
Dynasty of fire

Henry said "Out of the way Hestia, this things are expensive, I am not giving you more today."

Hestia shook her head, refusing to get out of the way unless she received the new snack.

Henry sighed and released an extremely oppressing aura. The illusion of a long black dragon – with three blue eyes and two blue long glowing horns – appeared in Henry place in Hestia perspective.

She felt a mountain weight trying to crush her, Even thought she only had a minute amount of dragon blood in her veins, she still had it, and it was enough to make her know Henry was way above her.

Henry only kept his aura for a few seconds, then said "Go back to your bed and think about what you did, bad snake."

Very obedient this time Hestia slithered back to her bed, with her head low, feeling sad and fearful.

Henry shook his head and put the box of fruits at the safe, he looked at Cerbes that was happily biting the E rank bone Henry got as a present, then he looked at the other presents at the bed, the lasted virtual reality headset, a top F rank dark brown hide armor and a little piece of the purple adamantine, which one of his aunt always gave to him as present.

He picked the armor and little piece of adamantine and walked into his closet. The lights turned on automatically revealing his wardrobes, full of clothes, and a wall with twenty two swords decorating it.

Putting the armor on the wardrobe and the little piece of adamantine on a hidden box that only he knew of – filled with enough of it to make a D rank dagger, unfortunately his family didn't know one smith that could make it.

After sorting things out he walked beside Hestia and gently patted her head. She enjoyed the caressing, but looked at him with sad eyes.

"Do you want to go outside and play a little? We can play tail tennis."

When she heard tennis she instantly became happy, she slithered out of her bed and followed Henry, Cerbes following them with his new bone on his mouth.

On a tennis court Henry stood on one side and Hestia in the other. Henry picked a tennis ball made of monster hide and used his tail to whip it towards Hestia, who whipped it back at him.

They kept whipping the balls for hours, the ball was so fast that it was barely visible to the normal human eye, yet none of them missed it once until Hestia got tired and let it pass.

After Henry cleaned Hestia and Cerbes, he took a shower and had dinner with his mom and his uncles and aunties, then he laid on his bed and put his new virtual reality headset on.

He appeared on a white space, his account on the spiritweb logging in automatically after reading his mana signature.

As soon as he was logged in, the mansion he had created appeared around him, the walls where a light shade of blue, paintings he had made hung on almost all walls of the mansion – most of them being about animes, games and things that marked his life, such as his old family and friends from the army.

"Wow, now I understand why this thing is so expensive, it is much faster, loaded everything in a second.

Uh, four notifications, shit, videos of my fight already spread this much… man it does look like I was showing myself.

Fuck it, I am not talking with anybody until this thing dies down a bit."

Just as he thought that an invite to a private place where his friends where appeared in front of him.

He looked at the side and saw that his always offline status didn't save with the change in headset. "Goddammit" he cursed pressing the accept.

Roger, a half toad young man, with a short and round body, no neck, a head with the same thickness as his chest, lime green slippery skin and round yellow cheeks, said as soon as he appeared "He is here! Our precious boar lifter!"

Henry felt as any desire to talk had disappeared in an instant when he heard that.

Lena, a pretty skinny elf teenager girl, with long green hair and eyes, and pimple beneath her left eye, laughed, her laugh very pleasant to the ear, then said "Be careful Roger, he might think you are a boar and supplex you."

Scott, a stylish young black man, with locks styled black hair with the points painted like flames, wearing a robe with a phoenix crest, he said "Be careful guys, he might send his army of fan girls on us."

Andrew half lion young man, whit a mane for hair, and a lion tail above his butt, which Henry was certain was a decedent of the sex maniac Andrew, just laughed at Henry expense.

Henry said "I really hate you guys."

Lena said "We are joking, joking, and happy birthday!" as soon as she said that a giant animated cartoon cake fell of the sky.

"Happy birthday!" "Happy birthday dragon boy!" "Happy birthday Henry." they said, fireworks exploding in the sky.

Roger asked "So what did you get? Who won this time?"

"My Mom won again, she went crazy this time with the birthday. A E rank katana made of lesser dragon obsidian."

Andrew said "What the, not even my Dad gives me those kind of presents, and I am his favorite. Where did she get that?"

"I don't know, she definitely didn't pay millions for it. She goes a bit crazy on presents, but not this much."

Lena said "Maybe someone used it to pay a loan, they work with loans right?"

"Yeah its probably that, they do have a lot of hunters that take loans to buy equipment.

Hey Roger, do you know a Carl Ford?"

Roger said "Of course I know him, he is my uncle. He is a well known smith, wait! I know that katana, completely black with red runes on the blade right, my uncle is looking for it.

Actually he is looking for the guy who gave him the materials and asked him to forge it, it is really hard to find such high quality materials. He even had a lesser dragon."

Scott asked "How hard is to find a guy so powerful he has a dragon?"

"That is that the weird part, the guy paid for the sword and used a spell to disappear. My uncle thought he was from one of the unknown kingdoms, but now Henry has the sword, so who knows."

Henry asked "Can your uncle work with D rank materials?"

Roger looked at Henry like he was looking at someone with 0 iq and said "Are you crazy? You need to be at least half way thru D rank to work with D rank materials."

Scott said "Not really, if you have one of those forging skills you can do it while in the E rank, maybe even F depending on the skill and material."

"Dude, dude, you are talking about a rare forging skill, not uncommon or common. You have a higher chance of getting a mythical skill than getting a rare forging skill."

Andrew said "You can also be born as one of the Smith family, I heard a few of them managed to learn a rare forging skill."

Henry said "I heard that too, its related with the founder being blessed the by the god of forging."

Roger sighed "Can we talk about something else? This subject makes me depressed, knowing I may never have a forging skill is too sad."

Henry said "Don't worry, if I ever learn the legendary dragonic forging skill of the king in the west I will be sure to rub it in your face."

"That is it, you have crossed the line, I am blocking you."

Lena laughed "You guys are so dumb, anyway are we playing that new battle royal game?"

Henry said "I am not, I am finally going to play Dynasty of fire."

Roger said "No way, did you get the reality four thousand? Dude can you ask your mom to adopt me?"

"No" Henry said and exited the room, going back to his virtual mansion.

He opened the store window and looked for Dynasty of fire, buying it for five hundred dollars without batting an eye.

It downloaded in a minute and he opened it, a screen appeared in front of him – playing a loud epic music. In the screen fire burned around a single button, with play written on it.

When he pressed the button a character creating screen appeared, he just put the model of himself and pressed play again.

Suddenly he appeared on a medieval village, his clothes changing to simple dirty villager clothes, his body felt slow and heavy, much like before everything changed, when he was a short fatty.

"Ugh, this sucks, man did I really use to live like this? I feel like a slug. I can see why they used this game as advertisement for training, you can't rely on your stats until you level up, just pure skill.

Now where do I go? There are no quests and no main mission. I also have no money or weapon. Should I just steal one if I find it? Well why not, games are made so I can do stuff I wouldn't do in real life."

Without a direction to follow Henry walked thru the dirt roads of the village, looking for a weapon to steal.