
Devourer In Marvel

Gluttony and greed. A concept every being is accustomed to. Some in greater form or less. But for me,… I'm deeply influenced by these both. During my entire life, no matter how much I ate and feasted upon, I was still hungry.  I ate, I ate, I ate, and I ate but I never lost this constant torture of hunger. I was greedy for more, I needed more! No matter what it was, be it bugs, animals, or even humans themselves, I ate them all! But eventually, this curse I've been stuck with all my life has put me to an end. I thought I was finally free from my curse. But alas, I transmigrated into an alien's body, and the curse never left. And the universe I got transmigrated to, which we called marvel, would cause me great misfortune and agony. Luckily I received a gift upon my arrival here, and sure enough, it fits right with me. I may have started at the bottom of the food chain but soon, I'll make the entire universe my feast and become its devouerer! **** Story will be mix between slow and quick, you won't see a hero in marvel in the first 30 chapters or possibly 40. He needs time to familiarize his powers and what not. So if u don't like it then I suggest ignoring this one. doing this for fun Disclaimer the Marvel universe isn't owned by me except for my OC so yeah. ah also the universe will be an AU Another disclaimer: this story has gore and torture in it that will seem disturbing to others so read at your own risk!

Good_Job_Bud · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

A Fight? No A Fucking Massacre

They all stood there like a statue, confused while looking at the headless man and grotesque beast that was in sight of all of them.

Despite not wanting to admit it, they all knew who this beast was. It was the boy they had fought and killed earlier but if something had changed compared to before then it was his body.

Before the boy looked like them with only some changes in legs and arms but now he looks like nothing compared to before.

Despite the pitch darkness, they could see the boy very well. No… he was no boy but a monster in the form of many different beasts.

His head was like that of a spider with 2 venomous fangs sticking right out and 8 eyes looking in a 360 view. His back was covered in a black layer of some type of exoskeleton with 2 wings in the back but it gets truly more disturbing. The arms of many types of insects appear all over the body of the monster, from the side of the abs down to the legs. They were moving slowly and creepy like they had a mind of their own. His torso down to his abs was now covered in dark red fur and covering his torso was some type of exoskeleton but not everything was covered.

There seem to be open holes in the exoskeleton like they were broken wide open. An example of this was where his heart was stabbed, leaving only visible red fur.

The only thing that was sort of the same was his arms and legs but they also have some noticeable differences and improvements. 

They look at the many changes of the beast sweating intensely, hell even he got taller. What they did not know is that he as well made some changes inside his body, including bone dexterity and some organ changes.

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"The hell did it say?"

>)) (>)) _[< +)) !,# ÷+/ _[<. 


In a sudden movement, the beast let out a terrifying scream, relatively paralyzing everyone in a 1 km radius.

Just the mere scream of this monster managed to paralyze them all and that terrify them.

The only people who managed to somewhat withstand it were Astr and Avli but even so, they too have noticeable fear on their faces. Not as much as the others but it's there.

'What the hell is going on? This wasn't mentioned in history about this monster… unless this has never happened before or I didn't have high enough authority. If that's the case then why would they leave such crucial information, because of that we are going to be killed!' Avli thought.


A massive crunch was heard. Turning around they could see another headless man and beside that was the same beast previous before.

Crunch!! Xx??

Multiple crunches were heard as they watched one of their Tribe members get slowly eaten bit by bit. In a matter of seconds the body was gone, the only thing left was blood splatter on the ground.

The beast Looked around aimlessly but for them, the beast seemed to be counting the individuals that were left. There stood 17 of them left. 

Seeing the result of their terrified faces, the monsters' hideous faces smile or try to smile.

"Move please muscles, please"

"I need to get out of here"

"Fuck what are we supposed to do to that thing"

Many voices were heard, all in a tone of desperation and fear. They wanted to leave the chill-filling forest and get away from that monster that was once one of them. No… that was concealed as one of them.


"Finally I can move." Someone murmured while having an injury in their hand that seemed to be self-cause. Who was this somebody you may ask? Well it was Astr

Some heard Astr whisper and wondered how he was able to move again. 


Finally, somebody else was able to move and it was Avli with a clear wound on his hand that wasn't there before.

They all now get the gist of how both of them were able to move, they cause self-harm onto themselves, making the pain override their somewhat paralyze state.

Soon more and more of them began to move and manage to injure themselves with sheer will as it isn't easy stabbing yourself with fingers alone due to the brain making their muscles weaker the moment they try to do anything funny. 

So what will happen to the weaker-willed individuals who can't hurt themselves? They will merely stay there paralyzed. Not everyone can be strong-willed, even if they are a hunter or a soldier who kill on almost a daily basis.

And what has the monster been doing all this time? Nothing, nothing at all, it stands there creepily, not taking a single movement.

After almost everyone was able to move, the monster finally moved in and killed some that were still paralyzed.

Luckily or unluckily, some of the paralyzed people manage to get away from the grasp of the demon due to their teammates' help by snatching and moving them.

"Tch, the only reason why he paralyzes us in the first place is to see who's weak among us only to get rid of them soon after" Astr commented which Avli nodded his head in agreement to his claim.

Crunch xx?

The Monster that was once Alex was eating cheerfully by a tree. Nothing remained of his feast, Not even bones.

They all look with a expression of disgust, some of them even puked just seeing the sight of their friends getting eaten.

"We should attack from all surroundings while he's distracted eating," Avli said, the many that weren't puking all nodded and began to make their move.

All stood silently in their position waiting for the order from their leader. After waiting a bit of time, Avli made a hand movement.

Seeing the signal, all of them came rushing in with fear in their hearts. When they are about to strike, multiple spikes show themselves and shoot out at a fast acceleration in multiple directions.

Thump! Xxx???

More corpses show themselves in the monster's eating zone which made him even happier.

Luckily for some, they manage to come out unscathed while others…

"Ahhhh! My arm!"

"Shit! That Fucking monster just stabbed my leg"

Didn't manage to avoid the attack completely and slowly die an agonizing death 

"*huff**huff* what the fuck was that!" Astr, who was one of the lucky few who came out unscratched screamed

"He must've eaten an animal with the ability to shoot out spikes from its body, despite looking hideous, this thing still got his brains" Avli explained almost as if he's a geek talking greatness about an extinct animal.

"Avli there's no time to be admiring a fucking monster that is trying to eat us." Astr said in an aggressive tone.

"Y-Yeah you're right but we don't know how to kill this thing nor do we know what animal it has consumed. Shit this is getting frustrating that it scares me"

"Well to be honest with you, I don't exactly have a plan on how to deal with this. So we should charge in like before and we should also grab something to protect ourselves on the oncoming p-"



Without finishing his sentence, Avli's head got severed from his body by a white substance attached to a tree, and by that white substance is the ugly looking Alex

Avil's headless body stands there without falling over whatsoever.

The very man that Alex had trouble killing was killed with a simple web in his grotesque form.

Looking up, Astr wondered how he moved so fast from one spot to another, they were only looking away for a few seconds but it managed to travel at high speeds and kill the very second.

Seeing their leader die, all of their fighting spirits began to diminish. Only Astr has some fighting spirits left with him.

'It looks like it got bored with us and decided to kill us off now' Astr thought

"Everyone keep on fighting, if we don't kill this beast, our Tribe will fall and so will your family. So keep on fighting until you can no longer fight." Astr's voice echoed in the slaughterhouse forest.

Despite his honorable speech, some of them choose to run away and live rather than die and protect their Tribe. Truly dishonorable

The sad thing for those who try to run away, they all merely meet their end with a simple decapitation by the web.

Now only 4 were left to face off against the monster including Astr.

'This fucker is getting stronger the more it eats, what kind of bullshit is that' Astr thought angrily.

"Well, I guess it's only down to us 4 now huh. *sigh* if we aren't able to kill it then we should give it something that will stick with him for the rest of his life." They all nodded, they know they will die but at least they will die knowing they fought an honorable death.

All of them gaze at the beast with frightened hearts and a flame blazing spirit, ready to die in battle.

"Go!" Shouted Astr

All charge at the beast thinking he will shoot out spikes like before but this time, he let them right through letting them get close, knowing they will soon become food in the end.

"That's nice of you to let us through but I know you're just toying with-"


Astr was punched towards a tree and in the process, broke most of his bones. Just one punch managed to spit out a multitude of blood from his mouth.

"I really need to stop talking"

Astr looks on as the other 3 fight with perfect coronation and absolutely stunning workmanship. If one person possesses an opening, the other protects his opening and if that person is about to hit, they manage to redirect the attack to some other place else.

That my friends is called teamwork.

But not even teamwork can overcome the wide gap between them and the monster. They all are simply too weak. So what if you were able to land a hit, not a single scratch can be found on the surface of the exoskeleton.

So they try something else, they aim at his weak points, they try to hit but the beast dodge but at least they know that the beast is purposely dodging just for those areas. So the 3 of them made a plan, they will bait the beast with a faint attack only to be stabbed in the heart, killing it instantly.

That is what Astr thought and a little bit of him thought it would actually work but sadly for them, the beast set out his bait by purposely baiting his own heart.

He pretended to be following their bait so they could stab the heart and they stabbed it alright but it only left a tiny scratch that it's hard to see with all the fur blocking it. Hell even without the red fur, it'll still be hard to notice the wound.

Crunch!! Xx2

Both of the men that stabbed the beast got their heads bitten off at the same time. Horrifying both Astr and the other person.

The other person tried to attack but he soon got killed as well, only leaving Astr left of his group.

The beast left their body on the ground, saving them for later, and slowly walked towards Astr.

To Astr, it looks like a Reaper that is after its soul. No! A Reaper isn't as cruel and sadistic compared to this thing.

The Beast picked up Astr, looking at him. Astr tried to retaliate by kicking the ugly thing but his attempts were futile. 

"Eyes, l<n%s, Pancreas… @o ?a,y @na"(s, so little time.

Hearing the thing trying to speak in his own tongue freaked Astr out even more

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Astr continues to kick and kick hoping it will save him a bit of time before help arrives but no one will come. He will die here tonight!

The beast opens his large mouth and moves its way to Astr's head.

"No no no please wait Nooo–!"



what should this form of Alex be called cause you really think my boy is skill enough to have enough control of his ability to be able to change organs like that? hell nah, he's far from that mastery.

I started writing a bit more, but it will still take a while. also long ass chap

Good_Job_Budcreators' thoughts