
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 17

In a room with just a table and a chair on both sides of the table making the room very simple and plain, a spiky black-haired shinobi was sitting on the chair flipping through the documents on the table.

Tch!! The shinobi hissed in annoyance, 'To think 'Indra the Bloodline Mimic' would be this hard to find.'

*knock* *knock*

"Come in," The shinobi said in annoyance before turning his attention back to the paperwork on his desk.

He looked up when the person on the other side of the door entered, "What is it Izuna?"

Izuna walked up to the only empty chair in the room before seating. He balled his fist in frustration before speaking with annoyance lacing his tone, "We lost contact with the clan members sent to watch the clan compound of Indra. I suspect they were killed by him, but how he could kill Uchiha clan shinobi without at least one of them being able to escape or even send a message is beyond me. What should we do nii-san? we can't afford to lose any clan member to him, our ongoing conflict with the Senju clan should be our primary focus."

"Our conflict with the Senju clan is still my main priority, but the Senju clan has offered a peace treaty. I think I should start considering his offer, I've gotten tired of the endless bloodshed just like the Senju." said the other shinobi.

Bang!!! slamming his fist on the desk, Izuna angrily spoke out "Nii-san, you can't trust the words of a Senju. Those bastards killed everyone, have you forgotten that nii-san?"

"Ah! maybe you're right Izuna," the other shinobi exclaims with an exasperated sigh.

"I want this mission over as fast as possible. You're the strongest in the clan besides me so I want you to carry out the mission yourself, Indra is strong but you now possess the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, you should be able to kill him easily."

"Hai nii-san," Izuna exclaims before walking out.

After Izuna left the office the other shinobi turned his attention back to the document on his desk before sighing again, 'Hashirama, can we still show our guts to each other like we did when we were children?'


'Mangekyo Sharingan'

Indra's irides turn red with black concentric circles in it, the information of abilities he awakened flowing directly into his mind.

*'Jikan Hanten' 'Time reversal', his right eye allows him to rewind time on him by 5 seconds.*

*'Amaterasu', his left eye allows him to summon a black flame that burns until the target has been incinerated.*

'Good abilities, although I'd have preferred a non-generic ability. Well, Amaterasu is good too I guess?!' Indra thought before heading towards the capital of the Land of fire.


A few hours had passed, with Indra making inroads on the journey towards the Land of Fire Capital. 'How did I forget I could just create a portal to the capital, would have saved me the hours I just spent, oh well!! I might as well just continue,' he thought.

Slowing down slightly, 'Hmm, they're fighting ahead, an Uzumaki?' he thought upon sensing the disturbance ahead.

When he got to the scene of the fight, he remained on the tree, comfortable just spectating. Focusing on the fight happening below him, he could see the bodies of multiple dead shinobi scattered around with about 10 of them still standing facing against an 18 year old looking Uzumaki clan member, although they were quickly demolished by the Uzumaki shinobi.

'I've not absorbed an Uzumaki's chakra before, hopefully, this one....' he wasn't able to finish his current line of thought before the Uzumaki spoke out, "You on that tree, stop hiding I can sense you already."

'Hmm, hopefully, this Uzumaki also possesses the Adamantine sealing chains, I have no use for the Mind's eye of the Kagura,' he thought before jumping down from the tree.

"You don't have to be tense unless you prove to be a threat I have no plans of attacking you," he said in a bid to calm the tense shinobi.

"So you're not part of these shinobi that attacked me?" the Uzumaki shinobi asked.

"Haha, If I was you'd be dead already Uzumaki-san," came the reply from Indra.

"How did you know what clan I was from?!" the shinobi exclaims, powerful chakra pouring out ready to attack him. "Choose your next words carefully shinobi-san," the Uzumaki shinobi coldly said.

Indra chuckled, "Enough enough, stop threatening me, I can feel the overwhelming life force from you, plus your red hair making it easy to guess what clan you're from."

Ending the chakra pressure, and then lowering her stance but further increasing her guard, 'I can feel how powerful he is, hopefully, he's not an enemy,' the Uzumaki shinobi thought before replying him, "Sorry, I thought you were an enemy, I'm Uzumaki Mito."

"Hmm, I'm Hatake Indra," he calmly replied as if unbothered by Mito's earlier aggressive stance.

It took a few seconds for the name to finally register on her mind, "Indra the bloodline mi...??" she asked not wanting to believe.

"Haha, you know of me. Hmm, I didn't think my fame would have spread all the way to Uzu," Indra stated.

The moment Indra said his name, five golden chakra chains juts out of her back heading towards Indra, quickly forming hand seals, Mito slammed her hand on the ground.

'Uzumaki Sealing Technique: Containment'

A sealing formula flows out of her hand forming a massive sealing inscription below Indra, the formula lights up below him with the chakra chains wrapping around the newly formed barrier. The entire formation lights up intensely before sucking Indra into it.

Mito lets out a huge breath the moment Indra was sealed before falling on her butt, "I knew there was no way I could fight you in my current state. You'd remained sealed here until I inform Hashirama." she said staring towards the sealing formula.

"True, there's no way you could defeat me, " came a voice from behind her.

Immediately jumping on her feet and then creating space between them, without letting out a sound Mito took out a kunai from the holster. Indra appeared in front of her not giving her time to properly defend herself. He created a black rod in his left hand, enhancing his left arm with chakra, he slammed the black rod into her right ribs, the force of the attack sending her hurtling through the trees.

Indra appeared behind her, he grabbed her bloodied body by the neck stopping her hurtling form, "I had no interest in killing you," he said before slamming her face on the ground effectively knocking her out.

'I wonder why I couldn't shrink the adamantine sealing chains, probably because it's connecting to her body? oh well! who knows!' he thought before throwing her unconscious body on his shoulders. He created a portal right in front of him heading towards the system subspace.

Stepping into the portal, Indra summoned Megumi passing her the bloodied body of Uzumaki Mito, "Take her to the room next to mine," he said before heading toward his room to take a shower.

Indra had just finished getting dressed when a knock on his bedroom door sounded out.

"Indra are you in there? can I come in?" came the voice from behind the door.

"Yes mother, you can," came the reply from him.

"Indra, I heard you brought an unconscious woman back with you," she stated

"Yes I did, why are you asking?" he said, turning to look at his mother's face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he said seeing the weird look on her face. "You don't think??" he said but was not able to finish the sentence before bursting out in laughter. "Hahaha, I did not kidnap her, well technically I did but it's most likely not what you're thinking."

"Ok Indra, I just wanted to be sure," she said, laughing then leaving the room.


A day had passed and Mito had shown no sign of gaining consciousness. Indra walked into the room that the still unconscious Mito was, activating his Byakugan, he observed her current chakra levels, 'Hmm, almost 70 percent, it could have been more if her body wasn't healing itself. Uzumaki's are really incredible though,' he thought.

"Oh well!!" he said out loud before walking next to her and absorbing almost the entirety of her chakra. 'Sadly taking her chakra would mean she'd stay out for a few more days.'

Moulding his chakra, he smiled as six chakra chains jut out of his back, wiggling around for a bit before disappearing.

"System show me my current status."

[Acknowledged Host]

[Chakra - ?????????????]

[Unknown Dojutsu - Named Darmagan by Host]

[SukunaHikona - Darmagan - Shrinks Non-living Matter and Host instantaneously]

[Non Living matter Duplication - Darmagan]

[Summoning - Darmagan]

[Wood Release - Complete affinity with Nature Energy]

[Sharingan 3 Tomoe]

[Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - Jikan Hanten(Right eye) - Amaterasu(Left eye)]

[All-Killing Ash Bones]

[Byakugan Variant]

[Hyuga Bloodline - 20% - Tenseigan 20%]

[Ice Release]

[Unknown Otsutsuki ability]

Walking out of the room, Indra summoned Megumi. "I want you to watch her carefully, inform me when she wakes up and make sure she doesn't leave the room unless I ask for her," he said before walking away.


Two shinobi with the traditional shinobi armour of this era stood above a small flowing stream. One of them wearing a red shinobi armour and the other a blue amour with a distinctive white fur collar.

'Hmm, a messenger hawk,' the shinobi in red armour thought before stretching his hand allowing the messenger hawk to land.

Taking the note out of it, the hawk flew back to whoever sent it. The shinobi in red armour frowns as he reads what was on the note.

Noticing the frown on his face, the shinobi in blue armour asks, "What did the note say anija?"

"It says Mito hasn't returned to Uzu since she left here a week ago," came the reply from the shinobi in red armour while passing the note over to his younger brother. "We have to go find her Tobirama," he said in a hurry, turning around to leave.

'Hope she didn't get killed or captured by the Uchiha,' the shinobi in red armour thought dreading what could have happened to her.


A/N:- Just finished this chapter and I wasn't able to edit it because I need to go to bed, hopefully there's no grammatical error in it.