
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 30

A week had passed since I returned and I've spent every day with my sister, and quite frankly I enjoyed it. I told her about our parents, although I had to embellish the story a lot when it came to our father. Luckily, when the system dimension partially collapsed after I got into the Juubi's stomach, the body of our mother was stored inside the inventory so I created a crypt for her, although my sister cried a lot when we buried our mother, it was understandable though so I couldn't fault her for that. I also noticed she'd gained a slight inferiority complex due to growing up amongst extremely powerful shinobi and not being able to use chakra for the first twelve years of her life despite being told she had massive amounts of it.

She went to Konoha from Uzushiogakure after Mito got married to Hashirama ten years ago, as she got older she started getting bullied by the children her age for her apparent lack of chakra talent, and it was spearheaded by the children her age from the Uchiha clan, they were transferring blame to her due to Madara losing his eye in our fight. Of course, as a good brother, I promised to kill anyone that dares bully her from now on and kill their entire family if they dared to complain. Safe to say I traumatised the child that was raised on the stupid peace loving ideal of the Uzumaki clan and Hashirama.

'I do not remember destroying Madara's eye though, it probably happened during my fight with Jigen,' I thought, but dismissing it quickly as I couldn't care less about what happened to his eye.

While extremely happy to spend time with me after my absence during what is almost her entire childhood, I could see she was itching to return back to Konoha, I didn't know what the exact reason was but I theorised it's because of the nine year old daughter of Hashirama and Mito, they grew up together so it kind of made sense they'd be best friends.

I called over my sister who was busy playing with the foxes, "Ayaka-chan, do you want to return to Konoha?" Although I had no interest in joining Konoha and even if I do want to join, it won't be as a shinobi it would just be where I'd live when I'm not travelling around the continent or staying inside the dimension. But as a Naruto fan in my past life I still want to see the village, call it satisfying my curiosity.

"Yeah," she enthusiastically answered. "Can I take Shiro with me?" she asked after a short hesitation pointing at the white fox.

"Really, you named her Shiro?!" I sarcastically said to her already blushing form. "Yeah. you can, only if she agrees to go with you though."

I chuckled as she jumped in joy, running back to ask the fox. "I probably wouldn't be able to come up with a better name though," I whispered as I went back into the house not before instructing the fox to accompany her everywhere from now on.

An hour later I was walking down the streets of the budding Konoha with Ayaka and Shiro skipping right alongside me. I could sense the shinobi that had been following me secretly since I stepped out of the portal inside the village. 'Hashirama isn't stupid enough to send shinobi to watch me, so they were most likely sent by Tobirama,' I chuckled at the futility of the entire debacle.

I stopped as a felt my sister tense before wrapping her hands around mine, I frowned as I saw the five children with Konoha headbands wrapped around their heads walking towards us with haughty expressions on their faces, Her reaction to just seeing them already confirmed my conjecture and sensing the chakras' of the shinobi sent to watch over me scrambling about made it more resounding that they were the little inferior creatures that bullied my sister. Although I wasn't going to do anything about that, I'm going to start her training soon so she can do that by herself when she gets stronger than all of them in two weeks.

"Nii-san, lets go this way," she said in a mosquito like voice, pulling me towards a different route.

I nodded as she tried to pull me along but the young master syndrome ensured they'd hurriedly come and block our way. 'The young master syndrome, it would always ensure a young master/mistress would pick on you even if you're in a crowded place, most of the time it happens when you're actively trying to avoid them,' I chuckled, earning a glare from these little brats and that made me laugh out. It was amusing seeing what I assume to be twelve year olds glaring at me, although I technically still had the body of a thirteen year old since I didn't age at all physically in the past twelve years as I existed as chakra inside the Juubi.

"If it isn't the trash of Konoha, I thought you ran away after the last time we met, now that Honoka-hime is a ninja she's not always around to protect you, who is going to stop us from beating you up eh?" surprisingly the shortest one amongst them was the one running his mouth to Ayaka.

'Doesn't this brat see me here, how can he comfortably say shit like this in the presence of an adult' I wondered as I stared at him while he ran his mouth. 'Interesting, although his chakra reserves are on the smaller side, he must be an Itachi-esque character. Too little chakra but massive talent, that's probably why he got arrogant, everyone has been telling him how he's a once in a generation genius, but then they said he had little chakra to match up so now he has to train extra hard to utilise his small chakra very well. Then seeing someone with massive chakra but zero talent made him jealous,' I nodded my head already coming to a conclusion.

"Nii-san, lets go," Ayaka muttered, trying to drag me away.

The short brat pushed her on the chest, "Where do you think you're going, I'm talking and you're trying to leave, an elite genie of the Uchiha clan," The brat said with his chest puffed out.

'Ok no, he's just an idiot,' I thought, already losing interest.

"Ayaka-chan, I'm sure did Mito teach you how to use chakra?" I asked my little sister.

"Yes, but I can't use chakra," she replied with a downcast tone, ashamed at her perceived lack of talent.

"You know how to use hand seals right," I asked again and she nodded.

"Just listen to me and do as I say," I said to her and she nodded fully trusting me. "Feel your chakra like you were taught by Mito."

I ignored the sneering brats, I told her the hand seals for 'Ice Release: Absolute Freezing Sphere' and S-rank jutsu that freezes everything in a 10m radius around the user. The shinobi around tried to interfere but the chakra rods hovering right in front of them made them remain in their positions. Black ice spreads around Ayaka freezing everyone around her except me of course, I didn't spare the brats anymore of my time before leaving with Ayaka.

"Nii-san, I did it! I can use chakra now," She said, jumping up about with a wide smile on her face. I smiled too in return, her happiness affecting me slightly.

"Ayaka-chan, after we leave, do you want to go on a trip with me? I can teach you how to use chakra properly too," I asked her.

"Yes," she replied with enthusiasm.

I chuckled at her, 'I needed to get stronger so I had to leave, I had to go finish what I'd started twelve years prior. I needed Kaguya's Juubi to increase my strength for the war I'd gotten myself involved in.'


[Inside the Hokage's office]

"Anija, are we going to let him do whatever he wants in our village??" Tobirama stated angrily, addressing the current Hokage.

Hashirama sighed in exhaustion before replying, "Let it be Tobirama, there's nothing we can do about it."

Tobirama not willing to let it go retorted, addressing Madara, "Those were your Uchiha clan members, are you going to stand by and let that happen. He almost killed them, why am I the only one here seeing a problem."

"Hashirama is right, let it go, there's nothing we can do about it. The entire village would not be able to survive if we anger him," Madara replied, releasing his own exhausted sigh.

"You did not feel it," Madara visibly shivered. "His chakra, we sensed it. No, he allowed us to sense it and yet we couldn't feel the depth of it. His chakra felt wild and malicious, I don't know what happened to him in the past twelve years but his chakra is different. Before it was cold, but now it feels different, like that of a beast. It's like he's one of the tailed beasts."