
Devils journey

Absolute power doesn't corrupt, but rather, reveals character...

blablador · Others
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27 Chs

Target acquired

bruh forgot to mention but Lucifer and his noble phantasm are from "Type-Moon Fate Fanon Wiki". thats all folks!


the explanation took a while but after two hours Ozpin pretty much explained the whole story about him and Salem. at first he was cautious and when Lucifer told him that he was send here from another world to kill her Ozpin though that the young men was just crazy

well but when Lucifer showed him his noble phantasm the "Blades of the Abyss" Ozpin lost a grip on his Mug making it fall to the ground but thankfully it didnt shatter it just landed on the side letting the coffe pour out of it infinitely

altough Magic does not exist in this world both Ozpin and Salem still posses it as both of them are from the Era from where magic existed. Ozpin could sense the impossible high amount of magic that was in these two blades...it was ridiculous! they would annihilate a mountain in one go if not a whole continent!

but the truth would completely stupefied Ozpin...These blades could do so MUCH more...

Ozpin: w-well those blades are certainly powerful but i doubt that even they will be able to kill her...Salem is cursed...she cannot be killed i already tried to ask how to kill her by using the relic of Knowledge but the Jinn inside it told me that its imposible

Lucifer: oh? May you tell me how asked your question and what was her answer?

Ozpin: i asked "how can i kill Salem" and she answered me by telling "you cant". but why does this matter?

the Headmaster was a little confused as to why Lucifer would ask such a question, he could not understand why what he said back then was important

Lucifer: so in other words you asked how YOU can kill her, and not how she can be killed right?

Ozpin: yes?

Lucifer: from what i understood from your story it seems that you were in a relationship with her once.

Ozpin: Mr.Lucifer what does that has to do with anything?

Lucifer: its not that she cant be killed its just that you are not able to do it because you still have feelings for her, even the Jinn told you right? "you cant" she didnt tell you that Salem cannot be killed at all she just told you that YOU are not able to do it

the headmaster just kept looking at Lucifer dumbfounded and wanted to disagree but he found out he couldnt...no matter how much he tried to deny this the words would just not leave his mouth

Lucifer: and as a payment!

the headmaster stopped thinking about what Lucifer told him just a while ago and was now listening to him once again trying to predict what he will want for killing Salem

Lucifer: i will take the four relicts

the relicts were something the "God of Light" left in this world to help Ozpin kill Salem before he left but since Ozpin never discovered how to kill her, he decided to just lock them up. all of the relicts are in the huntsman academies, Beacon (relic of choice), Haven (relic of Knowledge), Shade (relic of Destruction) and Atlas (relic of Creation)

the relicts sounded interesting and powerful so of course he wanted them! and not to mention that such powerful weapons in a low-level world like this will bring more chaos than anything else

Ozpin has already told Lucifer about how powerful their magic was and how powerful is "Aura" and what a "Semblance" is. he was kind of impressed about Aura if not a little weird out that someone would use their own soul to protect themself

Ozpin: i would not mind to be honest but i cant speak for the headmasters from other academies...(especially James)

Lucifer: i dont believe i ever asked your or the other headmasters permission.

Ozpin: ...

Lucifer: good. i will go Kill Salem tomorrow do you have a room to spare?

---Yang POV---

Yang: ugh! finnaly! i'm free!

Ruby: Yang dont scream like that you are making everyone look at us!

right as she was about to say something to her little sister she saw PERFECTION! tall with pale skin and a muscular body. she could tell because Lucifer was not wearing any hoodie only a shirt


Yang: *puts a finger on Ruby mouth* shhh~ i need to do something

---inside Yang head---

Target: name unknown

Status: HOT!


---back to the real world---

her team was confused as to where Yang is going but one they saw Lucifer their mind just went blank for a second before getting back to normal

Ruby: *blush* i feel weird.

Blake: *blush* me too....

Weiss: *blush* oh~ he is...wow...

when Yang approached Lucifer who was currently walking to his room she taped his shoulder and put on a seductive smile

Yang: hey there sexy~ how about we go and-

Lucifer: *proceeds to walk away* sorry i'm not interested

(A/N: BEGONE....THOT!!!!!!!!)




'what just happened?'

Yang stood there frozen in complete shock but to be fair it was not only her that had this reaction as her teammates were also shocked...except weiss she was still in her fantasy

Blake: d-did YANG just got...

she said while heavily emphasizing her teammate name who was considered one of the most beautiful girls in Beacon. she could just not process what has happened as every guy that she ever saw never denied Yang like that

Ruby: wow...that never happened before...

Weiss: *still daydreaming* hehehe~ mmm yes~ he would look astonishing in that...

---in Lucifer room + Lucifer POV---

'well to be honest i admit that the girl was beautiful and very "mature" in some parts of her body but if i really want to have some of "that" i could just visit a brothel...besides i dont want a relationship'

he thought to himself while in the shower. at first he was confused as to what does she want with him but he soon realized her intentions and decided to just deny her advances

he could have done this more gently but even if he tried he wouldnt know how to do it so he decided with a quick and simple way.

when he got out of the shower and started to dry himself with a towel he noticed something in the mirror...it was for a second but he was sure of it!

he quickly took a smaller mirror and turned his back to the one hanging on the bathroom, he then used the smaller one to see his back and... there was nothing! completly nothing!! how could this be!?

Lucifer: but thats...

when he was in the mortal world a curse was cast on him...it was even called one of his noble phantasm's...[Number of the Beast: 666] the curse in the form of a tattoo on his back that greatly limits his strength...now its gone...

Lucifer: how?

[Simple! sience you work as a Multiverse Traveler the world will "tolerate" your strength and it will not place a curse as long as you in a right state of mind!]

Lucifer: *jumps a little in surprise*...you are?

[Your system! i am someone who will answer your every question and make the transactions from the "shop" function! we meet before when i explained you how your work should be done remember?]

Lucifer: yes i just didnt expect you to be with me all the time

[my mistake! sorry for not telling earlier! oh! and also you have been deemed worthy to advance into level two!]

Lucifer: what does that mean and what are the benefits?

[the level two allows you to be summoned by a individual who has been deemed worthy enough to posses our "summoning ticked" the difference from this job and your normal job is that its the individual who summoned you gives you the mission! the individual can use the ticked multiple times but the cool down of using it, is 5 days]

Lucifer: so my "normal" job is to save a world or something similar while my job when i am being summoned is to Grand wishes?

[Yes! exactly! plus every time someone will summon you they will need you to pay you with something, EXAMPLE: a physical possession of theirs, their lifespan, or their soul after death! this kind of payment will of course be taken by the system and you will be rewarded with "credits"]

[after the request from the summoner is done you will be transported to the world you have been taken from]

honestly? this job was oddly fitting for "the devil" and besides this may have been fun experience so why not?

Lucifer: how will it work? will i be just transported randomly?

[no you will be able to access the "Summoning missions" only when you dont have a job given you by Bob like the one that you are currently doing! after the job that Bob gave you is done you may choose to "switch on" the function to being summoned! if there will be a mission that you can take, you will be informed about it trough me and will be able to chose if you want to take it or not]

well as far as he is concerned this is just a way to get "credits" faster and quicker although probably at a smaller amount then when doing his "normal" missions

he just nodded and then exited his bathroom, he sat on one of the beds and decided to take put a book that he bought from a store a couple of days ago...it was a curious book about a men with two souls and after the headmaster told him a little about his previous reincarnations he found out that the plot sounded a little familiar...

Lucifer: that f*cking wizard just spoiled the book for me...

he was a little pissed because after reading a couple of pages he was for now sure that this book was written by none other than Ozpin himself...or rather one of his previous reincarnations...

Lucifer: *sigh* well i guess there is not need to reed this anymore...hey system do i have any credits left?


Lucifer: ...

he then proceeded to spend the night trying not to die from boredom....


kay end of the chapter i have a game of "DnD" to play with my buddies bye~