
Devourer In Marvel

Gluttony and greed. A concept every being is accustomed to. Some in greater form or less. But for me,… I'm deeply influenced by these both. During my entire life, no matter how much I ate and feasted upon, I was still hungry.  I ate, I ate, I ate, and I ate but I never lost this constant torture of hunger. I was greedy for more, I needed more! No matter what it was, be it bugs, animals, or even humans themselves, I ate them all! But eventually, this curse I've been stuck with all my life has put me to an end. I thought I was finally free from my curse. But alas, I transmigrated into an alien's body, and the curse never left. And the universe I got transmigrated to, which we called marvel, would cause me great misfortune and agony. Luckily I received a gift upon my arrival here, and sure enough, it fits right with me. I may have started at the bottom of the food chain but soon, I'll make the entire universe my feast and become its devouerer! **** Story will be mix between slow and quick, you won't see a hero in marvel in the first 30 chapters or possibly 40. He needs time to familiarize his powers and what not. So if u don't like it then I suggest ignoring this one. doing this for fun Disclaimer the Marvel universe isn't owned by me except for my OC so yeah. ah also the universe will be an AU Another disclaimer: this story has gore and torture in it that will seem disturbing to others so read at your own risk!

Good_Job_Bud · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Why Me

<Random First Pov>

Hello! My name is Lulk Nashle. I live in the Frezze Tribe. Not gonna lie, the name of my Tribe is a weird one but I really didn't mind it at all

My life has been pretty much an ordinary one at most kinda. My Father passed away when I was young, leading to my mother going hunting so me and my brother could eat

I was quite the brat when I was little. Its that I didn't need anything but I want my mother to pay attention to me

Thanks to my stupidity of wanting my mom to pay attention to me more, one day my brother disappeared out of nowhere

This leads to a massive search party to look for my younger brother.

Good news is they found him, but the bad news is that he was dead. I wanted to see him with my own 2 eyes but the rest of the adults pushed me back so I wouldn't able to see him

Luckily or unluckily for me, I saw his body for a quick second. But in that Second, it felt like time had slow down once I looked at his body

His face was beyond unrecognizable, Not even the insides of his head were there but we knew it was him. His faceless face terrified me but when I moved onto his body, I threw up like there was no tomorrow

His skin was peeled off aggressively as well as his internal organs were hanging out like they wanted to get some fresh air

As a kid at the time, it left me with enteral trauma just from seeing that. Even to this day, I started having a mental breakdown just from thinking about it

Multiple emotions washed up in my mind that day. So many I started crying right then and there

My mother heard my cry and came towards me with tears of her own. She embraced me and put my head in her chest while she was crying with me

"I killed him, mommy, I killed him," Those words repeated from my mouth as my mother was hugging me

Even though she told me it wasn't my fault, It was in fact my fault so I repeated the words I was previously saying while she repeatedly said her words

After that day, I didn't want to get up from my bed. Whenever my mom told me to eat, I would ignore her like she wasn't even there at all

One day though, my mother couldn't take it anymore and break the door open with such force, it lead to the door having multiple broken pieces across the floor

She slap me right across the face, only putting a bit of strength into it so I wouldn't get knocked out, but still able to hurt like hell

I looked at her in the face and saw the crying face she once had in the day where they found my brothers body

Just seeing her like this broke my heart to the extreme so I started crying as well, but she didn't bother with my tears as she threatened me

She said if I don't start eating then she will stop eating as well. She also said "if you are planning on dying then I'm dying to as you are the only family I have left"

When I heard that, my tears intensify to the max and repeated the words "sorry" to my mother and promised her I won't ever worry her again

So I now try to be positive from now on so I won't have to see my mom worry about me. I did have a mental breakdown multiple times of course, but I try my very best to ignore that and live a better life

I'm now 21 standing at 5'8 and with lean muscle but of course, I wasn't the strongest in the Tribe.

Well overall, my life has been shit at first but then got gradually better as I even found a wife and now waiting for the baby to be due which is in 3 months

One day while I was ready to go hunting, I've decided to go hunting but in a different location this time so I could horde all of the meat to myself

While I was skinning the hide from this animal, out of nowhere, I felt a burning sensation where my ribcage is at

I look down and saw something stabbing me as well as the hand that was holding it

I turned around to see who it was and my already grim expression turned grimmer. I saw the man currently in front of me as a demon from hell sent to kill me

I was telling him who are you, but he ignored me so I decided to punch him. Well try to punch anyway as he put the thing that stab me deeper into my wound

I try to yell out loud but he covered my mouth my putting cloth into my mouth and started dragging me away from the current area with me being too weak to move

<Alex Pov>

'Good thing he isn't strong or else we would've definitely sense me' I said while dragging the person's butt across the floor to a more secluded area

The area I was currently in definitely had people around as I spotted a few when going over here so I decided to move

Good thing my current strength was good enough to drag this person's ass with no difficulty.

It's annoying dragging him though but after a few minutes of dragging him around aggressively , I found the perfect spot

I then let go of him and the instant I did that, he went full-on attack mode on me, but thanks to his stupidity, I just tripped him as a typical bully does to a nerd

Just looking at him in this miserable state made me kinda bad for him. Who am I'm kidding, I don't give two shits about him anyways

"W-Why me?" He asked in a low voice but I was able to hear him perfectly

"Oh just because I've never seen you in my Tribe before so I decided to go after you," I said leading him to ask one more question

"What Tribe are you from"

"Oh me? Well, buddy, I'm from the Distruzione Tribe"

Hearing that, I saw the mana face go bleach like he was some sort of ghost. His reaction is quite the normal one hearing the name of the Tribe I was living in

"So-so you just attack me because I'm not part of your Tribe?" He asked which I nodded my head, answering his question

"You see, we are planning on going to war with Tribes that we deemed as useful. Even your Tribe as well"

"We will either kill you all or just leave the females alive and use them as sex slaves to calm down our sexual desires as well as making more children that are loyal to our Tribe"

"You guys make me si-"


I kick him straight in the jaw, making it dangling so now he can't talk well

"Don't worry, you will die here so you won't get to see your love one's get r*pe" I said with the biggest smile that look sinister to this man in front of me

Just seeing his despair and anger gave me a quick chuckle

"By the way you are acting, im guessing you have a wife" I guessed right as his expression says it all

"Welp enough of that" I got close to him and grabbed his hand


I cut off his hand effortlessly like I was cutting butter and of course, he screamed out loud like a little bitch so I just shut him up by kicking him, and surprisingly it works

"I guess kicking people do work huh" I whispered while holding the guy's hand to my chin

I smell the aroma of his hands so I started to eat it and I'm not going to lie, the crunches got me even hungrier

I ate the thing in a few seconds which of course made me sad but saw his other hand and decided to cut that one too, making him scream again

After I cut his hand, I stabbed him once again for good luck. I even kicked him where I first stabbed him

Once done with that, I then begin to eat his other hand and while I was distracted, He took this chance to run away. Of course, I expected this as I was planning on letting him run away from the very beginning

So putting up my worried acting face, I started chasing him, not using my full speed. So after a few minutes of chasing him, I pretended to tired out and let him go back to his Tribe so he won't be suspicious

"Well that's part one of my plan completed I guess. I hope this works well"

Before y'all say anything, the mf is going to die and it's quite easy what his plan is

Good_Job_Budcreators' thoughts