the grand elders get involve in this matter."

"Why would the grand elders get involved in this? I don't see this as being their problem."

"You underestimate the fame he been getting from those pictures you have been posting. Some grand elders already had their eyes on him, when this fight gets to them I doubt they would miss the chance of getting a disciple that will boost their status, even if it means making a lot of trouble to you."

Henry said "See mom, I will have to go to college or everyone will be getting in trouble."

Amanda rubbed her forehead, trying to think on a way out of this, she said "I will think about this, I will give you a ride back to the main family residence."

The stoic elder said "Someone has already come to pick us up, we will be going. Don't make any reckless decisions." He took one last look at Henry then left with Lisa.

When they where out Henry asked "What is the name of that elder? He seems nice."

Karen said "His name is Nicholas, but everyone calls him the Judge, because he is so strict and enforce the clan rules, he also has a weird skill with the same name too."

"What a cool nickname, much better than dragon boy."

James said "You could get a mohawk like me, people might call you hawk like they did to me."

"Wasn't your nick name little bird and people made even more of fun of you because of that?"

"Who told you that?!" James looked at Christopher and Gary, who looked to the side, trying not to laugh. "I will get you bastards for this."

Henry said to Amanda, who was still thinking, "Can we go back home? I want to finish opening my presents and play with Hestia."

"Uh, sure sweety, lets head back."

"You don't need to worry about me that much, I am strong and smart, I can take care of myself."

Amanda gently caressed his head, she knew Henry very well, she knew he would be safe, she knew long ago he would for sure be going to college after this. But she couldn't help but to worry, knowing he would be fighting monster if he entered the college.

Back at the huge mansion they lived, Henry picked his presents and went to his room, opening them as Hestia watched at the side.

Many adults and kids would go crazy over a single of the presents he got, but the only ones that interested him at first was the last generation phone and spell ring that boosted his strength a little.

It was when he opened the last of his presents, he got excited.

Opening a reinforced metal case he saw a black katana in a black sheath. As soon as he took the sword out of its scabbard glowing red runes appeared thru the blade "This feeling, don't tell me this is." with his interest fully piqued he used his appraisal ability.

"Enchanted lesser dragon obsidian katana (E)

Description: A katana styled sword made out of an obsidian rock melted by a lesser fire dragon fire breath and mixed with the blood of a lesser fire dragon.

Enchanted with a top E rank dexterity formation.

Effects: +30 dexterity, strength skills of the fire element and of draconic nature.

Creator: Carl Ford."

"Jesus! HOLY SHIT! What in the hell was my mom thinking. This, this is a million dollar sword, no it probably costs a lot more.

Two, maybe even three millions at a big auction. It more than doubles my dexterity, that damnable chicken wouldn't have stood a chance against me if I had this.

Hehehe, lets make this beauty even better."

Holding the katana with both hands he activated his legendary skill devouring dragons blade – his eyes and the two small horns on his forehead glowed in a bright blue light, on top of his hand black scales appeared and his nails turned dark blue and grew longer.

A glowing blue long Chinese dragon traveled from the guard of the blade to its tip – devouring the red runes on the blade as it did, the red runes appearing on his long body.

The black blade glowed blue like it was made of a laser – only a black line on the dragon outline remaining.

Henry deactivated the skill as soon as it was done, only a few second had passed and almost half of his mana was drained.

"Enchanted lesser dragon obsidian katana (E++)

Description: A E++ katana styled sword made out of an obsidian rock melted by a lesser fire dragon fire breath and mixed with the blood of a lesser fire dragon.

Enchanted with a top E rank dexterity formation. Further enhanced by a legendary dragonic skill.

Effects: +37 dexterity, strength skills of the fire element and of draconic nature.

Creator: Carl Ford."

"Plus seven points and it is sharper and more durable, this skill consumes a lot of mana, but damn this skill is amazing."

Henry put the katana back at the sheath and strapped into his waist. He looked at the box with some special fire fruits for Hestia then looked at her, who was looking at her with pleading eyes.

"No, I already gave you a fire worm today." Hestia understood what he said, but still gently pushed him with pleading eyes.

Henry tried to walk towards the safe, but she rapidly slithered in his way. "No, is no Hestia, you know it is a waste to eat so many treasures so fast."

Hestia gave him an angry look then turned his head to the side and slithered away – thinking she had succeeded in acting angry – so he would want to please her with food like she done before.

But when she looked back she saw him walking towards the safe she rapidly slithered in front of the safe.