
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 31

Indra was currently floating in a seemingly dark void with no light source whatsoever, 'Ah, not this again,' he thought, illuminating his surrounding with a fireball. "Enough with the theatrics Carter, just fucking come out," he stated, hissing in annoyance.

The void brightens up as it seemingly turns into a 21st century CEO's office, with a 30 year old looking man with slick black hair sitting down on the office chair behind the desk. "It's nice to meet you again Indra," the man said. Pointing towards the couch, he motioned for Indra to sit.

"What do you want this time?" Indra asked as he sat down. "Get straight to the point, I do not have the energy to deal with your nonsense."

"I see, so you're still mad about that incident," Carter replied, chuckling at the tone of Indra.

"Incident?! you mean giving me no other option but to partake in a war I have no interest in," Indra said, five ash bones circled dangerously in front of the still chuckling Carter. "If you don't stop, I'd use the power you gave me to end your life. You may claim you work for a god but you're no god, I reckon I'm closer to being a god than you are. So do not test me, Carter."

"Ah, my apologies Indra," Carter replied, his face turning vicious.


The entire office gets destroyed as Carter ran up to Indra, appearing right in front of him sending a punch to his face. Indra summons his gunbai to defend, blocking the incoming fist of Carter sending him flying across the now somewhat bright void littered with stars illuminating everywhere. Carter not giving any chance to Indra appeared behind Indra, punching him again sending him back to the direction he had been.

Indra manages to reorient himself, his eyes turn red as he activates his newly acquired rinnegan. Carter appears right in front of Indra, with Indra's hand completely grasping his neck. He wasn't able to react as his body became riddled with the 'All Killing Ash Bones' jutsu of Indra, turning his entire body into dust. A small breeze came out of nowhere spreading the ash far into the cosmos.

*Crack* *Crack*

A loud and continuous cracking sound rings out as the space starts crumbling. A purple portal appears right in front of Indra, as he steps into it, he says "Get in Carter, we both know you have another clone here."

"Instantaneous teleportation, so that's the ability that came with the rinnegan. Too bad you can't use it on yourself," Carter says, as he steps into the portal just behind Indra.

They both appeared in Indra's study bidding goodbye to the cracking space they had just engaged in. Indra walked up to a chair and sat down, pointing towards the couch for Carter, who just chuckled as he sat down.

"You've gotten somewhat powerful Indra, Lord Aizen's investment in you is proving to be what it. Although anyone with the abilities you were given would do the same, so it's nothing to be proud of."

Indra chuckled before replying, "Your opinion has nothing to do with me."

"You should be more respectful to someone that can kill you as easy as it would be to breathe," Carter replied with a smirk.

"As I said, your opinions mean nothing to me, Carter," Indra said, dismissing him. "Now would you tell me about this war I'm being made to partake in."

"As I told you the very first time we met, there are thousands of gods in existence, and Lord Aizen is one of those gods, the head of his pantheon. But what I never mentioned was anyone can gain power rivalling that of the gods albeit under the right circumstance."

"Then why was no one on earth able to do that?" Indra asked, interrupting him.

"I was about to get to that," Carter said. "Earth is a special planet, it's the origin, the centre of the multiverse. Without earth, nothing would exist in the multiverse as everything originates from it."

"So theoretically I can return to earth if I'm able to find it?" Indra asked.

"Not quite," Carter replied. "Once a soul is dragged out of that universe, it can never return. Earth has its own rules, if every being from earth that had been reincarnated into a different world and gained abilities earthling can never gain were to return, what do you think would happen? So due to that, there's a barrier around earth's universe protecting it."

"So once a soul is brought out of earth, it is no longer recognised as the soul of an earthling?" Indra asked, gaining a positive nod in return from Carter. "So what if they leave physically? say a human from earth leaves to Mars or something and finds some kind of power, would they be able to return?"

"No, the universe earth exists lacks magic in a sense, they exist but humans would never be able to use it as long as they're in it. Chakra, chi, mana, ki, whatever energy you can think of originates from earth but humans on earth would never be able to wield any of it unless they leave to a different world. This is a side effect of being the origin, like earthlings say, too much of everything is bad, and the energy originating from earth is too chaotic and numerous for humans to be able to wield any one of them in particular, but earthlings all have the soul capability to wield them but not while on earth.

Now back to what you originally asked, Anyone can become a god-like being, and the Otsutsuki clan discovered they could do this by devouring the life on various planets due to their parasitic nature and they finally had a being from their clan gain the power equal to the gods after the death of numerous planets. Although they still lack the authority of the gods and now they're after it. So it's our duty to stop them before they can grow any further."

"Hahaha," Indra just laughed upon hearing the last thing Carter said. "You mean they threaten the authority of those gods. They knew an Otsutsuki was born but they had no clue a god had something to do with it, so I can theorise only actual born gods are able to reincarnate souls from earth. So now tell me, Carter. Why was I made to be an Otsutuski if their very existence is revolting and threatening to those gods."

"I do not know the will of Aizen-sama," Carter replied impassively.

"You have roughly 10 years, possibly less than that. And now they know Kaguya is gone and the humans here are strong enough to fight their weaker members, so they'd be coming to plant a god tree here. So you should prepare, they won't send a weak person to carry out such a task," Carter said as his body starts flickering.

"I'd overlook your actions today, but they won't be a next time. You may have gotten powerful but you're still too green to face me," Carter coldly stated, disappearing from the dimension.

Indra just snorted in reply, not regarding the words of warning Carter left him with.

[Indra POV]

After Carter left, I began thinking of what he said, 'The Otsutsuki clan huh, If they're the enemies of the gods, why was I made one?' I was stuck trying to see the reason behind it, it made no sense to me to give someone you can't control the power of your enemy. 'Unless I'm an experiment,' My eyes widen as I finally figured out why.

'It wasn't because of my soul or whatnot but because they want to see if they could become Otsutsuki themselves. The gods are born gods so they probably can't grow in power, I do not believe some of those gods aren't greedy, they definitely want to get stronger but they can't. So if you reincarnate a human soul with the capability to use any kind of energy in the world, give the ability to gain the required energy and a body that adapts and assimilates everything, then take over the body when it's powerful enough and can now produce those energies for itself without, creating the perfect body for anyone. The soul of a human would never be as powerful as that of a god so it should be somewhat easy to do so,' I frowned at my line of thought, maybe I was overthinking it but if it was true it would prove to be a disaster for me.

I sighed thinking about what brought about my involvement in their war.


After Indra got fed to the Juubi, he woke up in a void with the only illumination coming from the red chakra ball the size of several suns. The red chakra ball had a small but visible black dot on it, slowly spreading.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"Is this... is this inside the juubi?"

"Correct, your body is currently that black mark on the chakra of the juubi," a voice rang out from behind him.

Turning around in shock taking a battle stance, Indra only relaxed after he saw the face of Carter. "Mr Carter, what are you doing here, am I dead?" he asked, completely disregarding what Carter had just said.

Chuckling, Carter replied, "No you're not, your body is that black mark on the chakra of the juubi trying to devour it. That was a risky gamble you took there."

"I had no other option," Indra retorted.

"Yeah, I know. But that's not why I am here, we have helped you twice now, so it's time you pay up." Carter said, taking a more serious tone.

"Twice? I only remember your system taking over my body."

"Did you think you can just give access to the system when you want, it was approved by me so of course, you have to pay for it," Carter replied.

"What do you want?" Indra asked, his voice turning cold.

"It's simple, you'd fight in our war against the Otsutsuki clan."

Indra hissed in annoyance before replying, "Not interested, your war has nothing to do with me. Don't transfer access to the system, I'd find my way out after I'm done with the Juubi."

Carter chuckled before replying, "Too late, we already did. So it can't be rescinded."

"So I have no other option? that's what you're saying. You did it knowing full well I'd reject if I was asked."

"You have no option Indra, but it would be easier for you if you willingly fight for us. You'd be stuck here for a while, so think about it. I'd return after you leave to discuss more with you," Carter laughed as he disappeared, his laughter still audible even after disappearing.

Indra turns to the chakra of the juubi and the black mark had considerably spread but it still wasn't covering, 1/1000000th of the entire chakra of the Juubi.

"Guess I'd be here for a while," he whispered, sighing in frustration.