
Devils Summoner

This is a story of a war which was passed down from gods to humans. Through the possession of human bodies, Angels and Demons alike fight each other over an ancient ordeal dating over 1,000 years. This war started from Lucifer’s never ending grudge over his father, eventually cursing all who resided in the Golden Road. Due to the Devil’s power being toxic to most human bodies, he has had only 1 successful summoner, though was only able to reach 20% of his true power, until finally, a new successor for his strength comes into the midst.

Stratuuss_X · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

" Hey, Mr. Edgy-Demon! What does that staff do?!" Alex as

" The staff itself is mostly useless, but with time and training, Adir will hopefully show its true form." Lucifer replies

" My, my, it seems the demon's got his iron club now.." The lady from the bar says

" Um… who even are you…?" Adir says

" Ah, where are my manners, my name is Joseline Flasklin, but you can call me Miss Flasklin, what's your name young boy?"

" My name is Adir, and you look pretty young, why would I call you Miss?"

" Heh, you flatter me boy, but I'll have you know that I'm in my mid 30's."

Adir and Alex both give her looks of total shock, with Alex collapsing to the ground with this new revelation dawned upon him.

" Anyways, you two have to go take an exam in a couple of days." Robert says

" What?? An exam?! But I thought we were gonna get cool powers like a devil fruit or bankai!!" Alex responds

" Don't worry, because your studying for that exam is about to begin, now follow me…"

The two follow Len and go outside of the bar. They follow him until they get to a football stadium.

" Why are we outside the Yankee Stadium?" Adir asks

"Don't worry, you'll see."

Robert goes inside the stadium and finds one of the men's bathrooms and looks at the bathrooms right wall. In the very corner they see the numbers 1010 and a purple looking magic emits from his index finger, and when he touches it, the concrete wall fades away, revealing an underground staircase that leads to a gym-like area.

" Whoa…. What's this place?!" Alex asks

" This is the underground Demon training area. And for the next 3 days, you two will be training your asses off." Robert replies

" I have a bad feeling about this… I don't like the idea of a homeless man training me.." Adir says

" I heard that! But don't worry, it isn't me who'll be training you, but him!"

Robert points over to a bench with a man of tall stature with a very thick horseshoe mustache, wearing long grey pants and a black shirt with red white and blue stripes on it, and the man stands up and walks over to them.

" Hello young soldiers! My name is Mason Slate, but you can call me Mr. Slate."

" My name is Adir, Adir Elpida."

" And my name is Alex, Alex Drole."

" It's a pleasure to meet you two, for the next couple of days, I'm going to be training you, so don't let me down ok!"

Robert Len looks at Slate and waves to him as he vanishes into thin air.

" Now, I have a question for you boys, what is your goal?"

" Our goal? Hmm…. I guess it would be to stop the war." Adir responds

Slate looks at them and his face changes to a look of partial anger and he begins to raise his voice.

" End the war?! What utter foolishness! If you think ending the war is going to be an easy task, then you've got another thing coming! This war has been raging on for a thousand years, and you think you can just say that you're gonna end it! Utter bullshit!"

As he is ranting, Alex looks at him with a scared face, but Adir keeps his composure and lifts Alex off the ground.

" Yes, we're foolish! Of course we are, we're still young! We just had our normal lives ripped from us, we need guidance, so if what we say is wrong or stupid, then please, help us! We are gonna need every piece of help, every angle, and every advantage if we want to even talk about ending this war."

Slate steps back from them and his angry facial expression turns into a smile and he puts his hand out for a handshake.

" Heh, so this is the Devils summoner huh, well I can see that you're gonna make a great leader, and you two passed my test, so congratulations!"

Alex and Adir look at each other and look at Mr. Slate with a surprised expression and Alex says,

" Then what about our goals, do you still need to know them?"

" I would, but I'll have you tell me again by the end of your training, ok?"

The two of them nod as their hellish training begins…


Adir and Alex are in the training grounds still, and are finishing up their training, as Robert appears in front of them.

" You two ready to go? Your exam starts in a couple hours!"

" Yes, after those three days, I think we'll be able to handle it."

" I'm glad that Mason over here gave you some tough training, now put these clothes on and let's go."

Len hands Adir a shirt with a 0 on it and some pants that had a 0 on the bottom of them too, and hands Alex the same, but with a 7.

" These are cool!" Alex says

" Yeah… these are actually really nice.." Adir responds

" I'm glad you like them, now put them on and let's go!" Len says back

The two of them get ready and head out with Robert Len to start their exam..