
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 16

[In a Meeting room somewhere in the Land of Fire]

"Daimyo-sama, we cannot allow a shinobi to just kill one of us without retribution. I demand his head!!!!" A pot-bellied man screamed out to the man sitting at the head of the table.

"Fushigawa-san is right Daimyo-sama, an example has to be made, or else something like this would be repeated by these vile shinobi." came the calm reply from another noble in the room.

"Hmm, commission the Uchiha clan to hunt him down and capture him alive, no one can kill a Kuge of my court and get away with it. An example would be made out of him, the one that's known as Indra."


Upon returning to the system space, I had dinner with my mother while checking the growing child. I then checked the chakra reserve of everyone, and their stay in here alongside the consumption of the food produced by the system is proving to be worth it. The average increase in chakra reserve is about 20 percent with a 50 percent increase in both Yuuta and Megumi, while my mother had her chakra reserve increased by about 200 percent but I'm not certain on the cause, it's probably due to me supplying her and the fetus my chakra although I don't know how that's possible.

The next day at dawn I summoned Yuuta and Megumi, I wanted to see how much they've improved. If they're to be my second-in-command they both need to be strong, I know they're both talented and with my help, their potential had rapidly increased so I needed to see how they turn that potential into actual strength.


"Are you both ready?"

"Hai Indra-sama," came the reply from Yuuta and Megumi.

"Come at me with the intent to kill."

Yuuta and Megumi unsheathed their swords before rushing towards me, they both took my warning seriously as both swords were aiming at my vitals ensuring a clean death if it connects. Sadly both strikes were blocked by me as I summoned a gunbai to his left hand.

'Yikes!! they're actually trying to kill me.'

Yuuta did hand seals alongside Megumi, they both jumped back before releasing their respective jutsu.

'Hand seals with one hand, that alone places them among the elites.'

'Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique'

'Wind Release: Great Breakthrough'

Yuuta released a massive orb of fire from his mouth while Megumi blows out wind from her mouth too with both jutsu combining halfway towards me to create an even bigger fireball.

Looking at the massive fireball heading towards me I exclaimed in amazement at how impressive it was, perfectly combining jutsu wasn't exactly easy. Placing my gunbai between me and the incoming jutsu, the jutsu was absorbed by it while getting converted into wind chakra, I wasn't planning on using the 'reflection' ability of the gunbai as that would definitely be overkill.

I leaned heavily to the side dodging the chakra blade of Yuuta coming from behind me before sending my fist to his stomach knocking the wind out of him. I appeared behind Megumi in a twirl sending my outstretched foot to her back, blasting her towards Yuuta that was already trying to get back on his feet. Megumi slammed into Yuuta sending both of them tumbling towards the end of the training ground. Sending chakra to the ground, an earth wall rose behind them with both of them slamming into it further increase the amount of damage they've received.

"Get up," I said while slowly walking towards them giving both of them time to reorient themselves.

They both got up with unsteady and blood streaming down their faces, I was certain they both had at least a broken rib. I could end it here but I wanted to see how far they could go before having nothing else to give.

"Come at me," I said to them again before transforming the gunbai to the sword.


I parried the chakra blade of Yuuta, twisting around him, then parrying the tanto of the slower Megumi. For the next few minutes, we were all engaged in a deadly sword dance, with me parrying or just dodging the deadly sword strikes of my opponents. I could also sense their injuries healing ever so slowly but not fast enough to offset the accrued damage I was inflicting on them.

'So they both gained a weak healing factor, that's unexpected, I wonder if any of the current or future clan members would gain some kind of chakra mutation,' I thought excitedly, accidentally stabbing the shoulder of Yuuta while been basked in excitement.

'Ah! I got too excited,' I muttered when I realised my sword was in his shoulder, I have tried not to seriously damage them up until now. "Can you both still continue?" I asked again seeing how heavily their breaths had become.

"Hai Indra-sama," came the weak and laboured reply from them.

Trying somewhat to level out their breathing patterns, they both took a dead breath before forming hand seals expending most of their remaining chakra in what should be their final attack.

'Water Release: Stormy Blockade'

Yuuta slammed both hands to the floor summoning a massive amount of water from the sky directly on me while avoiding them by forming a circle around him and Megumi. After the water formed Megumi released her own jutsu 'Lightning Release: Thunderbolt', she stretched out her hands releasing a high lightning discharge striking towards me while repeatedly striking the water to increase the power of her technique.

I had no reason to defend, although impressive they lack the necessary power to harm me. So I just stood and let their last attack hit me, I could feel the lightning chakra trying to run amok as it came in contact with my skin but it fizzled out upon coming in direct contact with my chakra.

"Cute but ultimately wasted," I said to them as they both dropped down in defeat upon seeing how futile their attack was.

"You should both rest, you were both impressive so I'd personally be training you both for a while before leaving this dimension."


For the rest of the month, I focused on training both Yuuta and Megumi, I don't remember how might guy trained exactly but I devised a training schedule for both of them that's slightly similar. At the end of every week, I sparred with them evaluating how much they improved, and by the end of the month, they both were at the level of an 'Elite Jonin'.

I just finished sparring with Yuuta and Megumi and I decided to leave the system space to get information on what's happening, although I no longer harboured plans on attacking the Senju clan or the Uchiha clan, you could say I had a change of heart after killing that Noble and then staying in here for an entire month. I realised I got carried away going from constant boredom in my past life to having to fight every time kind of overwhelmed me and I ended up becoming an unnecessary killer. The excitement was too much and I got lost in it. This doesn't mean I won't kill anyone when necessary though, I just won't be trigger happy like I've been.

And if I start getting bored as I did in my past life, I have a solid plan to fix that. I'm going to nerf myself, not power-wise of course. I'd expunge the entire Naruto anime storyline from my memories so I get to experience them myself. Adult Sasuke was able to do that and Naruto was never able to regain the memory even with how powerful he became. Although I'm not as smart as Sasuke I should be able to figure out how it's done.

"I'd be leaving for a while," I told the exhausted pair before creating a portal to the old clan compound.

'Ahh, not again, more shinobi,' I muttered in annoyance at the shinobi I could sense the moment I stepped out of the portal.

Walking towards them without any worry because I already knew they weren't my match, probably only Hashirama and Madara combined would get me to actually try hard in a fight.

"What do you all want? I don't think the 10 of you would be here to welcome me."

"It's simple, we're here for your head." came the haughty reply from one of them.

"Hahaha, I didn't think Uchiha clan members would become lowly bounty hunters."

"Considering I'm trying to be nice, I'd give you all a one-time offer. Turn around and return to your clan, I have no interest in starting an unnecessary fight with the Uchiha clan."

"Kill this arrogant bastard and send his body to the Daimyo," replied the same Uchiha clan shinobi with the others unsheathing their weapons.

'Daimyo? why would the Daimyo........ah right! I did brutally kill that noble and all those Samurai, well totally deserved it. Hmm, I'd go visit him to see how we can resolve this, definitely not to threaten him, I don't have the energy to deal with the Uchiha clan hunting me constantly.'

Taking my mind away from my thoughts, I raised an eyebrow at the charging shinobi before sending chakra rods into all of them. Activating 'Devour' black chakra spreads out of my hands quickly enveloping the 10 bodies, the shinobi bodies deteriorating as the black chakra rapidly eats them away storing the genetic materials before rushing back to my outstretched palms.

Argh!!!! I scream out feeling an intense amount of pain in both eyes. For the next 5 minutes, I couldn't do anything other than screaming out as both eyes felt like they were been stabbed repeatedly.

'What the fuck was that, this never happened before,' I thought while sending Wood release chakra to heal whatever damage might have occurred.

[Mangekyo Sharingan Obtained]

[Mangekyo Sharingan > Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan]

'Is that why it hurt?' I thought upon hearing the voice of the system.

I created a flat ice crystal to use as a mirror before excitedly activating the mangekyo sharingan wanting to see how it looked like and what abilities I got from it.


[Somewhere in the World?]

A monk was sitting on a throne-like chair with a bottle of red wine on the table right in front of him and a half-full glass of wine in his hand seemingly lost In his thought.

'I'm almost certain that chakra I sensed about 8 years ago belonged on an Otsutsuki. The boy known as Indra, the one with the Ōtsutsuki chakra, I don't know how that's possible for a human to naturally become an Ōtsutsuki. Hmmm, I'm sure the clan sensed the chakra, they'd be coming to investigate soon enough. Just you wait Indra, your body would make a perfect vessel.'