
Devils Summoner

This is a story of a war which was passed down from gods to humans. Through the possession of human bodies, Angels and Demons alike fight each other over an ancient ordeal dating over 1,000 years. This war started from Lucifer’s never ending grudge over his father, eventually cursing all who resided in the Golden Road. Due to the Devil’s power being toxic to most human bodies, he has had only 1 successful summoner, though was only able to reach 20% of his true power, until finally, a new successor for his strength comes into the midst.

Stratuuss_X · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

" Mr. Len, where are we going?" Alex asks

" Im… not allowed to tell you that, but I do have something I need to tell you before we get there."

Adir and Alex look at each other with a concerned look on their face and Adir responds to Len.

" What is it?"

" Before you two take the exam, there is something you should know. Everyone that has been selected for the Agent Exam has either used magic accidentally in their life, has potential for using magic, or has intentionally and purposely used it. Don't think that just because you have your magic that you'll have the upper hand."

" Hm… Thanks for the advice, is there anything else?"

" There is A LOT more, but it wouldn't be an exam if I told you the answers now would it? Now get ready because we're almost here."

They soon arrive at a big warehouse type building and go to the large, gray entry doors. Len goes to the door and taps on it 10 times fast and 10 times slow. After a couple seconds, the doors open and an old man in a black suit is waiting there for them and he greets them.

" Hello Mr. Len, how are you?"

" I'm good Mr. Otto, what about you?"

" I'm fine, now is this the boy?"

Otto points his cane at Adir and Len responds,

" Mhm, this boy right here is the Devil's summoner."

Otto puts his cane back down and greets Adir.

" Hello young man, my name is Arthur Otto, and I am the leader of the Demon group, and I'll be the main examiner today, but you can just call me Mr. Otto ok?

" And my name is Adir, it's a pleasure to meet you sir."

" Hm? And who is the other boy over here? Is this the 7th?" Otto asks

" It sure is, but we should head in now right?" Len responds

" Oh! I'm sorry, let us continue."

The small group heads inside and Otto leads them to a main area with around 250 people in it. Otto leaves the group and heads up a large staircase with a balcony over the people resting on the top of the stairs and he begins to speak.

" Silence everyone! My name is Mr. Otto and today I will be your examiner! In a few minutes we will be starting the first part of the exam, now get everything you need ready!"

Everyone in the room collects themselves and begins to prepare, mentally and physically, with some people drinking water or food, with some even getting some items ready. A few minutes pass by and Otto collects everyone in the room again.

" Ahem! Now I presume that everyone is ready, so I shall begin to explain the first stage of the Exam. Some of you may have already seen quarters in this room, and if you have picked one up, drop it immediately or you WILL be disqualified."

After saying this, the crowd shifts and looks around, with some people dropping their quarters near where Mr. Otto was. Once they are all there, the quarters disappear to everyone's disbelief and Otto resumes his explanation.

" Thank you all for your cooperation and I'll begin explaining your instructions. There are 250 examinees in this room. There are 50 quarters in this room. In order to pass, you need a quarter. You may steal them from others, or get them by force, I don't necessarily care, as long as they are from one of the 50 quarters placed here, you can use it. When you get the quarter, you must keep it on you by the end of the 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes are over, everyone must stop what they are doing, and you will be checked to see if you have a quarter. And with that being said, let the first stage of this Agent Exam begin!"

Everyone in the room scatters and looks for a quarter, with Adir and Alex looking for one themselves.

I better be careful with what I do first, I don't wanna reveal my magic if I don't need to. Adir thinks to himself

It's now 2 minutes in, and Alex has already found a quarter, and he decides to hide it in one of his zippers. On the other side of the room, a boy around Adir's age, with silver like hair, and a big build, starts taking quarters from everyone he can. Adir doesn't have a quarter and he notices how many this guy has, so he thinks up a plan to confront him.

Maybe I can snag a quarter of this guy before the time runs out, but I should try to be careful with how I do this, keeping my abilities hidden for as long as possible is key. Adir plans in his head

Adir plans up behind him and tries to snatch a quarter out of the boy's hand, but he dodges Adir and looks at him.

" What are you trying to pull there? If you wanna fight, then confront me like a man!"

He throws a punch at Adir but he couldn't block it in time.

So fast!! And powerful too!

Adir is set a couple feet back but he gets back up. He gets into a fighting position and his hands start to emit a dark reddish-black color.

" You surprised me there, but before we fight, my name's Adir, what's yours?"

" My name is Butch, and I'll be the one pummeling you today!"

Will Adir be able to fight off his newfound foe Butch and pass the first stage? Find out next time on Devil's Summoner!